This rice, you have to eat bite by bite.

This way, we must go step by step.

If you want to achieve the powerhouse level, you must have prerequisites.

After all, the number of powerhouse-level powers is indeed can be counted on one's fingers.

Delusion of passing a few months of cakes, ignoring one's own conditions, and coveting such realm, that is impossible.

However, after the spiritual Qi luck increased.

Even if you are not qualified to achieve powerhouse-level realm, it will be easier to promote to Heroic Rank, or the current shackles of breakthrough.

Enhance perception, enhance cultivation aptitude and the like.

In short, there are many benefits.

That’s why Qi Le is absolutely sure that this Mid-Autumn Festival mooncakes will definitely attract a large number of customers to the store to participate in this time’s Mid-Autumn Festival special event.

Even in this period, it is no exception.

"Since the effect of the Mid-Autumn Mooncake is so strong, the pet card pre-sale card this time, It shouldn't be let me down."

Qi Le was surprised afterwards , I immediately thought of it in my heart.

However, the pet card hasn't appeared in the northern mountain range.

So Qi Le is also not sure about the acceptance of pets stuck in the northern mountain range.

But on the Eastern Wilderness side, it can be determined. As long as the attribute of the rabbit pet card in the middle of the month is not very bad, it will definitely be snatched.

Even if it is not a great pet card.

But as long as the word "limit" is attached, it is a symbol of face.

I believe that this month’s pre-sale of rabbit pet cards can satisfy the vanity of the group of pet card research Guild guys.

Qi Le turned to the details of the rabbit pet card in the middle of the month as he thought about it.

Moon rabbit: Quality-R, holy light pet, main attribute: spirit, magic effect.

"R-level pet card, not bad."

The quality-level of the rabbit pet card in the middle of the month, is completely expected by Qi Le.

Because so far, there is only one SR-class pet card in the card pool of the pet card changer, which is the Spirit of Flame.

And the strength of the Spirit Pet card of the flame, then needless to say.

The full-blown Spirit Pet card of Flame is comparable in strength to Heroic Rank Peak powerhouse, even in terms of group attack.

Even at the main store of Cloudmist City, the pet card swap machine is there. Everyday all customers are drawing cards.

But the possession rate of the Spirit Pet card of Flame is still very low.

From the probability of shipment, you can see how powerful the SR-class pet card is.

So Qi Le has never expected this limited-month rabbit pet card to be an SR-class pet card.

Because this is the case, it is estimated that during the Mid-Autumn Festival special event this time, the pre-sale rate of rabbit pet cards in the middle of the month will be horribly low.

Then it hurts the hearts of the players who participated in this event.

So if you think about it, you will find that the R-class pet card is actually the best choice.

After all, based on past experience, the shipment rate of R-class pet cards is not bad.

At least, with the SR-class pet card's disastrously low shipment rate, it seems pretty good.

"However, in the attribute of the rabbit pet card in the middle of the month, this holy light pet has not appeared before."

Qi Le soon saw a new one attribute.

In the past, most of the pet card attribute classifications consisted of various elements.

There is one exception, and that is the Death Knight of the Undead.

So it seems that this so-called holy light pet should be a category opposite to the undead.

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