God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 1111: A group of mentally retarded!

During Su Ba’s thinking.

Not far away, Lei Lie, Lei Li, and other four great beasts and saint-level powerhouses seemed to have read some tricks. They raised their palms, surging with terrifying spiritual power, and pressed their palms heavily on their respective platform palm prints. .


The entire snow valley suddenly began to tremble at this moment!

In the sight of everyone, they soon felt countless gusts of wind rolling over, forming a terrifying vortex of vitality above the central platform of Snow Valley.

The vitality vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and with the sound of thunder-like roar, there are faintly dense purple lightning crackling past!

Leiyin bursts! Flying sand and stone!

The void is constantly torn apart like crisp paper, turning into a part of the horrible vitality vortex!

This terrible phenomenon of heaven and earth lasted for a cup of tea, and then slowly disappeared.

The radiant vitality vortex above finally stabilized, extending to a radius of ten feet, rotating without rush.

It's pitch black inside, it can swallow perception, and it's not clear what is there, it's faintly as if it leads to another world.

Su Ba and other disciples who came to participate in the ultimate trial of the Four God Beasts for the first time thought it would be fine.

Then the next moment!

The splendid horror vortex that has stabilized roared loudly!

Immediately under the shocking eyes of everyone, it was divided into four, which turned into four vortices of indigo, white, red, and blue, and they were scattered in four directions: east, west, south, and north.

That's it.

Su Ba's expression moved.

This indigo vortex is on the east, corresponding to the blue dragon.

The white vortex is in the west, corresponding to the white tiger.

The red vortex is to the south, corresponding to Suzaku.

The blue vortex is in the north, corresponding to Xuanwu!

It seems that the four great beasts entered the trial land corresponding to the vortex.

Was thinking about it.

Lei Lie and other four great saints gathered their merits and walked towards their respective teams.

"Lao Lei, why is it divided into four vortexes? Didn't you enter one together?"

The Dragon Clan Junjie who came here for the first time asked subconsciously.

this will.

Lei Lie was angry just because Lei Li ridiculed the weakness of the Dragon Clan when he had just regained his merits. The question asked by the Dragon Clan was that he had hit the muzzle, and Lei Lie directly yelled at that time.

"You are mentally retarded! I don't know such a superficial knowledge point. I don't want to review my homework for Laozi when I go back. It is embarrassing to come here!"

Ignore the handsome dragon clan whose face turned red when he was scolded.

Lei Lie looked at the many children and roared.

"Well, boys, come in, I will take you through this indigo whirlpool!"

While speaking, Lei Lie stretched out his hand, and in the void in front of everyone, an indigo-colored immortal boat appeared.

Everyone didn't dare to delay, they turned their body skills into the immortal boat one after another.

"Brother Dragon, because this indigo vortex looks calm, it actually has a huge tearing force, which is difficult for warriors in the Saint Realm to bear, so we must rely on a powerful immortal boat with outstanding defense and space shuttle capabilities.

This indigo immortal boat is one of the treasures of the dragon lord. The dragon virtual boat, the top-level immortal weapon, does not accept more than the golden dry boat. It is specially handed over to Lei Lao by the dragon lord before the final trial. "

Lei He knew that Su Ba didn't know much about the secret realm, and took the initiative to explain it to Su Ba.

Su Ba nodded, originally he wondered why he didn't enter the indigo vortex directly.

Of course, Su Ba wouldn't take the initiative to ask Lei Lie even if he was confused at this time. The old guy was obviously in a bad mood. Su Ba asked him and didn't know if Lei Lie would still call him mentally retarded, which was embarrassing.

All young talents of the dragon race have entered the dragon virtual boat.

Lei Lie injected spiritual power into the Dragon Xuzhou, and with a violent low roar, the Dragon Xuzhou turned into an indigo streamer and plunged into the indigo vortex in front of him!

The many talented dragons sitting in the Dragon Void Boat only felt that there was a burst of brilliance outside the porthole, and their heads were slightly dizzy, and then they seemed to follow the Dragon Void Boat to another space.

Shaking their heads, everyone looked at from the porthole again.

The faces of many of the dragons who came here for the first time showed unexpected expressions.

Outside is a dark world.

The sky is shrouded by countless dense black clouds, black clouds are dense, deep and terrible, just looking at it makes people feel a sense of depression gushing out of the heart for no reason.

The boundless earth, dark, without a hint of green.

Between heaven and earth, there is a quiet wind.

Desolation and silence are synonymous with this world.

"Is this the place for the ultimate trial? Where to go for the trial?"

"Yes, it feels gloomy, and I don't know where the trial is."

"I don't know, just follow the instructions, it should be clear anyway."

Many talented dragons who came here for the first time whispered.

This space looks too big, you can't see your head at a glance, and you can't see anything else, except for the dark sky, which is the dark earth, no wonder everyone is a little confused.

"It's already here. Everyone gets off the Xianzhou and prepares to advance to the target point by themselves." Lei Lie gave the order blankly, and didn't mean to answer the question at all.


Xianzhou door opened in response.

"Brother Long, be careful, the space in the ultimate trial site of these four sacred beasts is unusual, so be careful."

Lei He's reminder sounded in Su Ba's mind for the first time.

Although Lei He was here for the first time to participate in the Ultimate Trial of the Four Gods, it was very simple for him as the first genius of the young dragon clan to understand some of the ultimate trials.

"Well, thanks."

Su Ba nodded slightly to show that he knew.

Immediately after the next moment, Su Ba heard a few miserable exclamations!

I took a quick look, but found that the first few talented dragons who had come out of the Xianzhou Gate had just stepped out of the Xianzhou Gate, and the whole person seemed to be dragged down by some invisible terrible big hand!


Speed ​​surpasses lightning!

A few people crashed to the ground from a height of several thousand feet.

"Puff puff……"

The huge counter-shock force caused those dragons to vomit blood violently, and the whole body's bones were broken at this moment!

His complexion was instantly pale!

If it were not for the cultivation of several people in the early stages of the Celestial Realm, and the earth dragons who are good at defense among the dragons, this fall would be more than just a serious injury, I am afraid that people will become fleshy!

Lei Lie stepped forward, Ling Lixuan, with blue veins on his forehead, and a gloomy complexion. He was swearing at the half-dead Dragon Clan heroes below!

"A group of mentally retarded! Even though I haven't reminded the situation of the ultimate trial site, can you still not see the strange environment here?!

On horseback! Going out so casually, without any sense of defense, why didn't you fall to death! Mentally retarded! Great mental retardation! "

Lei Lie was initially displeased by the contempt of the old tortoise Lei Xi, thinking in his heart that this dragon clan was not so unbearable, so he deliberately did not tell the children who came to the ultimate trial for the first time about the weird situation. I think they should be less idiots and should be more vigilant.

Unexpectedly, a few idiots appeared so fucking, Lei Lie almost wanted to shoot them to death on the spot.

The few badly wounded and half-dead Dragon Clan heroes were originally miserable enough, but now they were screamed fiercely by Lei Lie, and they almost died on the spot depressed.

"Brother Huo, take a look, this year's dragon rookie is much worse than our last year. I have never seen such a stupid one."

A talented Jinlong clan in the late stage of Breaching Heaven Realm immediately sneered and said with a voice.

"Well, it's really stupid. I don't have any sense of defense at all. Even if I go to the secret realm in the future, it will be cannon fodder."

Huo Yan's expression was indifferent, "However, the space of this ultimate trial site has extremely strong gravity. Even if the disciples with insufficient strength know in advance and are prepared, they can't hold it. Look at it, and it will be estimated that many people are on the ground. Can't stand up."

"Hey, if you can't get up when you lie down, you're really embarrassed. It's better not to participate in the ultimate trial."

The Jinlong clan masterful replied with playfulness in the late-breaking heaven realm.


Lei Lie cursed, and after getting out of anger, he coldly waved the severely injured Dragon Clan wise men into the immortal boat.

"You idiots heal on their own. After the injury is recovered, I will send a message to the old man, and the old man will give you the location!

No matter how stupid the old man was, he would disqualify the trial directly. Did you hear that? "

Lei Lie scolded fiercely.

"Yes... I see, Mr. Lei."

Those few dragons who made mistakes shrugged their heads and whispered.


Lei Lie snorted coldly, ignored these idiots, turned his deep gaze to the other outstanding dragons who were still in the Dragon Void Boat, and said with indifferent hands.

"Well, you can come out one by one.

This is just the first basic trial. The requirement is very simple. It can fall on the ground from a height of thousands of feet without incident and stand still.

Of course, whoever of you asks himself what he has, can also show it.

Aren’t you very confident on weekdays, let me see your true strength! "

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