However, it is impossible to make the system lose money.

It's compelled by circumstances, let Qi Le lose a little on his own, Qi Le won't mind too much.

The premise is that Qi Le himself is willing to suffer this loss.

"Spirit Crystal is definitely indispensable, this is a matter of principle." Qi Le said seriously.

"Then I can't get the shield this time? I have to wait for the next time." Lan Zi'er pouted, looking at the Black Tortoise heavy shield with some dismay.

"Spirit Crystal is indeed indispensable, but I can call the shots and give you something extra." Qi Le looked at the shelf and finally took down a skill stone.

"Skill crystal!"

Everyone in the grocery store is stared wide-eyed, looking at the skill stone in Qi Le's hand in astonishment.

Is there a problem with this Store Manager? In order not to discount, and to earn a thousand more Spirit Crystals, it is necessary to send out such a precious skill crystal.

It should be said that the Store Manager has a problem with the brain, or the strength of the store, it is too strong.

He didn't even care about the skill crystals.

Give it if you say it.

However, whether Qi Le cares about this skill crystal, for Lan Qing'er, there is absolutely no way to ignore this skill crystal.

You know, they basically all need to start preparing for the 40th level and the promotion to the Professional Rank.

Among them, trial crystals and skill crystals are absolutely the top priority.

A skill crystalline body that fits your rank can definitely double your strength.

"Store Manager, do you still have skill crystals for sale in your store?" Feixue hurriedly asked.

This is an extremely important thing for them.

"Yes, there are, but not many." Qi Le nodded, and then took down the remaining two skill stones.

This is a task done a long time ago, and the small item that system rewarded him has not been sold yet.

Probably because Qi Le placed the skill stone too far, so it was not discovered.

"Wow, Store Manager, you just put the skill crystals on the shelf so carefreely, are you not afraid of accidents?" You Jiu asked extremely surprised.

Unlike the medicine pill, weapons, and armor previously sold in the store, the skill crystal is a precious item that everyone knows.

Generally they are sold in large shops or Chamber of Commerce.

Powerful skill crystals are basically sent to auction for auction.

Like the previous Xue Lang's Brave Rank skill: Burst, or Hu Shou's Brave Rank skill: Heavy Slash, it is actually not a particularly good skill.

It can only be regarded as a general skill.

But with such a skill, the two of them can be turned into the leader of the three major mercenary groups in Cloudmist City, and the other can become the most hot enough to scald one's hands alone in Cloudmist City.

The skill crystals that appeared in the Qi Le shop are even more incredible.

Feixue they don’t think that Qi Le will sell some junk skill crystals as shoddy, masquerade as having an ability.

"What's so scary about this, whoever dares to make trouble, let them come." Qi Le waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"The Store Manager is really...satisfied, can you show me the crystals of these skills?" Feixue didn't bother with this question.

What will happen, that is also Qi Le's problem.

even more how, looking at how he hangs up Professional Rank demonic beast and flame demon wolf in Cloudmist Forest last time, it is estimated that no one in Cloudmist City can make trouble in his store.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 102: Discounts are not allowed, gifts are OK)...

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