Xiaowen, who was pushed into the carriage by the gray leopard, looked towards Bu Yuyan beside her, still carrying the expression of lose one's head out of fear.

"Miss, what should we do, we met a bandit."

For a maid who has been in Feiyan Chamber of Commerce and never traveled far, encountering bandit is definitely The most exciting experience in my life.

Bu Yuyan hearing this, her face changed slightly.

When he was in the Chamber of Commerce in Feiyan, Bu Yuyan had heard about the bandits and knew that these guys were cruel and violent, commiting any imaginable misdeed for money.

Regard human life as a must.

But at that time, Bu Yuyan thought, Feiyan Chamber of Commerce had such a powerful influence, and would invite powerful mercenary squad to escort the caravan.

Where can ordinary bandits be so unsightly to provoke them.

However, when she really met the bandits, Bu Yuyan couldn't help panicking in her heart.

Even if you have confidence in Feiyan Chamber of Commerce and the mercenaries who protect the caravan, Bu Yuyan is impossible not to be nervous when it comes to his own life and death.

"Xiaowen, don't worry, trust Tiehu Captain and them."

But Bu Yuyan finally restrained the panic in her heart and said calmly.

Because Bu Yuyan knew that if she panicked at this time, it would be a major event.

The iron tiger mentioned by Bu Yuyan refers to the Captain of the hammer mercenary squad.

It is also the only Grandmaster Rank among the mercenaries who escorted the caravan at this time.

At the moment these bandits appeared, the Iron Tiger became vigilant and drove out of the caravan array and came to the forefront of the caravan.

It's definitely not simple to have such a large array of bandits.

Looking at the posture, it must have been here for a long time.

But after these bandits appeared, they didn't directly robbed them. Instead, they calmed down the entire caravan, indicating that they actually didn't want to go to war.

So Tiehu also knows, as long as he comes out.

Then the boss of these bandits will definitely follow.

Sure enough, after the Iron Tiger walked out of the caravan's array, a man wearing a Battle Armor and a belt with a long knife immediately drove a black steed and appeared in front of the Iron Tiger.

"Since you are willing to come out, it means that you are also willing to negotiate. Let's talk about it. What do you want?"

Tiehu stared at the man and said in a deep voice To.

The man in front of him has a very masculine face, but a scar that knows his chin from his forehead adds a bit of fierceness to him.

"What do we want?"

The scarred man looked at Tiehu, and after repeating this sentence, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"We have spent so much energy, united so many people, squatting here waiting for your arrival, what we want, of course, is all the supplies you escorted."

The scarred man said loudly, then his voice was slightly paused, and he looked towards Tiehu again with a playful look.

"I am not here to negotiate with you, just to tell you."

"If you don't want to die in vain, just leave me obediently and honestly. One point, otherwise, you just wait to bury this caravan."

And this sentence, also explained clearly to Tiehu, why these mountain bandits did not directly rob.

Useless casualties, even these desperate bandits do not want to see things.

But if someone does not listen to advice, then they will not be afraid to go to war.

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