For Qi Le, not to mention discounts, even if one less Gold Coin is collected, it is impossible.

"Kurdish Uncle, how about it? I didn't lie to you."

Lilian had no idea what kind of twists and turns Kurd had experienced in his heart, but just followed it up.

"Of course, how could Lilian deceive people."

After putting aside the coveting for enchanting skills, Kurd also had to admit that the Hurricane Longbow is indeed a Very powerful enchanting weapon.

It is several times stronger than all enchanted weapons that Kurdish has ever seen.

"Chenghui, four thousand Spirit Crystals, do I need a Membership Card?"

Qi Le said after seeing Kurd look towards himself again.

This time, Lilian spoke again, and introduced the Membership Card to Kurdish as if to show off.

Naturally, there was no surprise, and Kurdish also issued a Membership Card.

Then, with the hurricane longbow, he rushed to Qi Le cupped the hands and said: "The enchanted weapons in the Qi Store Manager are indeed top grade."

"I must I will bring more guests to Qi Store Manager."

"Then this time, let’s say goodbye."

The Kurdish knew about the enchantment skills, and there is no hope anymore. Yes, naturally I won’t stay longer.

To provoke a Heroic Rank powerhouse who doesn't know the details for no reason is simply the most stupid behavior.

Since you can't get enchanting skills, you can just buy enchanted weapons directly.

Anyway, the attitude of other races towards Dwarf Race is the same.

Whose enchanted weapon is not to buy.

even more how, Qi Store Manager is cheaper here.

"Qi Store Manager, then I will leave first, goodbye."

Lilian also waved goodbye to Qi Le.


Qi Le politely replied.

Then watched the two leave.

And then...

There are really no customers coming .

If there are any more customers next time, I will probably wait until Lilian brings someone over.

"Forget it, let's wait for the word of mouth to slowly ferment."

Qi Le glanced at the sky outside, it seemed that it was not too early.

The downtown area of ​​City of Life, even at night, can still be brightly lit.

But when it comes to Qi Le, it's not so good.

So Qi Le feels that it is better to close the store earlier and rest earlier.

No matter how bad it is, going to City of Life for a stroll is better than sitting in a shop.

"By the way, system, I have something I want to ask you."

Qi Le suddenly shouted in his head after closing the store.

system: "What's the matter with the host, just say it straight away."

Probably the reason why Qi Le is pitted, the tone of system has improved a lot recently.

"I want to know, can I go back to the Eastern Wilderness?"

Qi Le asked while locking the door.

system: "Of course it can."

"Is it possible now?"

Qi Le hearing this, immediately followed by asking.

system: "Sorry, host, if you want to go back to the Eastern Desolation, at least you need to wait until the branch restrictions are completely lifted."

system: "At that time, the two stores will open With two-way Transmission Formation, the host can go back and forth between the two shops at will."

"Will the restrictions be lifted."

Qi Le scratched his head, and suddenly felt boring in life.

The limit of the branch is derived from the will of Heaven and Earth in the northern mountain range, and is wary of the uninvited guest of the system.

When this restriction is lifted, I don’t know when I will go.

system: "Host, in fact, the higher the degree of acceptance of the products in the store by each race, the faster the restriction will be lifted."

.. You can click on the "below" "Favorite" to record this time (Chapter 1186: When can I go back)...

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