"Miss Xiaowen, is there anything wrong?"

The mercenary asked respectfully.

This person sitting in the luxurious carriage is the Eldest Miss and Bu Yuyan from the Feiyan Chamber of Commerce who hired the hammer mercenary squad this time.

And this little girl with her head poked out, is the maid, Xiaowen, who has been with Bu Yuyan Eldest Miss since she was a child.

I said it was a maid, but in fact, the relationship between Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen is more like a sister.

So these mercenaries did not dare to underestimate them.

Just because she is a maid, she was sent to Feiyan Chamber of Commerce since she was a child, so Xiaowen does not have a surname.

"My family's lady, let me ask you, what happened before? How did the caravan slow down?"

Xiaowen saw the mercenary beat the horse away Coming over, I asked aloud immediately.

When caravans are transporting supplies, they are most afraid of accidents.

The precursor to the accident is probably that the caravan's advancing speed suddenly slows down.

"That's it, because a person who claims to be a lost traveler suddenly appeared in front of him, and the grizzly bear Vice Captain is now negotiating with him."

The mercenary looked The situation ahead, I answered aloud.

"Will it be dangerous?"

Xiaowen asked quickly when she heard the word "negotiation".

The situation of "negotiation" will be used, which is basically not a good situation.

For example, if you encounter mountain bandits who rob Dao, or those cultivators who come to fight the autumn wind, the mercenary squad accompanied by the caravan will negotiate.

"It shouldn't be dangerous. According to the detection, the so-called traveler should be an ordinary person."

The mercenary who was questioned raised his right hand, A small window on the arm armor was opened.

In this small window, there is a mirror made of crystal, and on the mirror is an icon in the style of an energy column.

This mirror is a simple energy fluctuation detector.

The function is very simple, that is, the ability to detect the target.

Although the upper limit of detection is not high, the difficulty of production is not low, so the price is definitely not cheap.

However, even if the price is not cheap, this kind of detector is also a must for a professional mercenary squad.

And now, almost all of the energy columns of this detector are gray, with only a little bit of light at the bottom.

It means that the detected target is just an ordinary person.

The little light at the bottom shows that it is actually Life Aura, not energy fluctuations.

If there is no more light on the energy column, it can only indicate that the detection is a dead person, or... Peak powerhouse that exceeds the detection limit of the detector.

Now let’s look at the results displayed by the detector.

The guy who claims to be a traveler should be an ordinary person. That's right.

"Since he is an ordinary person, let him go quickly. These supplies have to be shipped to the city state as soon as possible."

Xiaowen also took a look at the probe. And then returned to the compartment.

In the carriage, there was another woman sitting.

This woman has a beautiful face, picturesque eyebrows, a red lips, smooth, soft and glossy skin, and she is definitely a devastatingly beautiful face.

And the blue silk on the woman's head turned into a bun, adding a mature temperament to her.

Wearing an underskirt and a brocade robe on his shoulders, he appears to have several points of elegant and poised.

Sitting there quietly, you have a unique aura.

Apart from Xiaowen, the only ones who can sit in this carriage are Eldest Miss from Feiyan Chamber of Commerce-Bu Yuyan.

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