God-level Punishment System

Chapter 840: The most dangerous

"Qing Shenmu!"

Zhang Yi exclaimed and pointed to the front.

After walking for about half a time from the direction of the snake spirit vine, a huge swamp, a rare open space behind the misty swamp, appeared in front of everyone.

The silt was everywhere, and the smell was stinking, and some flowers and plants born in the marsh stubbornly emerged, adding a little different color to the black and dirty land.

"Sister Bing Lan, look at it quickly, isn't the one that is floating is the Qing Shenmu!"

Zhang Yi spit the stars flying around, turning back to greet excitedly.

"Joy, come here quickly. Look, we found it. As long as you bring it back, you can detoxify your brother Nie Kang."

Zhang Yi teasedly confronted You Yidao who fell behind.

Zhang Yi was the first Qin Binglan's team, and the two could have lived together almost since then, Qu Tian and You Yi joined the team in an action together.

As for Nie Kang, it was the last one, but the relationship with Joy was very good. Everyone with a discerning eye knew Jyo's affection for Nie Kang.

This action, to a certain extent, was also because of this level of relationship with Joy.

"Well, I can detoxify Brother Nie."

Joy nodded and stepped forward, his tone a little heavy.

"What's the matter? I'm afraid we won't get it. Don't worry, I will get it for you.

meaning! "

Zhang Yi assured him, patting his chest.

Joy is better than him, and after the team, he has always taken care of him. Although he doesn't like Nie Kang a little bit, since Joy likes him, he also likes the two sincerely.

Reaching out a few vines, Zhang Yi began to tie up. He looked up at Ling Zhidao.

"Brother Ling, I will tie this vine to my body later, then split a board, rub it on my stomach, and then you grab this end, and then with your strength, you can pull me back at will!"

Ling Zhi's eyes were condensed slightly, and he had been scanning the swamp in front of him, which was different from Zhang Yi's ease. Since appearing here, his expression has become much more serious.

The swamp was very peaceful. Except for some flying insects and reptiles, it did not seem to be in any danger, but he always had a blessing of restlessness. He just let him observe in every way, but did not find the source of this restlessness.

Over there Zhang Yi quickly prepared everything. Under Qin Binglan's instructions, he walked to Lexus and handed the vine he had twisted to Lexus. He smiled when he saw Lingzhi's appearance.

"Brother Ling, what are you worried about, don't worry, I have done this many times when I fetch things in this swamp. This time I have you here, so there is nothing wrong with it."

"Well, he's right, the foggy swamp is actually more of a forest. The swamp is interspersed with it. In addition to being caught in it and unable to break free with spiritual power, there is generally no danger in these swamps."

Seeing Ling Zhi looking to herself, Qin Binglan nodded lightly and explained.

Reaching out to take the vine, Ling Zhi's brows were not stretched out. He always felt that he had revealed something, something very important.

Zhang Yi didn't care about this, and he wanted to get the Clear God Wood, which could refine the Clear Deity Poison Pill, save Nie Kang, and make his sister You Yi happy.

Throwing the board toward the depths of the swamp, he planned to rush up in one jump. With the help of the strength, he took the Qingshenmu in his hand, and then as long as Lexus exerted his strength, he could pull it back.

Seeing him start to back up and prepare to take off, Joy's hand dropped slightly, but it trembled slightly.

Qin Binglan and Qu Tian were both looking at Zhang Yi and didn't notice her abnormality, but this slight movement happened to earn Lexus, who had been frowning and contemplating.


A flash of light came up in Ling Zhi's mind, and he finally grasped the source of the ethereal anxiety.

Zhang Yi, who stepped on his foot and was rushing forward, was hugged by Lexus's waist and retreated sideways.

He rushed forward with all his might, of course, but compared to Lexus, he was not worth mentioning. Even if he hurriedly used his force, he just flung him back with a light hook.

He stepped on the ground repeatedly, rubbing up the weeds and dirt, Zhang Yi staggered, sat on the ground, screamed, touched himself, and looked at Lexus with a complaining expression.

"Brother Ling, I used to run like a breastfeeding man, you are too sudden.

And you can't hold me, can't you just tap it. "

"Who made you a man, I will not hold a man."

Ling Zhi spread his hands, shrugged, and said with a serious face.

Qin Binglan blushed quietly, thinking that she was being held in Ling Zhi's arms, and flying halfway in the air, her calm heart couldn't help but fluctuate slightly.

"Hmph, sister Binglan will feel comfortable in your hug."

Zhang Yi murmured, under Qin Binglan's murderous gaze, this stopped.

"But why are you stopping me? Qingshenmu is in front.

What if someone comes over. "

There are many teams like Qin Binglan and the others in the misty swamp. They are just shrouded in mist. It is generally difficult to collide with each other. If they are cautious and don't make any obvious noises, sometimes they may pass by even if they are only several feet apart.

"Don't worry, listen to Lexus."

Qin Binglan looked at Ling Zhi's serious eyes and stopped saying.

Ling Zhi sorted out his thoughts in his heart and suddenly turned his eyes to Joy.

"The snake spirit vine before, after Zhang Yi was attacked, none of the three of Qin sister remembered that it was the snake spirit vine. How did you recognize it?"

He asked with a low voice.

You Yi trembled, glanced at Ling Zhi with complicated eyes, then tilted his head and swept Qin Binglan and others in a low voice.

"I guessed too.

I saw that those vines were very similar to the snake spirit vines recorded in books. "


Lexus is noncommittal,

"Then you have seen Qing Shenmu before, didn't you walk this way? Or was the snake spirit vine not there yet when you were there?"

Zhang Yi and the others finally caught the difference, looked at You in disbelief, but Qin Binglan seemed to be somewhat prepared and bit her lip.

"At that time, you exclaimed that you must have seen the snake spirit vine, so you must have encountered the snake spirit vine on the road you walked. Maybe you didn't meet it head-on, maybe because of some reason we don't know, you Avoided it and came to the cluster."

Lexus didn’t shy away from it and spoke bluntly,

"And since you can get to this place, but they don't know, then at least you didn't take the Qingshenmu many years ago, and these years have passed, and they have not been taken away."

Zhang Yi mentioned that he had met Qin Binglan since then. Both of them were orphans. Qin Binglan was older than him. Later, Qu Tian and You Yi joined them. About three or four years ago, Nie Kang was more than a year old. before.

For such a long time, so many adventurers in the Misty Swamp, there is no reason Qingshenmu lay there peacefully.

The fourth-level elixir, the essential medicinal material of the precious Ling Pill, clearing and deifying poison pill, is rare, so it is not unprecious.

"What the **** are you hiding from us? What kind of danger is there in this place!"

Ling Zhi suddenly took a step forward, and his voice suddenly fell cold. Hush... Ling Zhi shook Gulu from his deep sleep.

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