"Since Little Xue is not going, let's go to the night market in City of Life."

"In fact, the food and snacks here are quite good. There are many, there should be many you haven't eaten."

Qi Le said to Yue Xi'er with a faint smile on his face.

"Okay, okay."

Yue Xi'er looked at Qi Le's face, so nervous that he couldn't help but grasp the corners of his clothes.

Two people go to the night market together, is this the legendary... date!

Qi Le still said the word dating.

Then it quickly became popular among couples in the shop, and brought it out of the shop, which became a novel vocabulary.

Don’t know why, a single dog would say this term that is not a single dog.

"Your face is so red, are you okay."

Qi Le didn't notice Yue Xi'er's reaction at all, just felt that Yue Xi'er's blush was a little bit different normal.

The temperature in the store should be adjusted automatically.

Is it very hot?

"No, it's okay, Store Manager, let's go."

Yue Xi'er took a deep breath and finally stabilized the beating heart of peng peng.

"That's good, if you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell me."

"Yes, there is one more thing, after I leave the shop, call me Qi Le is fine, you don't have to call me Store Manager all the time, because it feels a bit rusty."

Qi Le clicked nodded, and then added another sentence.

I have been calling Store Manager Store Manager, and it feels a bit like a relationship between superiors and superiors.

This is nothing in the store.

After all, Yue Xi'er is in the store, it is indeed the Store Assistant.

But in Qi Le's eyes, Yue Xi'er is not just a Store Assistant.

After coming to this World, Qi Le has been alone until Yue Xi'er broke into Qi Le's life due to mishaps and became the number one Store in the store Assistant.

Then get along together day and night.

Since then, Yue Xi'er has remained in the store for various reasons.

Today, as Qi Le himself said, Yue Xi'er is the Store Assistant in the store, but it is also like a family member.

So outside the store, Qi Le prefers Yue Xi'er to call his name directly.

Or some other titles.

Instead of calling yourself Store Manager all the time.

"Store Manager, is it really okay to call your name directly?"

Yue Xi'er asked a little surprised.

Don’t talk about anything else, at least so far, only Yue Shuangxue is the only one who will directly call Qi Le’s name. No, it should be said to be this cat.

This is mainly because Qi Le took Yue Shuangxue back to the store, which caused Yue Shuangxue's oral dissatisfaction.

So I used this method to resist.

However, as long as it continues to this day, the dissatisfaction should be gone, but the address has become a habit, so I kept it.

But for everyone else, it is basically Qi Le called Store Manager to show respect.

Including the existence that Yue Xi'er can only look up to.

That's why Qi Le's words made Yue Xi'er so surprised.

"Of course you can, but if you want to use other names, there is no problem."

Qi Le answered in the affirmative.

"That, that...... Qi, Qi Le......"

"......big brother."

Yue Xi'er said very nervously , The sound is a bit choppy.


Qi Le feels like he has heard two other words.

"Qi Le big brother, this is what you said yourself, I can use other names, right."

.. You can click on the "favorite" record below This time (chapter 153: Store Assistant and family)...

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