"Hurry up and let the priest send a stronger clansman, or it will be over."

Those Wolfhunter Clan clansman who were frightened by the powerful force of Yue Xi'er , Yelled at the others in horror.

It's like facing an invincible Death God.

No one dared to be stunned at all.

"Yes, let's all start to run."

"Those demi-human tribes hunted by you should also run like this."

Yue Xi'er was not in a hurry to chase, nor even changed his direction.

Instead, moved towards the target went straight.

That is the worship hall of Wolfhunter Clan.

For the demi-human tribe, the sacrificial hall is one of the most important buildings.

The other one is the patriarch great hall within the tribe.

However, when it comes to importance, it is undoubtedly that the sacrificial hall is more important.

Because in the sacrificial hall, the ancestors of this tribe are enshrined.

"Sacrifice your lord , there are enemies outside the territory, and enemies have attacked."

A Wolfhunter Clan clansman gasping for breath ran to the sacrificial hall without breathing for breath. , He said hurriedly.

"The enemy? Who is it?"

Liefei sat in the sacrificial hall.

Hearing these words, he immediately opened his eyes, and a cold and severe rays of light flashed away.

In the magic array outside the sacrificial hall, the Bloodline Strength in the blood is about to be purified.

At this time, it is absolutely not allowed to be disturbed.

"It is the remnant of the moon cat clan, she is back."

"And become very strong, already, many clansman have been buried in her hands."

This Wolfhunter Clan clansman remembered the power of Yue Xi'er, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

There was even a hint of fear in his tone.

This kind of emotion is not allowed to appear in the sacrificial hall.

But this Wolfhunter Clan clansman can't restrain the fear that is constantly emerging in his heart.

"Become very strong?"

"It seems that she really found a good backer."

A glint flashed in Liefei's eyes.

To be able to teach a Brave Rank cultivator into a Grandmaster Rank powerhouse in these short months, the resources required are not a small amount.

And more importantly, you need a good guide.

"It seems that it was right to not pursue her before, but didn't expect, she would come here at this time."

"At this critical moment, She must not be allowed to interfere with the operation of the magic array."

When Liefei said this, he closed his eyes again.

Because in Wolfhunter Clan, no, it should be said that it is in all the demi-human tribes.

The sacrifices are not responsible for fighting.

If the time comes when sacrifices are needed, then this tribe should almost disappear.

"Let the Borzoi guards take action to stop the remnants of the moon cat clan."

Lie Fei said coldly.


Wolfhunter Clan clansman, who came to report the letter, immediately responded loudly.

It seems that this can dilute the fear in my heart a little bit.

The Borzoi Guard is the elite force in Wolfhunter Clan.

I usually guard around the patriarch great hall and the sacrificial hall, responsible for the safety of the patriarch and sacrificial offerings.

Every borzoi guard has the strength of the Grandmaster Rank Peak, and is brave and incomparably brave. He is also good at joint attack and small battle formations.

It can be said to be the most powerful guard force in Wolfhunter Clan.

"Even the Borzoi guards have been dispatched. This time, there should be nowhere to escape from the remnants of the moon civets."

.. You can click on the " "Favorite" to record this time (Chapter One Thousand and Sixty Two: The Fear of Wolfhunter Clan Clansman)...

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