"Since she dared to provoke us Wolfhunter Clan, then she has to pay the price."

"Sacrifice adults kindly spared her life, and she dared to come back. That is bring about one's own destruction!"

Liefei's command made many Wolfhunter Clan clansman surrounded by fear suddenly excited.

This is the Borzoi guard for a long time, the record of victory, and the confidence derived from it.

No Wolfhunter Clan clansman would doubt the strength of the Borzoi guard.

Because this is the most elite guarding force in Wolfhunter Clan.

"Wolfhunter Clan clansman around, seems to be starting to increase again."

Yue Xi'er is still walking at a moderate pace.

But the perception has long been covered in every corner of the surroundings to ensure that it will not be sneak attacked.

Because Yue Xi'er knows that in attitude, he can despise his opponent.

But no matter whether the opponent is strong or weak, do not underestimate the opponent's strength.

The lion fights the rabbit, still using its full strength.

Even more how, Yue Xi'er knew in his heart that there must be hidden power in Wolfhunter Clan.

Otherwise, Wolfhunter Clan has what skills and abilities and can hunt that many demi-human tribes.

"The Borzoi guard is here!"

"Very good, the remnants of the moon cat clan are dead now."

"I want to be here Watching her being taken down by the Borzoi guards, and then using her blood to purify our Bloodline Strength!"

Those Wolfhunter Clan clansman who gathered here discuss spiritedly.

The look towards Yue Xi'er was full of hatred.

Because Yue Xi'er simply does not intend to hide his whereabouts.

So the Borzoi guard simply didn't need to waste time looking for it. After receiving Liefei's order, he rushed over here.

Several dark shadows flashed across the forest, and then surrounded Yue Xi'er.

The positions where they are standing, all take care of each other, blocking all escape routes.

The number of Borzoi guards is small, only eight.

But these eight people have guarded the patriarch great hall and the sacrificial hall during Wolfhunter Clan's battles for so many years.

"Are you the hidden power in Wolfhunter Clan?"

Yue Xi'er looked at the eight Borzoi guards that suddenly appeared around him.

From them, Yue Xi'er can feel the imposing manner which is obviously different from other Wolfhunter Clan clansman.

Brave, perseverance, cold and severe.

These are eight real fighters.

With this feeling, Yue Xi'er immediately turned the Battle Qi into operation, and the perception was also raised to the extreme.

This is respect for fighting.

There is not much to say about the Borzoi guard.

In other words, when it is not necessary, the Borzoi guards simply won't speak, they will only execute commands.

After confirming the target, the eight Borzoi guards looked at each other.

Then they burst out Battle Qi together.

Beast Transformation in an instant!

At the same time the sharp claw appeared, the eight Borzoi guards almost shot together.

I saw the cold light flashing in the air.

The cooperation of the eight borzoi guards is perfect, not only blocking all the retreats of Yue Xi'er, but also closely linked with one another in attack.

It is almost impossible to avoid.

"It's the method of the wolf guard's combined attack. No one can avoid it yet!"

"This kind of cooperation, there is simply no weak spot."

"A trifling, the remnants of the moon cat clan, dare to challenge Wolfhunter Clan? It's really an unknown!"

"Just use this move to kill her!"

Seeing the wolfhunter guard take action , Those Wolfhunter Clan clansman gathered around, suddenly became excited.

For Yue Xi'er, no one is optimistic.

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