"In this short period of time, I will now reduce the battle strength of Shadow Demon as much as possible."

"Because when the spirit of Demon Abyss is summoned out After that, I may not be able to take care of you anymore."

Qi Le puts out his right hand, Thousand Machines Ball turns into Dualbladed Halberd, appearing on the palm of his hand.

"Start——! Fight!"


With a low shout, a sudden blast came from the ground .

At the location of Qi Le, a clear footprint suddenly appeared. Around the footprint, there were countless cracks spreading outward.

The silhouette of Qi Le has appeared in the distance.

"You madman again!"

Although Shadow Demon has been using Battle Qi to heal his wounds, the perception still spreads out.

However, even one second before Qi Le appeared in front of the Shadow Demon, the Shadow Demon didn't even notice it.

It wasn't until Dualbladed Halberd stabbed him that Shadow Fiend was suddenly shocked.

Qi Le’s fighting skills are beyond doubt.

Although Shadow Fiend is not reconciled, he has to admit that Qi Le is enough to crush him in terms of fighting skills alone.

This kind of fighting technique that has been explored from countless deaths.

The lethality is so powerful that it is absolutely shocking.

Shot is a killer move, without wasting a bit of strength and action.

"shua ——!"

Dualbladed Halberd, like a black light, wiped it from the side of Shadow Demon's head.

This was the last moment Shadow Fiend reacted.

You know, the target of Qi Le's strike is the center of the eyebrows of Shadow Demon.

"Damn, you damn lunatic!"

The Shadow Demon quickly replaced himself with a shadow substitute.

The Dualbladed Halberd wiped the face on the face, as if burning, the hot feeling clearly passed to the shadow demon's mind.

"It runs very fast."

"I just don't know how far you can run."

Qi Le doesn’t have the slightest movement on his hands. After a pause, after a straight stab, it is a horizontal cut.

In the process of horizontal cutting, Qi Le's figure flickered suddenly, and in the next instant, he appeared in front of Shadow Demon.

Shadow Demon's pupils shrank abruptly, and the condensed katana immediately rose.

Collided with Dualbladed Halberd who had come across.

" Clang-- !"

The sound of the mingling of gold and iron rang, and the shadow Katana was directly shattered.

Qi Le has not figured out the material of the Thousand Machine Ball.

But the only thing that is clear is that the material strength of the Thousand Machine Ball is absolutely Divine Artifact level.

A powerful weapon can definitely increase battle strength to the greatest extent.

Especially for Qi Le.

martial skill is proficient in skills, allowing Qi Le to vividly and thoroughly play the characteristics of the Thousand Machine Ball.

The continuous offensive makes it impossible for Shadow Fiend to fight.

No matter how Shadow Fiend uses shadow to get out, Qi Le is always able to keep up with Shadow Fiend as quickly as possible.

God’s perspective is by no means joking.

Complete control of the battle, allowing the enemy to hide.

Want to escape, unless you can break away from Qi Le's perception in an instant.

However, this is impossible.

Because of Shadow Fiend’s perception, simply impossible is better than Qi Le.

As long as Shadow Fiend’s perception is at a disadvantage, Qi Le will always have control over the battle.

"pu ——!"

It was another mistake, which was caught by Qi Le in a fleeting moment.

Dualbladed Halberd made a bold move, prickling three times in a row, as if a cold star pierced the sky.

Then suddenly pick.


Three more wounds appeared on the Shadow Demon's body in an instant, and blood continued to gush out.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 121: Lowering the Battle Strength of Shadow Fiend)...

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