"Haha, three hundred years?"

Han Duxiu laughed wildly, "Three hundred years, I am ashamed to say that I have lived for almost three thousand years, just a mere mere..."

"Okay, then I will fulfill you!"

Su Ba's eyes suddenly became sharp!

As soon as the whole person flashed, the distance of one hundred feet lost its meaning, and the person came to Han Duxiu in an instant!

Sixty-four times the explosive power of Helix Bahuang Jin, open!

The power of Thunder Dragon broke out!

All the power of the whole body broke out!


A fist covered with golden dragon scales slammed Han Duxiu's abdomen with the ultimate streamer, and directly slammed Han Duxiu's unspoken words into his throat!


At this moment, Han Duxiu bowed like dried shrimps, his eyes protruding outward, his mouth wide open, and he flew out, and then slammed heavily on the boundary wall of the fighting arena, making a deafening explosion. !

? ? ?

Outside, the supporters of Han Duxiu were directly confused.

what's going on?

How did this man fly? !

Isn't it said that the defense is amazing and invulnerable? !

Didn’t it say that you can resist the attack of the peak powerhouse of the Saint Realm? What's the matter, got hit and flew? !


Han Duxiu knelt on the ground, his expression shocked, and the sharp pain in his abdomen made him feel a sudden turn of the river in his stomach. He never expected that the strength of this little white face was so great that he actually shot him internally? !

As soon as I raised my head, I saw a big foot falling from the sky!

"What are you? Bye bye!"

Su Ba sneered, his big feet accurately stepped on the back of Han Duxiu's head, and his face directly touched the ground!


The earth split in an instant, and the entire fighting arena seemed to tremble slightly!

As everyone knows, the back of the human head is very fragile. Even if Han Duxiu's physique is different from ordinary people, he still suffered a severe shock under Su Ba's strength!


Han Duxiu, who was facing the ground, let out a dull uh, uh, and then passed out into a coma on the spot.

? ? ?

The group of people outside was stunned again.

"Oh, something very unexpected happened."

The host’s full-hearted voice seemed very shocked and said loudly, “Han Duxiu, who has the top five strengths in the battle for the king of the arrogance, was knocked out in less than three breaths at the beginning of the group match. !

Even the good light method is useless!

Although the player Han Duxiu has too much confidence and carelessness, it is undeniable that the fist of Su Ba player is much heavier than expected!


It seems that Su Ba player is not just a player who is good at AOE range attacks, his single attack ability is even more terrifying!

It's amazing!

This is definitely a **** horse! "

With the sound of the organizer falling, many people in the entire Fantasy Sea City outside went crazy!

"Nima!? Lost?! Damn. Slot! Han Duxiu, fight a fake match!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah! I'm gone for all my belongings! Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Wow! Su Ba is amazing!"

"Have you seen that, the old lady said, this black guy will get down with a punch by Su Ba! Yeah, Young Master Su, please ask for an appointment!"

"Han Duxiu can't do that! Spicy chicken! Mochi!"

"Pay Lao Tzu's money!"


For a time, the audience was commotion!

Many warriors who bet on Han Duxiu are blushing and curse that there is insider information in the game!

But what is more, the voice of cheering Su Ba was endless and overwhelmed!


Under the attention of everyone, Su Ba took his hands on his back and left the fighting arena faintly.

Successfully advanced to the quarterfinals!

It's the original formula, the original war preparation hall.

"Suba player, hello, congratulations on your successful entry into the quarterfinals. The quarterfinals will be held tomorrow morning, and you will be notified in time to participate."

"Oh, then I can go back now, right."

"Yes, but there are countless people watching outside. Mr. Su Ba is very popular. If you go directly through the gate, it may cause too much commotion. Please allow us to use the teleportation array to send you out of the city. Please trouble Mr. Su Ba to go to where he lives. ."

"I know."

Su Ba looked at the insiders of the Colosseum and nodded.

Indeed, I seem to be very popular, and most of them are all kinds of young ladies. What should I do if these young ladies rush up frantically if they go out in a fair manner?

If you don't have a tune, just take off his clothes, and you can endure pulling his trousers. The most fear is to squeeze his hair.

Nima, if he accidentally slaps his hair out, can he become a Superman with One Punch?

"Okay, please..."

After half an hour.

After Su Ba returned to his residence, on the other side, in an elegant and gorgeous guest room.

A tall man with short golden hair and blue-eyed young men wantonly bare his strong upper body muscles, lying on the couch with a wicked smile at the corners of his mouth, and leisurely tilting his legs.

Beside the blue-eyed youth, there stood a young man of medium build who looked like a housekeeper.

The young man's appearance is not good, but he seems to have a strange white instrument in his ear, and a green transparent screen extends out of the instrument to block one of his eyes.

"Master Sai Lei, there is one thing I need to report to you."

"Say it."

The blue-eyed youth stretched casually.

"The young man named Han Duxiu you looked for before was eliminated in the first game of today's group match."


A slight surprise flashed in the blue-eyed youth's eyes, and he slowly sat up straight, said.

"That's not right, this Han Duxiu is good at strength, I want to kiss him.

No matter how bad it is, it’s okay to get into the top two in Division A, isn’t it bad luck to run into the so-called Peerless Tianjiao in Beitianyu? "

"No, he was also defeated by an alien from another universe, and that alien cultivation was only in the early stage of the Saint Realm, but I heard that it was Han Duxiu who was careless, and he was attacked by two tricks!"

"Heh, even if it is careless, if you want to kill Han Duxiu in two seconds, and it is in the early stage of the Saint Realm cultivation base, you can't do it without hard goods!"

The blue-eyed youth flickered and became a little interested.

"Although I will come here this time to see if I can get the Zhuxian Sword, but taking the opportunity to find a good teammate is also one of my goals. What is the name of the alien that defeated Han Duxiu?"

"Su Ba."

"Okay, is Su Ba? It happens to be free in the evening, you go to the fighting arena to find a staff member to come over and contact him. I can't wait to meet him."

The blue-eyed youth said with a wicked smile.

"I see, Lord Sai Lei."

The young man who looked like a housekeeper bowed slightly, and then left the room.

Watching him leave, the blue-eyed youth lay leisurely on the table again, and leisurely lifted Erlang's legs, his eyes looked at the ceiling, and he hesitated.

"Hey, would you say that Su Ba excites me?"

There was no one in the room, and it seemed as if the blue-eyed youth was talking to himself.


In the next second, a cold voice came in his mind.

"Don't be hippie smiling, always remember your ultimate purpose!

In today's fighting field, why not kill those people and absorb their spirits? ! With so many people in the qualifiers, although most of them are spicy, they can accumulate less! "

"Oh, it's not an enemy, so I won't kill it."

The blue-eyed young man shrugged his shoulders casually, "If it's an enemy, you don't know about my swift and neat energy. Don't worry, I understand the expectations of the organization. I will definitely improve my strength. I'm not looking for a reliable one. Teammate!"

"Furthermore, this is a big game. So many people are paying attention. If you kill them to absorb the spirit, wouldn't there be a risk of exposure?

You know all day long, if it's too boring, I can kiss you in the air! Hehehe! "


In my mind, the cold voice gave a cold cry.

"Oh, boring."

The blue-eyed youth shook his head.

the other side.

In Su Ba's room.

He had just fed Xiao Er Ha, and there was a flame of sound transmission note in front of him.

I thought it was Xiang Shao looking for him.

However, Su Ba narrowed his eyes when he heard the information inside.

"That Sai Lei wants to see me?"

"Host, go, anyway, you will meet sooner or later, you can also inquire first, and see if you can reveal any clues."

The voice of the system rang out in Su Ba's mind.


Nodded, arched his head under the bed, and the little Erha, who cocked his **** and didn't know what he was doing, moved into the system space, Su Ba stood up, opened the door and walked out.

"Sanjin Inn, Tianzifang No. A1..."

After a few incense sticks, Su Ba arrived at his destination, Sanjin Inn.

Not long.

In front of a gorgeous room door, Su Ba was about to knock on the door.


The door opens automatically.

Su Ba's face was calm, and he stepped in. At the same time, after entering, the door of the room closed automatically.

At this moment, in the room.

In front of Su Ba's eyes, two figures came into view.

The first is a handsome young man with short blond hair and blue eyes, barely exposed his strong upper body muscles, lying on the couch with a wicked smile on his mouth, and leisurely tilting his legs.

Beside the blue-eyed youth, there stood a young man of medium build who looked like a housekeeper.

The young man's appearance is not good, but he seems to have a strange white instrument in his ear, and a green transparent screen extends out of the instrument to block one of his eyes.

Saw Su Ba coming in.


The blue-eyed youth instantly stood up from his position, and without seeing any movement from him, he appeared in front of Su Ba and said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, you are Su Ba..."

Su Ba was about to nod, but in the next second, the blue-eyed youth almost didn't let Su Ba directly give him a big mouth.

"...Let's kiss."

I rub!

Su Ba only felt a bit of cold from the tail vertebrae rushing to the sky!

The whole person instantly left the blue-eyed youth a few steps away, and looked at the blue-eyed youth with uncertain eyes!


This guy, there won't be Long Yang, right.

By the way, this kind of weirdness should not be the owner of the system.

"Are you... Sai Lei?"

Su Ba looked at the blue-eyed youth with a vigilant look, for fear that this guy would suddenly kiss him forcibly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I feel that people of the same generation who are strong will have the urge to want others to kiss. Your feelings are particularly strong. It seems that Brother Su Ba is really good!"

The blue-eyed young man explained haha, he didn't feel embarrassed about his special habit at all, "Oh, I have introduced myself. Actually, my name is Sai Lei, but my last name is Monkey."

"Monkey Sai Lei?"

Su Ba almost laughed, "I said, why don't you call Aoligi, or Thunder Gappa, or Hara Shao mercilessly?"

"Brother Su Ba, I was joking. My name was also given by my parents. There is no way. My father's surname is Monkey, and my mother worships a strong man named Sai Lei, so I am called Monkey Sai Lei."

Monkey Sai Lei waved his hand indifferently.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Su Ba, do you really want to kiss me?"

Sai Lei the monkey asked shamelessly again, and he sniffed his nose with a somewhat intoxicated expression, "The smell on you is really intoxicating."

"Sorry, excuse me, goodbye!"

Su Ba felt a chill, and turned around without thinking about it.

This is so special!

Who, kiss?

I kiss Nima!

Rao is Su Ba's calm and calm personality, and he has the urge to swear words.


Without giving the monkey Seredo a chance to speak at all, Su Ba disappeared in the Sanjin Inn, faintly in the distance of the night outside, and there were traces of Su Ba leaving quickly.

And this moment!

The young housekeeper next to Monkey Sai Lei pointed at Su Ba who was leaving with the green transparent screen that was hidden in front of his left eye, and then reached out and pressed his hand on the small red button on the white machine near his ear.

"Beep beep!"

In an instant, the green transparent screen began to make a sound, and then a series of numbers appeared on the screen.

The numbers start from 0 and jump up rapidly!



1500 dollars!

what? !

Seeing this final result came out, the young housekeeper was shocked violently, with an incredible color in his eyes, exclaiming!

"God! 15 million potential value!"

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