"Kurdish Uncle, I know this."

"The Hurricane Longbow is much more powerful than the Hurricane Longbow. I am not even satisfied with the string of the Hurricane Longbow. ."

Lilian immediately followed by and introduced.

"so that's how it is, then trouble with Store Manager."

Kurdish nodded, and then said to Qi Le.

I also knew something in my heart.

It is a new kind of enchanting weapon. At this moment, it can be confirmed that this Qi Store Manager must have obtained the inheritance of the ancient enchanting skill.

Now, only waiting for an opportunity to shoot.

Kurdish thought of this, looking at Qi Le, a little greedy rays of light appeared.

"Hurricane Longbow, four thousand Spirit Crystals, no bargaining."

Qi Le took the Hurricane Longbow expressionlessly, placed it on the counter, and spoke Speaking of.

"Can you let me try it first."

Kurd pretended to say.


Qi Le nodded indifferently.

Hearing this, Kurd no longer hesitated and picked up the Hurricane Longbow.

In an instant, the power carried by the hurricane longbow poured into Kurdish body.

The strength is so strong that Kurdish is stiffened all over.

One of the reasons why enchanting skills is difficult to master is the requirements for realm.

In Dwarf Race, those Forging Masters who have mastered enchanting skills are all a side powerhouse.

Even most Forging Masters do not have the heart to fight for power.

But the powerful power they possess makes people afraid to look down upon them.

And this point was subconsciously ignored by Kurdish.

After all, the enchantment on the Wind Chasing Bow is strong.

It can even be said to be strong enough to shock Kurdish.

But if it is an ancient enchantment skill, maybe the realm requirements for itself will be reduced.

Even the Grandmaster Rank Peak, Kurdish can also shoot without the slightest hesitation.

However, the power contained in the Hurricane Longbow has awakened Kurd.

The powerhouse that can forge such a powerful enchanted weapon is absolutely impossible and only a Grandmaster Rank.

The Qi Store Manager in front of me is undoubtedly a Heroic Rank powerhouse.

Moreover, it should be an old Heroic Rank powerhouse.


Thinking of this, Kurd swallowed his saliva, and his heartbeat went faster by three points.

With the strength of Kurdish, if you face an old Heroic Rank powerhouse, there is almost no resistance.

Elf Race has always been a good player.

As for close combat, that is the strength of Dwarf Race.

"What's wrong with you? You think it's expensive?"

"There are no discounts in my store."

Qi Le glanced at it and suddenly brow beaded Kurdish with sweat has some doubts in his heart.

Is this guy scared by the price of four thousand Spirit Crystals?

"No, it's not expensive, the price is simply too cheap."

After being awakened by Qi Le's words, Kurd quickly said.

Whether it's frightened by Qi Le's strength, or by the powerful strength of the Hurricane Longbow.

This sentence is not against one's intentions.

Four thousand Spirit Crystals, if you can buy such a powerful enchanted weapon, it will be a huge profit.

even more how, for a Heroic Rank powerhouse, four thousand Spirit Crystals are really nothing.

"Oh, that's good."

Qi Le clicked nodded and didn't speak any more.

Since it's not expensive, that's fine.

However, even if this guy is absolutely expensive, Qi Le is impossible at a discount.

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