God-level Punishment System

Chapter 764: Three strokes

He walked into the courtyard where Lexus was, as if walking in his own home.

Ling Zhi glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and inadvertently continued to pour a bucket of water on his body from head to toe. The water mixed with the blood on his body and washed down.

"You just look at me and I have no opinion. Since I don't close the door, naturally I don't care about these, but you can't do that position."

Ling Zhi didn't know how to do it. He continued to throw the bucket into the well, and filled the bucket with water.

Looking at the reclining chair in front of him, he actually laughed,

"In this Fallen Leaf Sect, I haven't met someone in a long time, who dare to talk to me like this."

"That's really embarrassing, I have always been like this."

Lexus used his spiritual power to disperse the water drops on his body, and took a piece of clothing from the house and put it on.

Although Zhou Xuanqing has never been very respected in words, in the short memory of this courtyard, the recliner has always been Zhou Xuanqing's position.

"I know that you are a direct disciple of the sect master, and you have done a lot of things today, making a big splash."

Without forcibly sitting down, he turned to look at Lexus.

"But you should know that there are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey is the king."

"I hope you can give me an explanation, whether it's her or hurt Lu Xin."

Walked out in one step.

With his identity and arrogance, he obviously disdains to shoot Lexus.

"He provokes me by himself. He is not as strong as other people. What can I explain? As for her, if yours is Pei Ningrui."

Ling Zhi is not stupid, he can guess something from the opponent’s words and strengths, but he is never a bully and a strong person.

"Maybe she thinks I'm more handsome than you, or more capable, potential, and promising than you, but it's up to me."

Mentioning the ill-intentioned Pei Ningrui, facing a pretending one, Ling Zhi's words also became sharp.

People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people, and if people offend me, neither will Wang Laozi! A Huo turned around, the breath of the whole body was like a volcanic eruption, from the silence to the peak in an instant, the strength of the seventh layer of the physical realm, like the ocean, the stormy waves hit the shore, and swept the entire courtyard.

The third place on the list, how can the strength be looked down upon.

The beast that had been nesting in the corner whimpered and rolled to Lingzhi's feet.

He lowered his head and hugged the beast, Ling Zhi's expression was indifferent, without any change in his expression due to the burst of momentum.

How did the other party know that it was the eighth-rank barren beast, he had felt it at close range, but it was capable of resisting the ninth level of the body.

"If you only pretend to be there, then really don't waste my time, it's in my eyes."

Ling Zhi stared at Yi's momentum and walked towards him step by step.

Every step is extremely firm and not negotiable.

It seems simple, but it implies an eight-step body technique, and every step taken falls on a specific point.

Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Lexus for the first time.

Because every step of Lexus's fall, it happened to be where his aura was weakest, and he broke his aura little by little.

Although this doesn't show that the other party can compete with him, it fully expresses the other party's extraordinary.

But how can such a situation be allowed to happen, no matter how extraordinary a person is in the fourth-level form, he cannot challenge his majesty.

Therefore, he completely released the power of his whole body, as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top, with the spiritual power of his whole body, he pressed against Ling Zhi.

At the fourth level of the physical realm, you can inject spiritual power into the physical weapon, and use the physical weapon to let it go. In the later stage of the physical body, the spiritual power is integrated internally and externally. In addition to the substantial increase of the physical body, the spiritual power can naturally leave the body and attack the enemy.

The only difference from those with strong artistic conception is that those with artistic conception use their soul power to mobilize earthly spiritual power against the enemy, while those who are late in form use internal spiritual power to attack the enemy.

Although the strongest physical strength was not used, this blow was equivalent to 60% of one's strength.

For the first time, Ling Zhi's steps could not be lowered, and the surging spiritual power burst out from him in an endless stream, pressing on him.

Some sweat unexpectedly emerged from the refreshing forehead he had just flushed, dripping down.

The gap between the late stage and the middle stage of the physical state is terrifying! Even with his background and strength far beyond the same level, he couldn't compete.


His chest was stuffy, a mouthful of blood, he was forced out abruptly and suffered internal injuries.

"Obviously, I don't just pretend to be prestigious, how about you?"

Condescendingly, his voice chilled.

"It's just relying on practicing for a while longer than me, pretending to be a big tail wolf!"

Ling Zhi straightened his body, his strength exploded, and the pace he stopped, fell heavily again.

When this kick fell, Ling Zhi snorted again and coughed out a mouthful of blood, but Yi's offensive was also forced back with this kick.

"Only the weak will find reasons and excuses.

The strong will not. "

He didn't make another move, turned around and continued to walk forward.

"Because you are weaker than me, it is impossible for Pei Ningrui to have any thoughts about you. You are not worthy, because you are weaker than me, and Lu Xin is my person, so no matter if he provoked you or whatever, you have to give it. Let me explain."

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was as strong as ever.

"Also, I heard that you are still talking about it, you are fighting for the place to enter the tower. If you see the gap between us now, do you think it is a little ridiculous?"

"Well, don't blame me for not giving you a chance.

I have just returned to the sect, and I have no time to waste on you recently. After a month, I will give you one month, you come to me.

If you can take my three tricks, the matter will be exposed. If not, you apologize to Lu Xin. "

Three tricks! There is no impermeable wall in this world, not to mention that the parties have no intention of concealing. Under the instigation of countless followers, this incident is like a stone thrown into the river, ripples in the entire sect of the Fallen Leaf Sect. Start to warm up and let everyone look forward to it.

One is from appearing on the list, all the way to the next one, and the other is to kill the sixth-rank barren beast in front of all the Rao, and even break the two-level Lexus.

How can we not look forward to such two encounters.

Such a battle set off a storm and swept the entire Fallen Leaf Sect.

At this time, Lexus, who was in the center of the storm, was holding the beast, facing the setting sun, with a firm back, walking towards the teleportation array.

"I know you know that word. I won't ask you where you came from or what it is, but are you sure you are going to touch it now?"

Zhou Xuanqing didn't know when he appeared by his side.

"Do I have another choice?"

Lexus kept walking,

"I know what I do may seem naive to you, maybe forbearance is the best choice, but I can't do it because it's not me."

"If you want to rescue him, what's the difficulty?

Now that you have chosen such a path, you should go forward! "

Gods and demons change roads, this is how it can stop me

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