As for the landscape, although the terrain difference between the eastern wilderness and the northern mountain range is huge, the difference between Cloudmist City and City of Life will be equally huge.

But helplessly, it is night now.

Who is going to see the scenery when visiting the night market?

At most, look at the lights and night scenes.

The magic lights that spread throughout the city and the starlight all over the sky contrast with each other.

For Yue Xi'er, the night market visited this time is also like a dream.

Because this is Yue Xi'er's first date with Qi Le.

If this can be considered a date.

At this time, although there are not many tourists on the street, they are not too few, making the whole night market very lively.

The influence of Storkal's coming to City of Life before, with the ebbing of time, has gradually been diluted.

Qi Le was walking down the street, and by the way, he took a look at the buildings that had been destroyed before.

It has now been rebuilt.

It's just those buildings that were rebuilt later, with obvious traces of newly built buildings, and there is a clear demarcation line with the surrounding buildings.

It seems that City of Life was built a long time ago.

While Qi Le was thinking about these things, Yue Xi'er who was following him, after hesitating for a long time, finally reached out and hugged Qi Le's arm.

Perceiving this movement, Qi Le glanced back at Yue Xi'er.

"What's the matter?"

Qi Le looked at Yue Xi'er a little puzzled, thinking she had something to do.

"It's nothing, the younger sister is holding the big brother's hand, there is something weird about It shouldn't be."

Yue Xi'er mustered his courage and said Explained his behavior.

In fact, Yue Xi'er wanted to do this very much in the past.

But when in the store, because of the difference in identity, Yue Xi'er always feels that there is a gap between him and Qi Le.

However, this problem is finally solved today.

Compared with the previous Store Assistant, the identity of younger sister can be regarded as a lot closer.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the closest person.

So this also allowed Yue Xi'er to brave the courage to take the initiative to make some more intimate actions with Qi Le.

After all, it is basically impossible to count on Qi Le to take the initiative.

But waiting all the time, it doesn't seem to look good.

So Yue Xi'er can only figure out its own way and take the initiative to attack.

If you directly speak your own heart and want to be the lover who will be with you for a lifetime, judging by Qi Le’s character, I’m afraid it’s also a refusal.

Because of Qi Le's character, on the surface, it may just be easy-going and principled.

But in truth, it should be laziness and firmness.

He has his own opinions and is very unwilling to be bound.

So the relationship between couples is a very exclusive relationship for Qi Le.

In such an inappropriate situation, speak up directly.

The relationship between the two is about to show a scar that cannot be healed.

This is what Yue Xi'er does not want to see anyway.

And, the most important point.

That is, Yue Xi'er feels that the current self is not worthy of Qi Le.

Because I am too weak now, I can't help Qi Le at all, so I can only watch the shop behind him silently.

That's why Yue Xi'er came up with this kind of compromise.

Being able to have a more intimate relationship with Qi Le will not bother Qi Le.

Moreover, after waiting for the right time, Yue Xi'er will also take action.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (chapter 155: Take the initiative)...

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