"No, how could it be possible? You must have misheard it. Why would I be bothered by you."

Yue Shuangxue immediately showed a sweet smile , The cat's tail behind him was shaking more attentively.

The so-called bold and intimidating is probably like this.

"Then I heard you wrong, you can do whatever you want after closing the shop."

Qi Le shrugged, yawned, and walked to the bedroom on the second floor.

Soon, probably after the Mid-Autumn Festival special event ends.

Qi Le is about to open the barrier gate and go to another world to collect the strength of faith, so now it is necessary to let Yue Shuangxue be alone.

Otherwise Qi Le can't worry about it.

Now, take advantage of the past few days before leaving, go back to the Cloudmist City store every night to check it out.

As for the Mid-Autumn Festival, reunion with family is the business.

Although on the surface, the Mid-Autumn Festival is only one day, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a special event, but it is seven days long.

So Qi Le will be the Mid-Autumn Festival for seven days.

So this night, after Yue Shuangxue got the copy information that Qi Le told her, he spent the whole night to experiment with the copy of the palace in the middle of the moon.

Then publish it in their little kitty Guild, let the Guild members figure out and practice on their own.

Be sure to familiarize yourself within a day.

This little kitty Guild is actually Guild created by Yue Shuangxue to earn Spirit Crystal.

It's just that Yue Shuangxue's previous image was so cute that it attracted a few little loli to join Guild.

For example, Desolate Origin Empire’s Little Princess Ling Diewu, for example, Lan Zi'er and Nalan Qinqi...

But it doesn’t matter.

Because of these people, simply don't read Guild's news very much.

And when Yue Shuangxue was preparing to spend the night, Qi Le returned to the Cloudmist City store and found Yue Xi'er.

Then brought Yue Xi'er to the north mountain range.

"This is what Store Manager said, a new piece of Heaven and Earth?"

After Yue Xi'er came to the City of Life store, he looked surprised and curious. Looked around.

Yue Xi'er, who has lived in Moonlight Forest since childhood, has been to Cloudmist City at best.

I didn't even go to the Eastern Wilderness, but I first came to a new piece of Heaven and Earth. I have to say that this kind of experience is quite magical.

"Yes, this is the northern mountain range."

"Outside is the City of Life built by Elf Race. The night market here is much more lively than Cloudmist City."

Qi Le followed Yue Xi'er who looked around and introduced her.

Because Yue Xi'er needs to see the store, Qi Le can only bring Yue Xi'er over after closing the store.

"Little Xue, do you want to roam around together?"

Qi Le rushed into the deck and Yue Shuangxue shouted.

"No, you go, there is something to shop around in this kind of place, if I follow along, Xi'er will not hate me."

Yue Shuangxue Almost without even thinking about it, he turned down Qi Le's invitation.

In the second half of the sentence, a blush floated on Yue Xi'er's face.

"Okay, then you can continue to stay in the store."

Qi Le did not continue to shout.

Bring one more cat, or one less cat ear loli, there is actually not much difference.

Anyway, Yue Shuangxue stays in City of Life and has some time to go shopping.

"Then the two of us will go to the night market in City of Life. There are actually quite a lot of food and snacks here, and there should be many that you haven't eaten before."

Qi Le said to Yue Xi'er with a light smile on his face.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (chapter 1552: Let's go shopping together)...

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