In the past pet cards, in the attribute classification, most of them are attributes of various elements.

There is only one exception at the moment, and that is the Death Knight of the Undead.

So it seems that this so-called holy light pet should be an attribute opposite to the undead.

However, Qi Le knows that he guesses by himself and is not sure about it, so let’s take a look at the detailed attributes first.

The pattern of the rabbit pet card in the middle of the month is a long-eared rabbit with snow-white fur and a pair of extremely smart eyes. It is not the regular red of a white rabbit, but an extremely deep moon white.

Stare at the moon rabbit pet card pattern, look at the eyes of the long-eared rabbit, and you will find it.

These eyes are like two bright moons.

But apart from the special eyes, the Moon Rabbit looks a bit like a teacup rabbit, very small and cute.

Pet Card (R): Rabbit in the Moon

Main Attribute: Spirit, Magic Effect

Number of Awakenings: Zero

Skills: None

Positioning: assistance, holy light, Illusion Technique space, transformation.

"system, system, please explain these positioning tags for me, thank you."

At the end, Qi Le yelled system directly in his mind without saying anything. simply don't want anything else.

In addition to an auxiliary positioning tag, Qi Le can understand, other positioning tags are basically seen in the cloud.

system: "holy light pets come with holy light effects. All magic-enhancing effects will be increased to a certain extent."

system: "Moon rabbit comes with it Innate Ability, can open an Illusion Technique space to protect yourself and summoners through the power of the eyes. When in the Illusion Technique space, you will not be noticed by the enemy."

Hearing this, Qi Le turned his head again. Go and take a look at the pattern of the Moon Rabbit Pet Card.

It turns out that the eyes of the rabbit in the moon don't just look a little special.

But it’s really special.

It even comes with an Innate Ability.

In this way, the positioning of the rabbit pet card in the middle of the month is already obvious, an auxiliary magic pet, and it also comes with powerful life-saving skills.

But think about it, let a moon rabbit about two fists to fight.

In that picture, just imagine it, and it seems that you can feel the inconsistency in it.

However, Qi Le can be sure no matter what.

The rabbit pet card of the month can definitely rank among the best-selling pet cards.

Especially for those fighter-type ranks, as well as the Knight-type ranks, it can provide a great help.

Because of these ranks that require charge and close combat, what is most needed is the blessing of gaining magic.

Including those healing magic.

And the rabbit pet card in the middle of the month can just meet their needs.

It's like a full-time auxiliary magician following behind him.

And Moon Rabbit also comes with its own holy light effect, using auxiliary magic effects, still even a little stronger.

Especially in the main attribute of the mid-month rabbit pet card, there is also a magic effect growth. Under this multiple stacking, this auxiliary effect is more than one.

"It's worthy of the title of this R-level pet card, and it's worthy of these two words. Very good, I am more and more confident this time."

Qi Le Thinking in my heart, involuntarily clicked nodded, and then continued to ask.

"What does the location tag of the last transformation mean?"

system: "The rabbit in the moon can transform into a combat form when necessary and attach to the summon The body of Summon greatly strengthens the battle strength of summoners."

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