"Yes, you can pick one in a while, as a gift this time, and it won't be available in the future." Qi Le emphasized his voice in the last sentence.

lest they worry about the gifts again and again.

If it weren't for Qi Le who likes Lan Zi'er, this little girl, he wouldn't make this kind of loss-making business.

"Is it really possible? Thank you Big Brother, but we are still missing a Magic Core." Lan Zi'er was happy for a while, and dropped his head again.

"Zi'er, isn't there some Spirit Crystals in Sister Xiaoye? If she knew that she could use 1,000 Spirit Crystals to buy a skill crystal, she would definitely agree." Lan Qing' er said calmly.

"Yes." Lan Zi'er clapped his hands and ran to the next door happily.

Qi Le glanced at Lan Zi'er's back, then stretched out his hand: "Three skill crystals, Frost Grip, Piercing Spear, Iron Body."

The corresponding three ranks should be ice element magician, assassin, reinstall Knight.

However, the limitations of these three skill stones are only Brave Rank.

Probably from the system's point of view, this skill is not enough to be considered a Professional Rank skill.

It is not too slow to circulate the three skill crystals in a circle, and with the characteristics of the skill crystals, you can know what kind of skills are contained in it as long as you hold it in your hand.

" Store Manager, this is really just the skills crystals Brave Rank do?" "these effects, absolutely impossible appears in the skill crystal Brave Rank's it."

"No matter which piece it is, I don't want to give up."

The sound of astonishment came from the shop again.

The use of skill crystals is restricted to the lower limit, not the upper limit.

In other words, Professional Rank can also use the skill crystal of Brave Rank, but Brave Rank cannot use the skill crystal of Professional Rank.

These three skill crystals, from the point of view of the skill description, are absolutely beyond the general Professional Rank offensive skills.

When attacking, the special attribute that can appear with a small probability is enough to be worth the level of this skill.

Freeze, bleed, magic resistance.

No matter which one it is, it should not be an attribute of Brave Rank’s skill crystal.

Sure enough, it is worthy of Qi Le shop, and none of the products are not high-quality goods.

"Among us, it seems that only Zi'er has no suitable Brave Rank skills." Feixue looked at the three crystals of skills and quickly calmed down the excitement in his heart.

"Well, she has not found the right skills, so she temporarily emptied the seal of the brave there." Lan Qing'er nodded.

The Seal of Trial is just a proof that can continue to be promoted, and a carrier of mosaic skills.

But you don't have to get the mark of trial, you can inlay skill crystals on time.

You know, true powerhouse, they will start planning their skills when they get the Brave Rank from Brave Rank.

And let your own skills, you can closely linked with one another, to achieve mutual cooperation.

So those powerhouses, before they find the right crystals of skills, they would rather leave the seal of trial there instead of inlaying skills casually.

"Then, choose this Iron Body skill crystal, even if it is a good foundation for Zi'er." Feixue left one of the skill crystals and returned the remaining two. Qi Le.

You Jiu also nodded agree.

Although she also wants the crystal of the Spear of Piercing skill, looking at the description of this skill, it seems that she can find a similar skill to cooperate.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 103: Powerful Skill Attributes)...

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