There were three more wounds on Shadow Fiend ’s body in an instant.

The blood is pouring out like no money.

The huge impact also sent Shadow Demon out.

"If you give you three points, do you really think you can beat me?"

After the Shadow Demon stabilized his figure, he looked at Qi Le and asked sternly

I was shocked by Qi Le again.

The shadow demon's chest is like a sigh of suffocation, which makes the shadow demon feel like he wants to vomit blood, but can't vomit it out.

The wound on his body is even more painful.

"It's useless to just be ruthless. If you really can beat me, it's better to get some real ability."

Qi Le gave Dualbladed Halberd a light shake.

Shake down the blood drops on the blade.

"hong long long ——!"

However, at this moment, suddenly thunder bursts in the sky.

The billowing clouds swept over.

In an instant, the rays of light in the sky were obscured by the dark clouds of pitch-black as ink, and large shadows fell.

As if entering the night ahead of time.

"What's going on?"

Baili Fenghua looked at the sky in a little astonishment.

The dark clouds in the sky gave Baili Fenghua an extremely depressed feeling.

The color of pitch-black as ink is like a bottomless abyss, which makes people palpitate.

"Is it finally here."

Qi Le lifts the head, looked towards the billowing clouds.

I can see clearly, among the dark clouds, there are a pair of crimson eyes.

It is like a huge pool of blood, hidden in the dark clouds. There is no doubt that if it rains, it will definitely be scarlet raindrops.

Qi Le can perceive that in the dark cloud, an extremely majestic breath is brewing.

And it continues to grow.

Without guessing, Qi Le knows that it is the spirit of Demon Abyss that is about to take shape.

"Decades of waiting has finally come to this moment."

"The powerful spirit of Demon Abyss, come out, to the entire East Wilderness, show your unmatched The strength of it!"

The Shadow Demon's face showed a grinning smile, spread his arms, and shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, Shadow Demon looked towards Qi Le again, said with a smile: "Now, it is finally no longer necessary to suppress strength."

The spirit of Demon Abyss is about to descend.

The task of summon magic array has been completed.

Now, even if the summon demon array is destroyed, it is impossible to prevent the spirit of Demon Abyss from coming.

So Shadow Fiend will no longer have any concerns.

"You lunatic, just take a good look, the true power of Shadow Warrior."

The Shadow Demon said, raising his hands.

In an instant, Battle Qi burst out frantically, like a tsunami in the sky.

The surrounding shadows began to gather towards the Shadow Demon, and continue to merge into the Shadow Demon's body.

Behind the shadow demon, a shadow giant beast also slowly emerged from the ground, and then continuously swallowed the gathered shadows, and continued to grow.

In the end, it was like a mountain, enough to cover the sky and the sun.

"Shadow Guard!"

The shadow demon exhaled a white breath.


A roar resounding through Heaven and Earth, sounded from the shadow of the giant beast.

The imposing manner that is majestic like the sea also erupted from the shadow giant beast's body, and the power fully demonstrated is no less than a half-step powerhouse-level power.

This is the most powerful trick of Shadow Fiend, Shadow Guard.

"hong long long ——!"

However, this imposing manner that resembles the sea did not stop the dark clouds in the sky.

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