God-level Punishment System

Chapter 810: Did i let you sit

The two shaggy legs are topless, and a piece of hair on the chest is exposed like weeds.

The middle-aged fat man walked out, squinted at Lexus, and stretched out his hand to hold on to his chest. It seemed that the hairy area was a little itchy.

Seeing the other person touching among the weeds, Ling Zhi felt nauseous.

It's just a model of a big man with his feet.

"Boss, boss, you can figure it out, you have to be the master of our three brothers."

Ma Kong crawled and hugged the middle-aged fat man's legs, pressed his face to the shaggy legs, and cried.

"Yeah, boss, we went to the old man Xia’s house and brought the daughter-in-law to the son. As a result, this man who didn’t know where he came from, beat us up and asked us to bring you. you."

Ma Jiang and the two rolled on the ground and howled, their voices stern.

Ling Zhi watched their three brothers talking nonsense with interest, except that Ma Kong's face was always rubbing against that shaggy black thigh, which made him look nauseous. It was a good show.

Of course, Hu Dahao would not be as ignorant as the few of them. He looked relaxed when he saw Lexus, and he didn't change his face when surrounded by so many people. His eyes kept narrowing together, and he looked at Lexus carefully.

Secretly searched for this piece of the city up to the top, and down to the nearby fishing village. There is a young man under the door of an adult who looks like this. Don't mess with people who shouldn't be offended. Then you can't eat and walk around.

Although his Hu Dahao is also a martial artist of the three-level physical realm, he is considered a master in this fishing village, but he knows better than anyone else in his heart. Nothing else, he just stayed in Leicheng twenty or thirty miles away, and splashed water casually. When I went out and fell on the street, ten out of eight and a half were better than him.

But why he is so moisturized is because he never provokes people who shouldn't be offended, and never provokes people who don't know if he can.

"Go go, go away."

Hu Dahao kicked Ma Kong away from his leg and looked at Lexus with a smile.

"This brother, I don't know where it came from."

"From... you care where I come from."

Ling Zhi originally wanted to point out the direction, but then found that he was directly teleported from the void by the Snow White Beast. He really didn't know the basic direction of the cluster.

"Broken, broken, it seems that he is really a child of a certain family.

This is to come out to experience life, just to encounter this, a hero came to save the United States. "

Hu Dahao's heart was stunned, and his heart felt bad.

Mo Lingzhi was unable to use spiritual power at the moment, and the spiritual power in his body was thin. Even at the peak period, he was full of spiritual power. With his strength, he could not even imagine the strength of Lingzhi.

"This, brothers don't know, we fishermen are born hospitable, you are a guest from afar, it must be these few things that are not long-sighted can not do things, annoy you, please come in, I will also be able to entertain you. "

Hu Dahao was disturbed, but with a peaceful smile on his face, he stretched out his hand to greet the courtyard.

"is it."

Ling Zhi was noncommittal. He could tell at a glance that Hu Dahao was just a martial artist with three levels of physical realm. If it were placed before, he would really feel troubled. After all, his spiritual power was exhausted and he couldn't make it out.

But there is the double body tempering of Long Lian Dafa and Silver Needle Maple Leaf King, which is really not a problem.

So he didn't hesitate, and strode towards the courtyard.

Little did he know that his actions, in Hu Dahao's view, confirmed his identity even more.

"I walked into someone's courtyard so recklessly, not afraid of ambushes, not afraid of danger, and no experience at all, but he can beat the three Ma Kong brothers. It is a martial artist.

He is still so young, he must be some kind of family child who has come out for experience. "

Thinking of this, Hu Dahao couldn't help but feel scared for a while, thinking that if he hadn't been cautious, I'm afraid this good day would be over, he couldn't help but stepped forward and kicked a few people on Ma Kong.

Ma Kong screamed and screamed with his relentless kicks, their eyes were even more resentful, and they didn’t know where they were wrong. I expected the boss to come out and beat him up, but I don’t know why they kept beating. they.

If you don't think about the relationship, the three guys who were wronged are about to cry.

Welcoming Lexus into the room and sitting down, Hu Dahao confessed, saying that he would go down and pick some good fish in person, and asked his subordinates to prepare the good wines and dishes on the table to accompany the misunderstanding before.

When Hu Dahao walked out, Xia Ning'er hurriedly moved to Lingzhi's side.

"Brother, he seems to be particularly afraid of you."

Xia Ning'er whispered and spoke quietly to Ling Zhi.

"Well, what? Has he bullied you before, Ning'er."

Ling Zhi asked her softly.

"Yes, he often sent people to trouble Grandpa, and he kept trying to take me away from Grandpa. You see, his men beat me last time."

Xia Ning'er didn't think much about it. Ling Zhi felt at ease here, and she lifted up her clothes and exposed her lotus root-like arms.

A few deep black lines on his arms were shocking.

Obviously it was someone who used something to get bluish and purple, and the child's skin was tender, and then it turned black to such a degree, the blood was not circulating enough, and the delay was not good.

If it is delayed, this piece of meat will become dead meat.

Xia Ning'er was grinning, as if his arm was no longer painful, Fang Fang put his arm in front of Ling Zhi and let him take a closer look.

"There are still cherry blossoms"

The girl may have felt the sense of security and warmth from Lexus. This is because the old man Xia is not talking about it. After all, he is too old and in poor health. Although he tries his best to protect, there are bound to be many who cannot be taken care of.

Xia Ning'er stretched out her hand to reach behind her with difficulty, indicating that Ling Zhi still had such a scar on her back.

"Brother, even Grandpa and the others can beat him. Last time, Grandpa lay down for several times before getting out of bed. Don't be fooled by their appearance. Be careful.

Ning'er didn't want Brother to be in danger. "

Xia Ning'er said so.

Ling Zhi was already distressed, his angry eyes were startled, and in the blink of an eye, he forced a smile.

"Don't worry, Ning'er.

Brother promise, I will not be in danger, neither will you and Grandpa. "

However, even though he was smiling, his eyes never left Xia Ning'er's exposed arms.

"Haha, look, brother, I live in a primitive place. There is no good wine and food for a while, only a few fresh big fish that I just caught, so you can make it so that your subordinates can make it. Don't dislike it."

At this time, Hu Dahao walked in from the door with a big laugh.

"Hey, brother, don’t you know, our fishing village is too, don’t look at me, it seems like a person, in fact, where there is such a beautiful scenery on the surface, look at this courtyard, how can it compare to Leicheng’s casual A family."

As he spoke, he quietly probed Ling Zhi, wondering what his identity was.

Seeing that Lingzhi was only looking at the girl next to him, he smirked, and he drew away the opposite of Lingzhi at random, and he was about to sit down.

"Did I let you sit?"

Only then did Ling Zhi speak, with a cold voice, and looked up at him coldly.

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