Although the scarred man has long learned about it from the people who took the initiative to send the news.

But I used to be skeptical, but now I am convinced.

Putting people who don't know the details into the caravan is a taboo for running businessmen. This kind of thing is only done by the inexperienced Chief-In-Charge.

"When is this, you have to come to add chaos, I shouldn't have agreed to Miss Bu's words, let you come to this caravan."

Grizzly here Shi also said annoyedly.

When Qi Le appeared before, the Grizzlies were full of vigilance.

It's just that Bu Yuyan spoke later, so the Grizzlies couldn't refute his employer's words.

But now, the Grizzlies feel that he should be more resolute in the first place and should not agree to Bu Yuyan's suggestion.

Bu Yuyan, after hearing Qi Le's voice, suddenly remembered that she seemed to have helped a lost traveler before.

But now that I think about it, this is probably not a help, but a hindrance.

Thinking of this, Bu Yuyan sighed silently, then opened the curtain of the car, and said: "I'm so sorry, this time may hurt you."

"If this If I can reach Yuanshan City safely this time, I will buy all your goods."

After speaking, Bu Yuyan sighed again.

Because under this situation, Bu Yuyan also knew that it would be difficult to reach Yuanshan City safely.

Hearing the sound coming from the car, Qi Le immediately jumped off the roof.

"You dare to come down!"

Seeing Qi Le fall to the ground, several bandits immediately wanted to step forward and take down Qi Le to show off the previous evil.

But the iron tiger on the side glared his eyebrows, and then immediately backed away.

Even if the bandits now have an advantage.

But as long as there is no official cast aside all considerations for face, these bandits still have to give face to these mercenaries.

Especially the Iron Tiger or the Captain of the Hammer Mercenary Squad.

"Che, as timid as a mouse."

Qi Le caught a glimpse of this scene, suddenly curl one's lip, and said disdainfully.

"You! What did you say? You say it again!"

"Damn you, don't think we are afraid of you, I will make you regret your birth later. in this world!"

Motivated by Qi Le's words, these bandits began to burn with anger again.

I didn't catch this guy before and lost face.

Now I have to be ridiculed, it is really tolerable or unbearable.

"I want to see who of you dares to move him in front of me!"

Iron Tiger is coldly snorted.

The war horse under his seat also snorted, and a hoof slammed on the ground.

Suddenly the noisy bandits quieted down.

This move made Qi Le look at Tiehu more, and said to his heart, it turned out that this guy is also cold and warm.

"What do you mean?"

When the scarred man saw this scene, his face suddenly became gloomy.

Because of Tiehu's actions, he was slapped in the face.

"I don't mean anything, but before my employer speaks, you don't want to move people on my side under my nose."

Tiehu shrugged, without showing any weakness The fight back went back.

To be a mercenary, all you need is courage.

If you have been terrified and over-cautious, then be a mercenary with a hammer.

"Good! Good! Good!"

The scarred man spit out three good words in a row, which made the look on his face so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

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