In the future, when Yue Xi'er feels that he is worthy of Qi Le, he can start his own counterattack from the identity of the younger sister.

Say the thing that I dare not say to Qi Le.

Going further is not a dream.

"Come on!"

Yue Xi'er recalled his plan, cheering for himself in his heart.

Waiting blindly is not the best decision. If you like it, you should fight for it.

Although Yue Xi'er is shy, she also wants to work hard once.

Even if you didn't succeed in the end, it is a good choice to be able to use the identity of the younger sister and always be by Qi Le's side.

Facing Yue Xi'er's close actions and explanations.

Qi Le feels that there seems to be no problem.

The younger sister and the big brother are more intimate. Doesn’t it mean that the relationship is good? What can be the problem?

"Well, the main reason is that there was a younger sister suddenly, and I didn't get used to it for a while."

Qi Le laughed, rubbing Yue Xi'er with the other hand Head.

Yue Xi'er also leaned on Qi Le's shoulder as he wished, enjoying the tranquility and warmth of this moment.

The close 1st Step, very successful!

To get to the last step, the beginning is always the most important and the most difficult.

Just like childhood sweethearts.

Once the relationship begins to get closer, some things are always logical, where water flows, a canal is formed.

Although the night market of City of Life is lively, it is not noisy.

Tourists of all races are on the street to-and-fro, bargaining with street vendors, or tasting delicacies, or admiring the night view.

Among them, there are friends, couples, and parents with children.

In addition to their different races, the desire for peace and emotions are actually the same.

No one wants to live in dire straits.

No one wants to live a life without food.

The current City of Life is just right, always giving people a sense of tranquility and peace.

Qi Le and Yue Xi'er walked slowly in the night market.

Yue Xi'er is at the front and Qi Le is at the back.

"Qi Le big brother, try this, I think it's delicious."

Yue Xi'er bought a bunch of meatballs from the food stall and bit After one came down, he handed it to Qi Le.

Snacks can’t be used as meals. If you buy too much, it’s boring.

So Qi Le didn't think about anything, so he took the meatballs from Yue Xi'er and tasted one.

The taste is strong, delicious and salty, with a hint of spiciness.

The spiciness should be the taste of the sauce brushed on the outside of the meatballs.

"It's really good."

Qi Le only tasted one, and handed the meatball skewers back to Yue Xi'er with a sentence of return It is a sincere evaluation.

If it is compared to the food provided by the system, the taste of this meatball is really nothing.

But when evaluating snacks, how can such super-regular food be used for comparison?

So in all fairness, Qi Le's evaluation is not perfunctory.

This meatball made of meat from which I don’t know what demonic beast is indeed has its merits.

The City of Life is very big, and the night market is also impossible to visit in one day.

So when eating all kinds of snacks and they are almost full, Qi Le and Yue Xi'er also think they should return to the store.

And the relationship between the two was quickly pulled closer during the night market visit this time.

No longer as rusty and restrained as before.

So, when Yue Xi'er took Qi Le's hand and returned to the store with a smile on his face, he was taken aback by Yue Shuangxue who was all night.

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