After all, who would think that his potential is too high, or his aptitude is too high?

Cultivation aptitude this thing, of course, the higher the better.

Bloodline Strength, naturally the stronger the better.

These things, no matter how high or strong they are, they won't have any side effects.

The only thing you can encounter is the jealousy of other people.

But there is a saying that is well said, saying that not being jealous is mediocre.

As long as one's own strength is strong enough, others can only be jealous forever, and impossible poses any threat to oneself.

"Since you agree to this matter, hurry up and eat the transforming pill. You are impossible to use the appearance of a cat to keep the shop."

Qi Le saw that Yue Shuangxue held the porcelain bottle tightly and refused to let it go, so he knew that this was done.

Although the effect of Huaxing Pill is really strong.

But for Qi Le who owns the system, who knows if there is anything better in the hands of the system.

So Qi Le doesn't feel a pity at all.

It can benefit the people around you... well, or cats, that's not bad.

"Don't worry, let me think about what race I should become."

Yue Shuangxue said while thinking.

As an ancient Variation Beast, in the inherited memories, there are many powerful races that you know.

Since you can obtain one more race form and the relative Bloodline Strength, of course Yue Shuangxue has to choose the most powerful or most suitable race.

"Don't think about it, just turn me into a Human Race."

Qi Le interrupted Yue Shuangxue's thinking and said aloud.

"What? Let me become a Human Race? No, no, no, no!"

Yue Shuangxue hearing this, hurriedly wiggled his little paw, indicating that he could not do it.

The Bloodline Strength of Human Race, it is notoriously weak, and there is hardly any racial innate talent.

After finally getting such a powerful medicine pill, Yue Shuangxue does not want to waste this medicine pill on this weak Bloodline Strength.

After all, the newly acquired race form and Bloodline Strength cannot be weaker than one's current one.

For example, Dragon Race ......

No, the relationship between Devouring Civet and Dragon Race is not very good, and it still does not become Dragon Race.

So Yue Shuangxue fell into contemplation again.

"I said, don't think about it anymore, just become a Human Race."

Qi Le said very seriously, with a tone that cannot be rejected.

Human Race is indeed weak on Bloodline Strength.

But it is precisely because of its weakness that Human Race has unlimited probability.

In fact, in history, the number of powerhouses in Human Race is not less than that of other races.

There is even a lot more.

But Human Race has more underdogs, so the number of Human Race powerhouses seems scarce.

However, I really want to mention the powerhouses that Human Race has appeared in history. Each of them is a famous person.

However, a race cannot rely solely on Peak powerhouse to support it.

More importantly, it is the backbone of this race.

The greater role of Peak powerhouse is to deter and protect, not to fight.

The race with Peak powerhouse, almost no other race dared to infringe, because that would outweigh the gain.

This is also the reason why Human Race has risen to fame in history.

However, nowadays, the powerhouse in Human Race has long been wiped out in the dust of history.

Other races will naturally not realize the power of Human Race.

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