Ok? !

Lei Lie glanced at Su Ba again after hearing that the Dragon Lord placed such importance on believing in Dragon Ba.

I want to ask, since Long Ba is so outstanding, why didn't the young generations on the four continents of the fairy world let Long Ba play.

But seeing the majestic and indifferent look of Dragon Lord, Lei Lie still didn't ask any more.

After saluting the dragon master.

Lei Lie turned around, waved his big hand, and roared.

"Okay! Little door, let's go!"


In the central area of ​​Beiju Luzhou, there is a silent snow valley.

This snow valley is very strange and there is no echo.

No matter how loud you speak, you can clearly see the transmission of sound waves, but there is no feedback, as if the sound of the entire space has been swallowed by something.

And the snowflakes all over the sky will melt away silently when they are thousands of miles around the snow valley.

Snow fell into the snow valley as rain, and then instantly turned into white snow when it hit the ground mountain.

In this space, there are unique laws that support the operation.

Snow Valley is a forbidden area for creatures with a radius of thousands of miles!

No one knows what is inside, and no one dares to break through here!

Because this is the ban imposed by the four great beast-level forces!

It is strictly forbidden for all creatures to approach the snow valley thousands of miles away, and offenders will be chased and killed by the four great beast-level forces!

to this end!

There are many strange beasts or human warriors who have not long eyes have paid the price of their lives!

It wasn't until the fall of a saint realm powerhouse that the Xiaoxiao was completely shocked!

And the ultimate trial of the four mythical beasts is in this silent snow valley!

When Lei Lie brought a group of young dragons to the central open space of Snow Valley, a large number of people had already gathered there.

The Baihu, Xuanwu, and Suzaku tribes are clearly distinguished, and the personnel are all here.

The members of the forces are also easy to recognize.

The children of the White Tiger tribe are basically dressed in animal clothing, with most of their fleshy bodies exposed, even if they are women, showing a wild beauty.

Relatively speaking, the children of the Xuanwu tribe are more burly and tall, and there are more men than women, and beautiful women are scarce.

The children of the Suzaku tribe are relatively in line with human aesthetics. The males are thin and handsome, while the females are graceful and beautiful like flowers. Contrary to the Xuanwu tribe, the Suzaku tribe is mostly women, surrounded by Yingyingyanyan, really. Beautiful.

"Hey, let me say Lei Lie, why are you dragons so troubled? Even if you are late, you are still late!"

As soon as Lei Lie arrived here, an unkind, strong voice came from not far away, which was the direction of the Xuanwu tribe.

Su Ba saw that he was talking about a sturdy old man who was more than three meters tall. He was full of horror, and he felt that his attitude was not very friendly.

"What's the matter with being late, you have to wait more than ten breaths for old man Lei, why, rush to reincarnate!"

Who is Lei Lie? He is a fierce and unwilling to suffer.

When someone wanted him to take gunpowder, Lei Lie fought back cursingly.

What's more, Lei Lie and Lei Li had a disagreement between them, and their relationship was not harmonious. It is said that it was because of a woman's affairs that caused harm, and the past cannot be mentioned.

"Okay, old Lei, what are you going to do with the old man when you are late?!"

Lei Li's pair of eyebrows stood up immediately!

Lei Lie raised his eyebrows and sneered, "Why do you want to practice? You old tortoise is afraid that you will be abused by Laozi with all your feet upside down and can't turn over!"

"Old tortoise? Oh, you little reptile dare to be presumptuous in front of the old man?!"

The two of them stared at each other with small eyes, full of anger, and watched a big battle looming!

"Okay! See how old you are! I don't know how to temper your temper!"

A crisp, sweet voice came from the side, with a trace of sullenness!

Su Ba originally thought that Lei Lie would continue to be violent.

But who knows.

Hearing this female voice, Lei Lie was stunned, and then all the anger in his whole body was reduced, with surprise and surprise on his face, he turned his head and smiled and said to a graceful and beautiful woman in the forefront of the Vermillion Bird tribe.

"Fairy Yan, it turns out that you are the leader of the Suzaku clan in this ultimate trial. What a coincidence, hehehe."

With that flattering tone and flattering attitude, Su Ba who looked at him was stupid.

He couldn't think that Lei Lie, who seems to be irritable and lawless, would be so pleased. Is this a fake Lei Lie?

"Brother Long, don't be surprised. The beautiful woman who led the Vermilion Bird clan is called Yan Feishuang, the goddess in Lei Lao's mind, no, she is still a goddess now.

Thinking that when Lei was young, it was crazy to pursue Senior Yan, but it was too much to ask for it all the time. "

Seeing the astonishment on Su Ba's face, Lei He came up and explained something to Su Ba through the sound transmission. By the way, he pointed to a short distance from the original quarrel with Lei Lie and now his temper has become better.

"Here, that great power of the Xuanwu clan used to be romantic rivals with Lei, and both like Senior Yan."

That's it!

Su Ba suddenly realized.

As the saying goes, when the rivals meet, they are extremely jealous!

Not to mention such a temperamental character like Old Lei, who didn't fight well.

"Then Senior Yan is married now?"


Lei He nodded, "Married to a mighty fellow from the Suzaku clan.

Generally speaking, marriages like our sacred beasts are digested among the same race, and we rarely marry with foreign races, because this will weaken the power of the blood of the next generation of sacred beasts.

However, if the other party is extremely talented, then it is very likely that the next generation with stronger bleeding power will be born, and it is possible to follow one of the parents.

For example, the combination of the dragon and the Suzaku will result in a stronger generation of the pure dragon or the Suzaku bloodline. In this way, it is also a good thing for the two races.

Of course, if you fall in love with the human beings, the same is true.

Therefore, in terms of marriage, as long as the two parties are in agreement and have exceptional talents, the senior leaders of the four great beasts also tacitly agree to such a combination. "


Su Ba nodded, indicating that he understood.

While Lei He was pleased with Yan Fei, Su Ba looked around randomly, but saw a few acquaintances.

Yi Kuang, Tie Long, Yan Qingwu.

Although these three people were not the highest cultivation base present, as the first geniuses in the clan, they were detached and surrounded by many people.

Su Ba was looking at them, and Yi Kuang was the same with them.

It is clear!

After seeing Su Ba, the three of them all paused for a while, and they all seemed to have discovered Su Ba as a stranger in the Dragon Clan.

Many famous Dragon Clan Tianjiao had known them for a long time, but seeing Su Ba standing at the forefront of the team, second only to Lei Lie, and even faintly higher than Lei He, made the Yi Kuang trio very puzzled.

But it hasn't waited for the three to communicate.

Lei Lie interrupted impatiently, the powerful Xuanwu tribe who was unhappy because of Lei Lie's kindness to Yan Fei.

"Okay, the surname is Lei, don't beep, hurry up and open the secret realm entrance together!"

"I talk, do it. What a shit!"

Just as Lei Lie was about to go crazy, Yan Fei glared at Lei Lie with her beautiful eyes, and said coldly.

"Old man Lei, can you say a few words less? How much time have you delayed?"

"Uh~Yes, Fairy Yan is right, but it's the old man's fault, hahahaha."

Old Lei smiled, and obediently returned to the dragon team.

The Baihu tribe, who had been watching the show, shook his head helplessly.

In this ultimate trial, it was a coincidence that the three of them would meet together.

Fortunately, both Yan and Fei are here. Otherwise, Lei Lie and Lei Li, the two old guys, are probably going to shake the sky. I don't know if the ultimate trial can go on well.


The four great beast forces led the way out of the team one by one and came to a platform in the center of Snow Valley.

At this time, Su Ba noticed.

On the central platform of the snow valley, there were four slightly sunken palm prints, corresponding to the east, west, south, and north.

And in the center of the four palm prints, there is a mysterious pattern engraved.

Upon closer inspection, Su Ba discovered something.

The center of the palm print on the east is engraved with a blue dragon pattern, the center of the palm print on the west is engraved with a white tiger pattern, the center of the palm print on the south is engraved with a Suzaku pattern, and the center of the palm print on the north is engraved with a basalt pattern!

"It seems that this secret realm is really amazing. It actually needs the four sage realm powers of the four great beast forces to generate power at the same time..."

Su Ba whispered in surprise.

Although the voice was soft, Lei He, who was with him, still heard it.

Lei He's face suddenly showed a touch of surprise.

"Brother Long, don't you know the mystery of our four ultimate trials of beasts?"

According to Lei He's thoughts, since Su Ba is the heir of the Dragon Lord, his knowledge should be very broad, and there is no reason why he is not clear about the secret realm of the ultimate trial of such a famous four mythical beasts.

Some Dragon Clan Tianjiao around heard this, and they all gave Su Ba a suspicious look.

Su Ba's expression remained unchanged, his thoughts turned sharply, and he smiled lightly.

"Is there a problem? You don't know, I'm always being dragon...Father, the sky is dim and dark in the special training, where can I have the time to understand the others?

I am at a loss for many things within the dragon clan, let alone this kind of secret realm. "

That's it.

Hearing Su Ba's explanation, many people suddenly nodded, thinking that Su Ba's words made sense.

Lei He also nodded and smiled.

"That's it, Brother Long has really worked hard."

Su Ba smiled in his heart.

Look, this IQ really deserves its reputation!

Really wit!

"Since Brother Long is not quite clear, I will explain it a little bit."

Lei He said openly, "According to legend, in the ancient times, our four great beasts were originally a family, and the helms of each of us were brothers and sisters, and they lived in harmony.

In order to express their friendship with each other, they jointly created a powerful trial mystery to enhance the talent and strength of the younger generation of the four great beasts.

This is the ultimate trial mystery of the four mythical beasts!

Although later for some reason, the four great beasts at the helm disagrees, and then they fall apart and form a group of their own, but the secret realm of the ultimate trial of these four beasts is still left behind.

However, to open the ultimate mystery, it is still necessary for the four great beasts to each have a strong, and the four mythical beasts energy resonance can open the ultimate mystery.

It seems that this ultimate mystery was not on the side of Beiju Luzhou in the fairy world before, and I don't know why it appeared here.

Although the effect of the ultimate mystery trial is still very strong, compared with the legendary classics, it is different by many times.

I have heard the dragon master mention that the rules of the Dao inside seem to be missing a lot, so the trial effect is greatly affected, but even so, it is still the most important trial place for our four great beasts!

Moreover, if it weren't for this, I am afraid that even if the Dragon Lord and the four top powerhouses are dispatched, they may not be able to open this ultimate trial secret. "

Listening to Lei He's explanation, Su Ba's heart moved.

In the ultimate secret realm, there are a lot of rules missing? Wasn't it supposed to be on the side of Beiju Luzhou in the fairy world?

This phenomenon is similar to the Buddhist world of Tianxu soldiers and its likeness!

The Heavenly Ruins Soldier Realm is not the original thing of the Immortal Realm. According to the system, it was said that it should be a certain powerful sect of the Great Universe in the Desolate Ancient Period. I don't know why it was left on the Immortal Realm plane of this universe.

the most important is.

It seems that the Heavenly Ruins Soldier World has been damaged, making some of the Dao rules missing. The highest quality of the gods born is but the top fairy weapon, and the probability is very low.

Both are not things in Xianwu Universe, both have been damaged, and the Dao rules are missing a lot...

Su Ba's deep black eyes flickered.

It seems that in the wild and ancient period of the universe, something earth-shattering absolutely happened!

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