God-level Punishment System

Chapter 811: Killer


Hu Dahao looked embarrassed. He sat halfway and didn't stand up. He didn't dare to sit down.

He hadn't figured out the identity of Lexus after all, and it was unknown to him. If he didn't have a backer, he would stand up like this, but he would lose his head.

If there is a backer, he would sit down like this, but it would be unclear.

For a time, he was a little wronged.

I go to Leicheng on weekdays to hand in the minzhimin anointment that I searched every month. It is not that I have never seen the children of such a big family, nor do I see others like this.

The moment I was still smiling, I suddenly looked like this the next moment.

After hesitating for a moment, Hu Dahao had to stand up, but his hand behind his back shook three times slightly towards the door.

"Brother, what's the matter, suddenly there was such a big fire."

He bowed his head slightly, perfectly concealed the killing intent in his eyes, and said with a smile on his face.

Ling Zhi ignored him at all, and after carefully inspecting Xia Ning'er's injuries, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It should be caused by a blunt instrument, blood stasis, for a long time, can not be resolved, dredged, causing blockage of the meridians.

Fortunately, Xia Ning'er took the initiative to mention it just now, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable even if it was late.

I'm afraid it's the flesh and blood meridians in these parts that are really abolished. Over time, it will inevitably drag down the rest of the parts.

Now it only needs some spiritual pills to cooperate with spiritual power to guide him, and it should be fine.

Under certainty, Lexus was not only relaxed, but also afraid for a while.

"You support her?"

Ling Zhi turned his head slightly and sat on the chair, looking at Hu Dahao calmly.


Hu Dahao was taken aback, glanced at Xia Ning'er, and hurriedly said,

"No, how could I hurt her as a girl? There must be some misunderstanding."


"En, there must be some misunderstanding, how could we hurt such a girl."

Hu Dahao quietly moved his feet towards the door while standing.

With a hand behind him, it shook three times quickly.

His eyesight for observing words and colors has been cultivated over the years. He has already seen that although Ling Zhi's face is calm at the moment, his eyes are cold.

This kind of person, the more angry, the calmer.

And the more people who can remain calm when they are angry, the more terrifying.

He guessed right about this.


Ling Zhi lifted his foot, flew on the top of the table, and smashed towards Hu Dahao.

Hu Dahao's fat body was flexible, and he dodged to avoid it, and a slight slack flashed in his eyes.

There is not much spiritual power fluctuation, just a small amount, it should not be as strong as him, and with the back hand that he placed, it should be possible to keep the opponent in this yard.

At that time, no matter what the backing is behind him, as long as he doesn't admit it and eats everything, no matter how strong the backing is.

"Brother, my Hu is very polite to you, why are you like this!"

While thinking about it, he asked pretendingly.

"Ning'er, is this person helping you?"

Ling Zhi snorted coldly.


Xia Ning'er hid behind Ling Zhi, boldly shouting in a clear voice.

By the door of Hu Dahao's disciple, one dashed towards the courtyard,

"You forced me!"

He waved, and dozens of figures rushed out from all directions.

Most of them are mortal powerhouses without spiritual power, but there are also two or three warriors who have stepped into the first level of physical realm.

In the initial stage of the physical realm, the heaviest spiritual energy, the physical body does not require much, as long as the spiritual power is sufficient, there will be no obstacles to cultivation. This is also the reason why most of the Luoyezong disciples are in the fourth-level realm.

But for the disciples of the big clans, especially the martial artists of the cluster, it is not so.

The lack of auras and the spiritual stones that they could hardly obtain with their strength made their cultivation only able to absorb the thin auras bit by bit, which was very painful.

However, these powers are enough to crush a fishing village.

Ling Zhi glanced at these people with disdain, then sneered.

"This is where your confidence lies. The hole cards you just went out to arrange?"

"You guessed it was arranged in advance when I just went out?"

Hu Dahao's pupils shrank.

"Ha ha."

Ling Zhi sneered.

That time in Fengcheng, he almost killed himself and Ye Qingcheng, and he wouldn't blame much. If he didn't have a long memory, wouldn't he have become an idiot who couldn't help? Allow the other party to engage in actions, but really don't see the other party in the eyes, just let the other party take the initiative to gather everyone over, save the trouble, directly solve it all at once, and eliminate future troubles.

There was a sense of horror in Hu Dahao's heart, he was obviously hot, but he was in a cold sweat.

"No matter who you are, you have to die here today. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being uninterested."

Hu Dahao shouted angrily, emboldened himself, did not flinch, and rushed ahead.

He is at the third level of the physical realm, stronger than the men around him. With him taking the lead, the dozens of figures are all rushing towards him.

"Ning'er, keep your eyes open and watch carefully.

This is my first gift for my brother. "

Ling Zhi chuckled, stepped on his feet, and walked in eight steps at will. The crowd's movements were chic and casual.

He wanted to let Xia Ning'er know that all those who hurt her had no good end.

Erase the spiritual harm that these people have caused to her from her heart.

Although more than a dozen people attacked together, but Ling Zhi had a strange body under his feet, and no one could approach him.

The Eight Steps of Yan Yan is a high-ranking technique at the Xuan-level. The most powerful Hu Dahao of these people is only a low-rank Huang-level cultivation technique, which is too far behind and incomparable.

Bang, bang, ... a continuous muffled sound came, these people who surrounded Lexus in a circle, like flowers blooming, flew out at a faster speed.

Click, click.

And there was at least one sound of broken bones in everyone.

Some of the more miserable ones were directly pressed by Lexus or with a palm on their chest, their chests sunken, or a kick on the neck and other vital areas. They died before they even had time to scream.

Because Xia Ning'er was still on the court, Lexus shots were mostly vigorous shocks, not **** scenes.

Hu Dahao was stunned. Before he could react, all the people around him flew out, shaking his head in horror to guard against the Lexus.

"Why, you boss, would be so scared?"

Ling Zhi's voice came from behind him, and the heat in his mouth blew on his neck, causing his hairs to stand on end.

Hu Dahao was frightened, his legs softened, and he knelt down.

"Brother, you have a large number of adults, I don't know that she is related to you, otherwise, how could I hurt her a little bit!"

Ling Zhi shook his body and appeared in front of him.

Hugging his hands on his chest and kicking it on his chin, Hu Dahao's fat body was directly lifted by this foot, his head tilted back, and he flew out.

Blood mixed with teeth flew out of Hu Dahao's fat mouth, half of his face crooked.

If it was in the past, Lexus might really not kill him, but now that the gods and Buddhas are here, Lexus will never hesitate or pause!

"Don't, don't kill me, um..."

Hu Dahao hurriedly got up and knelt on the ground. As soon as he uttered a few words, he spit out a few broken teeth, and bloodshot dripping from the corners of his mouth mixed with saliva.

Ling Zhi sneered and walked towards him.

"I, I can exchange the news I know with you, this news must be worth it!"

Hu Dahao's body trembled, and he repeatedly knocked on the ground, hurriedly said.

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