"Aren't you?"

Yafei took a close look at the cat ears on the top of Yue Shuangxue's head, and then made sure that he was not mistaken before asking out loud. To.

"Little Xue is a special case, she is a Human Race, but you can think of her as a beast ear clan."

Qi Le explained to the side, answering Yafeier Doubts.

"so that's how it is, no wonder she would say that, is there such a cute clansman in Human Race."

Yafeier suddenly realized that nodded, and then friendly And Yue Shuangxue began to communicate.

Race view, in the northern mountain range, is the least cared about.

Unless it is a vicious race, such as Nightmare Demon Race.

Try to be an enemy of all other races.

Otherwise, one race is rarely biased against another.

Besides, Yue Shuangxue's lovely appearance will be very popular no matter where it is.

There are really few prejudices between races.

But this thing about the Appearance Association, that might be the case.

So it didn't take long for Yafeier and Yue Shuangxue to talk happily.

If neither of them likes to drink, maybe this time they will start talking about wine.

And an old customer like Yafeier came to introduce Yue Shuangxue about the customers in the store. In his spare time, he could also talk about the situation of the northern mountain range. Qi Le also had a good time.

Because the work of the Store Assistant is not complicated, that is, collecting Spirit Crystal, recharging Membership Card and so on.

Just replenish the goods once a day.

Sometimes it’s not taken care of, and it’s okay to let customers help themselves.

Anyway, customers who have the guts to escape orders in the Qi Le store have not yet appeared.

So soon, Yue Shuangxue became friends with Lilian, Yiluya and the others.

The friendship between girls is sometimes so fast.

"Qi Store Manager, today should be the day when the Mid-Autumn Festival special event begins."

At noon, Ranchi and Shana also came to the store.

"Yes, you are here to occupy the position?"

Qi Le raised his head and asked.

"If Qi Store Manager allows someone to occupy a place in the store, we will have no problem. If it doesn't work, then we will wait."

Lan Qi brought Sha Na found a chair and sat down, and answered casually.

"Little Xue, come here, let me introduce a few people to you."

Just as the few people were talking, Yafeier ran over with Yue Shuangxue.

Then first point to Ranchi introduced: "This is Ranchi uncle, from Dragon Race, it’s a giant dragon."

"But don’t look at Ranchi uncle. giant dragon, but the person is very nice. He often takes me to eat a variety of delicacies."

Then, he pointed to Shana and said, “This is Shana’s elder sister, from In Elf Race."

Being robbed by Yafeier's pass, Ranch didn't react for a while.

It was Shana with a smile on her face, and she immediately reminded: "Yafir, you haven't introduced who the lovely girl behind you is."

"Oh, I almost forgot."

When Shana reminded him, Yafeil just remembered it and couldn't help sticking out his tongue.

Then he pushed Yue Shuangxue in front of him.

"She is called Little Xue, and she is the new Store Assistant of Qi Store Manager."

"Store Assistant?"

Lan Qi took a closer look Yue Shuangxue, then glanced at Qi Le again, frowning slightly.

"What's the matter?"

Qi Le noticed Ranqi's expression and couldn't help but ask.

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