God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 1301: What is painful not wanting to live!


Without giving the monkey Seredo a chance to speak at all, Su Ba disappeared in the Sanjin Inn, faintly in the distance of the night outside, and there were traces of Su Ba leaving quickly.

And this moment!

The young housekeeper next to Monkey Sai Lei pointed at Su Ba who was leaving with the green transparent screen that was hidden in front of his left eye, and then reached out and pressed his hand on the small red button on the white machine near his ear.

"Beep beep!"

In an instant, the green transparent screen began to make a sound, and then a series of numbers appeared on the screen.

The numbers start from 0 and jump up rapidly!



1500 dollars!

what? !

Seeing this final result came out, the young housekeeper was shocked violently, with an incredible color in his eyes, exclaiming!

"God! 15 million potential value!"

what? !

Monkey Sai Lei, who sighed that Su Ba was walking too fast, was startled.

"15 million potential value? Are you sure?!"

"Master Sai Lei, this is a super-tech product developed by our organization, do you think there will be a problem?"

The young housekeeper still looks a little unbelievable.

The strange white instrument around his ears is called the Potential Tester, which is a mature super-tech product.

Its most important function is to instantly detect the potential value of a warrior with an error within 0.01%.

This potential value contains several major parts: comprehension, physique, soul strength, speed, roots, energy strength, energy purity and other nine major parts!

no doubt!

This potential tester is used to test the level of genius!

In general, the potential value of the warrior in the early stage of the Saint Realm is about 7 million, and the potential value of that Su Pa is as high as 15 million! A full 8 million more potential value!

This is not as simple as doubling the ordinary!

Just like, the average person's potential value is about 1 to 3.

But a person with 3 potential can deal with five or six people with 1 potential!

At the Saint Stage stage, there is a certain gap for every 100,000 potential value, not to mention the 8 million potential value difference, it is incredible!

If there is no certain reference, maybe the young housekeeper would not be so shocked, but...

"Master Sai Lei, if I remember correctly, when you were in the early stage of the Saint Realm, your potential value was just over 15 million."

The young housekeeper looked at Monkey Sai Lei and inhaled.

Since Hou Sai Lei was secretly sent out by the organization hundreds of years ago, he has been with Hou Sai Lei as a housekeeper, but he knows the secrets of Hou Sai Lei!

To know!

Monkey Sai Lei has carried the essence of their organization for tens of millions of years of technology crystallization!

With its assistance, Monkey Sai Lei grew rapidly, leaving all the so-called geniuses of the same age far behind!

But now, I met a genius who was about the same!

Although the potential value cannot fully represent the strength of combat effectiveness, the higher the potential value, the better the foundation, and its strength will not be worse.

In other words.

In the same realm, Monkey Sai Lei might not be able to defeat that Su Ba!

how can that be? !

"No wonder..."

Sai Lei the monkey touched his chin and exclaimed, "...I want to kiss him so much."

The butler youth has a black line!

"Master Sai Lei, it's not a question of whether you kiss or not. The question is, this Su Ba is probably your rival in this competition for the King of the Journey!

Although your cultivation base has broken through the middle stage of the Saint Realm, but this is just your clone. If your ontology is here, you can be sure of it, you can clone..."

Although the young steward did not want to admit it, he still solemnly said, "Master Sai Lei, you may lose!"

"Unexpectedly, there will be surprises when I come over this time. Compared with Su Ba, that Han Duxiu is not worth mentioning, great, I must let Su Ba be my person, oh, I’m wrong, it’s me. Teammate!"

Monkey Sai Lei said to himself.

"Hey, Sir Sai Lei, have you listened to me?"

"Uh, what did you just say?"

Sai Lei the monkey returned to his senses and looked at the young housekeeper with a grin, "Say it again."


The young housekeeper was helpless, and then he still said.

"Master Sai Lei, you have to pay attention! If you are defeated in the competition, you will be disqualified. Not to mention seeing Zhu Xianjian, even the high level of Haizong, you are afraid you will not see it!

How can you negotiate terms with them if you can't see the seniors? !

If organized powerhouses are dispatched, there is no problem, but once dispatched, they will definitely be spotted by the ‘great dragon’ in the east. At that time, Lord Sai Lei, you may not be able to hide!

Therefore, under the circumstances of all relying on oneself, first of all, you must see that the high-level of the sea of ​​fantasy must win the first place, and then the conditions can be negotiated and everyone will be happy. I can.

In this way, the Holy Ruins Realm would naturally come and leave when he wanted to! There is no need to pass through the so-called gate of nothingness at all! "


Sai Lei the monkey touched his chin and smiled evilly, "By the way, I haven't tried the taste of being defeated by my peers."

"Master Sai Lei!"

The young housekeeper raised his voice.

"Okay, I get it."

Monkey Sai Lei waved his hand indifferently, "In a real battle, I won't let the water go! The powerhouse of the same level, thinking about it is exciting! After I defeat Su Ba, I will ask him if he wants to go with me. ."

"Go to the bath."

While talking, Monkey Sai Lei wandered open the door of the bath room and walked in.

"Master Sai Lei's clone is less than one-half of the strength of the body, even if the cultivation base is higher, and you want to defeat a genius of the same level, that Su Ba! I am afraid it is very risky..."

The young butler’s eyes flickered, "No, to ensure that there is nothing wrong, it seems that only some means can be used."

The voice fell.

The corner of the housekeeper's mouth showed a shadowy arc...


the other side.

Su Ba walked along the path towards his inn.

It is late at night.

The group stage of the Tianjiao King Tournament also ended for a while, so the entire Fantasy Sea City has recovered to its previous appearance.

Despite the feasting and lively surrounding streets, it is much better than the grandeur of the crowded streets during the game.

"System, I said that Monkey Sai Lei has a habit of breaking sleeves? Is it particularly sick? How can this kind of person be the master of the system?"

Up until now, Su Ba felt a bit cold thinking about the short experience just now.

"Hazard, the system chooses the host to adapt or not, it has nothing to do with personality, but the boy's style makes the system feel a little hairy, and the habit is too strange.

If it’s a female, but it’s a male, I ask if you want to kiss, Nima..."

The system shook his head, "If the system has a body, pee directly in his mouth to make him happy and cool!"

"But let's not say, that guy is very handsome, if the host wants to get a base..."

"Your sister! Shut up!"

Su Ba yelled displeasedly, "I don't have a hobby in this area."

"Okay, okay, if you don't have it, why don't you be angry? It's nothing," the system muttered.

Su Ba Heimian shook his head, not wanting to bother with the system for now.

You can reach your inn from this trail, and it doesn't take a long time to stick an incense stick.

At this time!

Su Ba Curan narrowed his eyes and stopped.

at the same time!

A huge transparent enchantment shrouded it, covering the surrounding area, including Su Ba.

"Hahaha, Su Ba! I didn't expect it! I caught it!"

An exaggerated laughter came from the small woods on the side, and then a tall, strong, dark young man appeared in front of Su Ba.

"It's you."

Su Ba stood with his hands and said lightly.

The black man in front of him is not Han Duxiu, who else would he be.

"Yes, it's me!"

Han Duxiu looked at Su Ba with a sullen smile on his mouth, "Good boy! You attacked Lao Tzu in the fighting arena and made Lao Tzu lose such a big face. How could I give up!

I specially spent a lot of money to find a local expert who is good at divination, and calculated that this path will be your only way. I have been waiting for you here!

I want a shame, trough! Let you know, the tragic end that angered me, Han Duxiu!

Tomorrow's quarterfinals, you are doomed to miss! Give up struggling! "

"I attacked?"

Su Ba smiled and looked at Han Du Xiu Dao, "Hey, you asked me to come and hit you, right? By the way, is there something wrong with you here? Amnesia?"

With that, Su Ba pointed to his head.

"I came over and let you hit me, so you came and hit me? Why are you so obedient? Now I let you kneel and call Dad, are you going to call?"

Handu Xiu said mockingly.

After being stunned by Su Ba's two moves in public, Han Duxiu suffocated his stomach and choked his breath!

Hear the words.

Su Ba's face became gloomy.

This guy is really annoying.

"There is nothing wrong with this transparent barrier, right?"

Suddenly, Su Ba asked lightly.

If there is turmoil in Fantasy Sea City, not only will you be expelled, but the key is that you will lose the qualification for the game, so Su Ba asked such a question.

"Don't worry, I promise that you will be ineffective every day, and you shouldn't be called to the ground!"

Han Duxiu opened his mouth with a grin.

This time, he wouldn't be so thoughtful if he didn't **** Su Ba out of shit.

Of course, Han Duxiu was afraid that there would be too much movement when he beat Su Ba, and the master of the sea city would come to stop him from having fun.

"That's good."

Su Ba smiled, a little weird, "Come here."

While talking, Su Ba turned around and swept into the grove.

"Want to run? You can't run away!"

Han Duxiu sneered, and rushed in as soon as he moved.

After a few breaths.


With a terrifying scream.

In the small forest, Su Ba walked out faintly, with a smooth arc of the corner of his mouth slowly spitting out a word.



Su Ba came to the edge of the barrier, spent a while, and after breaking it, he walked out of the barrier and swept away again in the direction of his inn.

And at the moment.

In the grove.

There seemed to be a strange cry faintly.

"Oh oh oh..."

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