"You can walk around the two stores at will in the future."

Qi Le gave an affirmative answer.

Then paused, and said: "Don't worry, that shop has also reserved bedrooms for you."

"Wait, it's not right, Qi Le, you didn't mean to give it to me Is there something better than spiritual Qi, so I promised to help you keep the shop."

Yue Shuangxue reacted immediately after being surprised.

It is not the character of Devouring Civet to make a loss-making business.

"Don't worry, I'll give it to you right away."

Qi Le reluctantly took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to Yue Shuangxue.

What is contained in this porcelain bottle is the medicine pill of system, the only one in the legend.

In fact, Qi Le had already planned for this a long time ago.

I used the Huaxing Pill for Yue Shuangxue so that she could help to keep the shop.

Otherwise, the image of a little kitty is really nothing majestic at all.

"What is this? A medicine pill?"

"Qi Le, do you think trifling a medicine pill can buy me? My labor is so worthless Is it?"

Yue Shuangxue removed the stopper of the porcelain bottle, glanced inside, and then grinned.

"It is indeed a medicine pill, but it is not the same as the medicine pill you know before. If you still feel bad after listening to the effect of this medicine pill, then I too Don't force you."

Qi Le said lightly.

"hmph, trifling a medicine pill, no matter how effective the medicine pill is, I am impossible to give in."

"As a little kitty with only dignity, Absolutely impossible. Under your oppression, Xi'er, you can help me this time."

Yue Shuangxue stands tall and looks like he is not afraid of power and regards death as home.

But the last sentence reveals the true psychology of Yue Shuangxue.

When speaking, it was a devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, but the final reliance was Yue Xi'er.

However, at this point, Yue Shuangxue is probably wrong.

How could Yue Xi'er refute Qi Le's words.

"You can rest assured, this time I won't force you, the medicine pill in your hand is called Huaxingdan ......"

Qi Le laughed, and then Introduce the effect of Huaxing Pill.

Then I saw Yue Shuangxue holding the porcelain bottle tightly in his arms, as if he was afraid that someone would snatch it away.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't you mean trifling a medicine pill?"

Qi Le raised his eyebrows and said jokingly.

"I...I don't think you are so familiar with me. It doesn't seem to be a big deal to help you keep the shop. What does it have to do with this medicine pill?"

After Yue Shuangxue felt that he couldn't make sense, he started to argue with reason.

"Why don't you return the medicine pill to me?"



Qi Le shrugged, seems to have been expected.

As long as you know the effect of the transformation pill, you are almost impossible to refuse.

It doesn't matter what race it is.

It can help users permanently obtain the racial form of another race and the bloodline power corresponding to that race.

And it will purify the user's own Bloodline Strength and the newly acquired Bloodline Strength.

The most important thing is that there are no side effects.

Simply impossible some people will refuse this powerful effect.

Who would think that his potential is too strong and his aptitude is too high?

Cultivation aptitude and potential, innate talent, these things, of course, the higher the better.

Bloodline Strength, of course, the stronger the better.

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