God-level Punishment System

Chapter 839: "value

She was afraid, Qin Binglan was afraid, afraid that everything Ling Zhi did, like those men, was just to seduce her.

It is not that she feels that she is worth the seed of the spirit vine in a man's heart, but that she feels a lot of feelings in Ling Zhi that she has never felt before and expects.

If Ling Zhi did it deliberately because of her appearance, she didn't want to think about it anymore.

Staring at Ling Zhi's face nervously, for fear that his next sentence would crush his fantasy.

Men, are they all like this?

She thought to herself.

"That's it. I think you also have a place to live in Leicheng. I want to entrust a girl and an old man to you for one or two, and this vine seed will be my gift."

Ling Zhi looked at Ji Rao and smiled.

"A girl and an old man? Is there an enemy, or is it?"

Zhang Yi wondered.

Ling Zhi laughed, thinking that since he was taking care of a few people, there was no need to conceal it. With a slight modification, he probably talked about the affairs between himself and Old Man Xia.

"Because they fed you a mouthful of the medicinal soup, took care of you for a few days, fed you a few mouthfuls of the fish soup, and you helped them not to be persecuted by the bullies.

But in this way, even if you pay such a price, are you willing to protect their safety? "

Zhang Yi rationalized his thoughts in shock, and asked rhetorically in disbelief.

Injuries can be healed with mortal herbs. With their martial artist's body, they can heal on their own without taking it. The so-called fish soup is even less worth mentioning.

And to pay a priceless Lingvine Seed for this is really unbelievable.

Ling Zhi nodded.

"Although the medicinal soup is an herb that they are reluctant to take when they are sick, the fish soup is their best fish.

These things, for you, may not be worth mentioning, but for them, they are very important. "

"Others can take out all of themselves and treat me well, why can't I take out all of myself and treat them well?"

Ling Zhi asked softly, but it was like talking to himself.

"In my opinion, the seed of the spirit vine is far inferior to the fish soup that the old man fed me, far inferior to the playful and humorous playfulness and humor of the girl who is afraid of me being bored by my bed."

You are in difficulty and need a lot of spiritual stones to save your life, and a friend has a hundred spiritual stones and gave you ten, and a friend only has one, but he gave you all the spiritual stones, and went to borrow and ask More spirit stones, want to help you.

The difference is clear at a glance.

Sometimes, the value cannot just look at the surface value, this


, Also depends on the price paid.

Zhang Yi and the others were startled, their eyes looked at Lexus with a slightly complicated expression, but their expressions gradually became respectful and admired.

Because they can't do such a thing, and Lexus has done it, it is really so magnanimous, so it is worthy of admiration.

"You can send them here. I will try my best to protect them and protect them comprehensively, but this kind of thing is unnecessary. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't even be able to pass the level of the wolf snake."

Qin Binglan closed her eyes deeply, put away the tears in her red eyes, and said.

After grabbing Qin Binglan's hand, it was warm and smooth. Ling Zhi placed the seed directly on the palm of his hand and closed his hands.

"Sister Qin, if you asked me to call you that way, why bother.

If you plant this vine seed well, you can also protect you well, at least..."

Ling Zhi paused and took a deep look at her.

"At least it doesn't have to be the same as before, so there is no fixed place to live, and there is no way to rely on life."

Qin Binglan trembled and wanted to open the palm of her hand to return the seed to Lexus, but she never opened it. She couldn't bear it, not because of the value of the vine seed, but because of Lexus' words.

"All right.

Go ahead, you are not still looking for the sacred tree, I must return to Leicheng within a week, it has been more than two.

There is not much time left. "

With a big wave of his hand, Lexus walked forward immediately.

The two seedlings of spirit vines were enough to ensure that he would definitely get the waste beast bag, and to help him solve the safety problem of Xia Ning'er and the old man living in Leicheng, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Brother Ling, that... look..."

Zhang Yi ran all the way to catch up with Lexus, beside him, hesitated, his rough man, at this moment, is rare to be ashamed.

"Why, want me to teach you."

Ling Zhi kept walking under the direction of Jyo and Zhang Yi.

The desolate beasts are territorially aware, similar to the dual existence of snake spirit vine and wolf snake, it is almost impossible for desolate beasts to move in this area, so they also slightly relaxed their tight nerves.

Zhang Yi held the axe in one hand against his shoulders, rubbing his free hand, looking longing and tangled.

After a while, he suddenly approached Ling Zhidao slightly.

"Brother Ling, do you think this is good? I will tell you what Sister Bing Lan likes and hates, tell you everything about her, help you chase her, as a swap, can you teach me good?"

He is more dependent on and grateful to Qin Binglan as a teenager for such a sister who often takes care of him. There is friendship, but it is not that kind of affection. Therefore, making such a decision at this moment does not have any burden.

The strength of Lexus is obvious to all. He has never seen a martial artist in the sixth-level realm, who can reach such a point.

As for character, there is no need to worry. If Qin Binglan can be taken care of by Lexus, it is obviously the best choice.

Zhang Yi reasoned like this in his heart, and suddenly felt that the guilt in his heart was gone, but instead felt that Qin Binglan should thank him.

"Zhang Yi, thank you."

A chilly female voice sounded abruptly from behind.

Zhang Yi just thought of this and replied without realizing it.

"It's okay, sister Bing Lan, you don't need to thank me, this is what I should do."

Qin Binglan's expression stagnated, and Ling Zhi almost instantly felt that the hairs on his back trembled, and a cold killing intent rose from behind.

"Oh, yes."

A sound like from Jiuyou sounded again, and a white palm also clung to Zhang Yi's shoulder.

Zhang Yi stunned, and glanced at his shoulder slightly, turning his head slightly. When he saw the white hand, he looked at Lexus holding his hand on his chest. He immediately reacted, and a cold sweat came out on the spot.

"Ah! Sister Binglan, I was wrong, I was wrong, Brother Ling, help."

Zhang Yi's screams resounded in this area.

"What can I save you? Come on, let's take a closer look, what kind of sister Qin likes, and if I have a chance.

I also count on you! "

Lexus is not too big to watch the excitement, and said loudly.

what! As soon as the words fell, Zhang Yi's screams became even more stern.

Unlike Jirao's lively, as the crowds advance, from the snake spirit vine, there is a weird Joy with a more inexplicable expression.

She looked into the distance from time to time, and looked at Qin Binglan and others from time to time, with a deep sense of guilt in her eyes.

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