"I felt a scent from her that made me uncomfortable. I don't know if my feeling is wrong."

Lan Qi said without concealment Came out.

Qi Le hearing this, immediately glanced at Yue Shuangxue, and found that the look in her eyes was a bit wrong.

It's a bit like the look in Yafei's eyes when he sees the food.

"Dragon Race and Devouring Civet......"

Qi Le suddenly wanted to understand.

The Devouring Civet during the Peak period, giant dragon is included in their recipes.

The giant dragon is full of treasures. For Devouring Civet, it is an extremely delicious meal.

And the giant dragon also has hobby that collects treasure.

This is particularly attractive to Devouring Civet.

So Devouring Civet and Dragon Race have always been wrong.

Fortunately, Devouring Civet has always been a lineage single pass, and this one is the only one in the world, so it poses no threat to the entire Dragon Race.

In general, both are everyone minds their own business.

But once it happens, there will basically be a big battle.

"That should be your feeling wrong."

Qi Le replied with a blank expression, and then reached out and grabbed Yue Shuangxue back behind the counter.

"Qi Le, what are you doing, why did you catch me here."

Yue Shuangxue was caught behind the counter without resistance, and then pouted. Staring at Qi Le, she asked violently.

"I mainly want to remind you that you can't beat Ranchi."

"Also, you should not use this kind of look on customers in the store."

Qi Le said directly.

Under the right conditions, cats and mice can live together. Why don’t Devouring Civet and giant dragon work?

"What are you talking about, I didn't...no...well, okay."

Yue Shuangxue originally wanted to refute it, but Qi Le seems to be able to see it through All eyes were staring, and the tone suddenly weakened.

"I will try not to have this kind of thought in the future."

At the end of the day, Yue Shuangxue seems to be a little aggrieved.

"It's impossible to tell good from bad ..."

Qi Le somehow didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

But soon, Yue Shuangxue walked out of the grievances, pointed to a customer who had just entered the store, and said to Qi Le: "Qi Le, I feel that there is something very powerful in her. The treasure."

Following Yue Shuangxue's fingers, Qi Le looked over.

The person entering the store is...Tiana.

The powerful treasure mentioned by Yue Shuangxue should be the holy light ball on Tiana.

"She does have a powerful treasure on her body, but what do you want to do?"

Qi Le stared at Yue Shuangxue, and asked pointedly.

"I...well, I didn't want to do anything, I just watched the store."

Yue Shuangxue immediately recovered his wronged appearance.

It can be seen that epic weapons are indeed very attractive to Yue Shuangxue.

After all, this is the only epic weapon that has appeared in the store so far. The energy contained in it is naturally far more than the previous products.

However, it can also be seen from this that Devouring Civet does not cover the perception of treasure.

Even if the holy light ball has been received by Tiana, it can be sensed by Yue Shuangxue.

"Qi Store Manager, are you bullying Little Xue, Little Xue is so cute, why are you bullying her."

Yafeir saw Yue Shuangxue feel wronged. Immediately after his appearance, he said aloud.

"I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Qi Le quickly denied it.

.. You can click the "favorites" below to record this time (chapter 542: grievances Baba)...

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