Qi Le does not reject this emotion.

Because you are away from home, especially when this kind of escort supplies.

Be vigilant, you can guarantee the maximum degree of safety.

So Qi Le can also understand.

But when the object of vigilance is himself, to be honest, Qi Le can't think of a good way for a while.

You can't just kill the opponent just because of this kind of reasonable thing.

Then Qi Le has become a mountain bandit himself.

And when Qi Le was thinking about what to say next, the robust man who was out to talk to Qi Le became impatient at this moment.

Seeing Qi Le still standing in front, he immediately said with an unhappy expression: "Okay, don't stand here and get in the way!"

"If you still think, this Such insignificant ability can also confuse our hammer mercenary squad, then we are too underestimated."

In this passage, Robust Man also reported his name.

Transporting supplies with the caravan and protecting the safety of the caravan can be regarded as one of the main businesses of the mercenary squad.

So those powerful mercenary squad, their names are not only famous in the mercenary world, but also in the ears of the bandits in the vicinity. They are also famous.

Many powerful mercenary squads are in the process of protecting the caravan, and when they encounter mountain bandits, they only need to report their name.

Then these mountain bandits who dare to come to robbery will begin to weigh their own weight.

Is it enough to qualify for this ticket sale?

If you know that you are not strong enough, then these bandits will leave automatically and will not bother you too much.

After all, the job of robbing the road is a matter of tying the head to the waistband.

It's all for making money, who would be willing to die?

And the name of the hammer mercenary squad, not to mention that it is famous in the mercenary world, but among the nearby city-states, it still has several points of thin face.

So this robust man mercenary also directly reported his mercenary squad name.

And doing this is also to explore the bottom of the so-called traveler in front of him.

As long as this guy shows a thoughtful look, it is almost certain that this guy is a spy sent by the mountain bandit.

However, for Qi Le, this name is destined to be impossible.

"What hammer mercenary squad? Are you called a hammer?"

Qi Le looked at the robust man in front of him with a look of confusion, a little paused, and then said: " Then the taste of your name is too bad."

"What are you talking about?! I'm a grizzly! Bah... we are not talking about this now!"

robust man Grizzly's eyes widened, and when he was about to argue with Qi Le, he remembered the business.

But now when I look at the expression on Qi Le's face, it doesn't seem to be pretending.

Is this guy really a passing traveler? In other words, the hammer mercenary squad is actually not well-known.

It should be the former.

As a member of the hammer mercenary squad, Grizzlies naturally argued for the mercenary squad he was in.

However, in this stalemate for a short while, the speed of the entire caravan slowed down.

Fortunately, the mercenaries of the hammer mercenary squad are maintaining order, so although the speed has slowed down, it is not chaotic.

At this moment, the curtain on the side of the luxurious carriage at the head suddenly opened a small opening from the inside.

A little girl with a slightly immature face but an unearthly face poked her head from under the car curtain.

Seeing this, a mercenary guarding nearby immediately fought forward.

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