This so-called guide is actually a pass for materials.

You must have a guide for this material to allow the material you transport to enter the city-state.

So the guide is also one of the foundations for the survival of Chamber of Commerce.

But it is not a simple matter to get a guide. If you do not have certain strength, I am afraid that others will not care about you.

"The Big Chamber of Commerce, the big caravan, in the eyes of the bandits, it is probably a big fat sheep."

Along with the shaky carriage, Qi Le half Lying on top of the goods, I also feel drowsy.

In a daze, I suddenly noticed that the carriage under me gave a sudden stop.

Immediately afterwards, the surroundings began to become noisy.

"What's going on? What happened?"

Qi Le suddenly changed from half-lying to sitting up, and his face was full of doubts by the way.

It won't be the sentence before going to bed, it's really a word.

However, the truth is exactly what Qi Le thought.

Around this road, I don't know when a large number of bandits with various weapons appeared, and they were very arrogantly surrounding this caravan of hundreds of carriages.

"Stop! Stop it all for me, no one is allowed to move!"

"Don't think about resisting, and don't sneak small moves. It's no good for you!" " " How about you say! did not hear it, do not move! otherwise, I can not blame the knife is not a long-term perspective. " come around the mountain bandits who foul-mouthed Yelled, and when he saw who dared to move, he rushed up and kicked to the ground.

If you still dare to resist, then you can directly take the knife.

The thrill of blood suddenly made these coachmen who had never experienced such a scene pale and squatted shiver coldly on the ground.

Don't say anything, I don't even dare to make a sound.

For fear of being careless, these bandits will be irritated, and then they will give themselves a knife.

Runners drive cars and make hard money.

There is no need to take your own life for such a trivial matter.

But the mercenaries of the Hammer Mercenary Squad are different. When they see these bandits, their faces suddenly become extremely serious.

There are so many bandits who can enclose such a large caravan.

To be honest, in the years since Hammer Mercenary Squad was established, the number of times I have seen it can be counted on one's fingers.

And the previous few times, I encountered it when working with other mercenary squad to protect the caravan.

However, this time, there is only one hammer mercenary squad.

"What happened?"

At this time, the front curtain of the luxurious carriage opened again, and Xiaowen poked her head out from behind the curtain.

The Grey Leopard stepped forward very alertly and blocked the window tightly with his body.

"Girl Xiaowen, the caravan has encountered a mountain bandit, you should go in quickly, and we will tell you and Miss Bu after we deal with it."

The gray leopard whispered again. Speaking very quickly.

In the eyes of the bandits, the value of employers is much higher than their mercenaries who protect the caravan.

Especially when the employer is still so beautiful, it is extremely dangerous.

"Mountain, bandit!"

After Xiaowen heard the gray leopard's words, she immediately turned pale with fright.

Fortunately, the gray leopard reacted quickly, covering Xiaowen's mouth, before she let her scream out, and pushed her into the car and lowered the car curtain smoothly.

"Miss, what should we do, what should we do, we met a mountain bandit."

Xiaowen, who was pushed into the carriage by the gray leopard, still wears lose one's head out of The expression of fear.

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