God-level Punishment System

Chapter 763: Tianyi returns

For a whole month of fighting against the wild beasts, Lexus' growth was tremendous. The physical body was healed again, like a piece of steel, tempered in the furnace, removing the magazines, retaining the essence, and coordinating with the warmth of spiritual power, the physical strength has a qualitative leap. Realm is never blindly absorbing aura, accumulating breakthroughs, fighting, life and death, has always been the best shortcut to growth. Just dare and dare. No matter where it is, the risks are proportional to the benefits and returns. After a month of depression, Lexus suddenly broke out, taking advantage of the situation, like a broken bamboo, which is the confidence and self-improvement of the warrior. It is not surprising that the connection breaks through two layers. Feeling the boiling and filling power in the body, Lexus enjoys it carefully. He likes this sense of power, which makes him addicted. What's more, whether it was Ye Guangyuan or the old man's face with a deadly expression on his face, it made him feel more relaxed. "Don't consider me, have you done anything this month?" Luoye Main Peak, where Ling Zhi lived. Ling Zhi casually leaned on the tree, touched his nose, and smiled twice at Zhou Xuanqing without answering. "Among those spirit medicines, there are quite a few fourth and fifth rank spirit medicines. You must have broken into the territory of the sixth and seventh rank barren beasts." Zhou Xuanqing said beyond doubt, "I don't need you to tell me how to avoid those The sight of the desolate beast can do this, but I think you know what is on your body, if you still want to save your father." "You need to be more mindful, more cautious, and cherish more. Your own life." Zhou Xuanqing's tone was heavy. Ling Zhi condensed his casual expression and nodded gently. "Well, it’s good if you understand. This time yours is out of my accident. Although I admit that I have thought that you will complete it, but I don’t have much hope, let alone that you will complete it so well. "Have you ever thought of helping me secretly?" Ling Zhi stroked his nose and said depressed. "If I get kicked out, you will not only lose face, but you will also lose a talented disciple." Zhou Xuanqing's eyes shrank imperceptibly. Only he knew that he didn't make a move. On the contrary, he already made a move at the beginning. . The dark shadow that walked out from somewhere in the Elder Falling Leaf Peak had the strength of the nine-layer physical realm. Lexus was able to put all his heart and soul into it safely, but that shadow had never appeared, so it was not difficult to guess what happened. "As my disciple of Zhou Xuanqing, if I can't get through even such a difficulty, then what do I want you to do, how far you go." Zhou Xuanqing scolded Lingzhi, but he secretly praised himself. "But fighting for the tower, your current strength is still a little different." Zhou Xuanqing looked at Lexus, frowning, "Now those people are all with the strength of the seventh level of the physical realm, and the tower will definitely explode again. Possibly, you know for yourself how huge the difference in strength will be in the later stage." Ling Zhi also fell silent for a while, he naturally understood that even at the fourth level of the physical realm, he felt that he could only fight against the sixth-grade wild beasts. Seventh-Rank Desolate Beast, I am afraid it is still not enough. If it wasn't for those 7-Rank barren beasts that were too far away from the distance he had escaped at the time, plus how much he had some scruples about the beasts in his arms, otherwise he really couldn't guarantee that he could escape. The strength of the huge changes in the late stage of the physical realm is too far from the early and mid-stage! The physical state retrains the body, the initial adaptation of the aura is inside the body, and the mid-term aura is released outside, which is a process from the inside to the outside. In the later period, the spiritual energy should be combined with the outside, tempering the physical body, which is the origin of the name of the physical state, and only then, the power of the physical body will undergo a huge change. This is what the old man told him when he was on the platform of the reincarnation pool. "If he breaks through to the late stage, even if he has just stepped into the seventh floor, he can smash the platform with one punch. If it is the eighth floor, he can smash the platform directly." He was still impressed by what he said at the time. . Even now, he still can't understand what kind of transformation his physical body needs to happen when a punch smashes a platform that is dozens of feet away. "By the way, is the identity plate you gave me fake? Why did I have such a position in the martial arts field, but I have never appeared on the tower list." "Low-key, low-key, understand. This kind of people don’t know how. I will know your specific strength." Zhou Xuanqing's expression on the old liar switched seamlessly. "Huh?" He turned his head and didn't know what he had noticed. "Son, this is something you provoke, and it has nothing to do with me. You can figure out how to solve it yourself." Zhou Xuanqing smiled wretchedly. Disappeared in place. "Be sick..." Ling Zhi walked to the well and began to fetch water to clean the blood on his body. At the same time, under the main peak of Fallen Leaves, a man in white with sword eyebrows and star eyes, long hair casually draped over his shoulders, is coming up from the foot of the mountain step by step. Every step the man takes is three feet away, no more or no more, no matter whether there is a rockfall or a step in front of the mountain, there is no change. The angular profile of the face is strong to the extreme. Gu Jing has no wave of self-confidence, as if he is not climbing a mountain, but practicing and walking his own way. [Anonymous novel www.downtxt.net] Nothing can be changed by him. Until the figure of a woman in red appeared on a flat ground and looked back at him, the expression of the man who had never changed the exclamation of countless disciples since the Fallen Leaf Sect had finally changed. The corners of his mouth were pulled up stiffly, and the man unhurriedly said, "I thought you wouldn't come to pick me up." "I didn't want to come, but I thought that you would send someone to inform me this time. It happened to be following Master today. I walked here and stayed here, waiting for you." Pei Ningrui is still in a red dress, and the first afterglow of the setting sun shines behind her, adding a third of luster. "You will be my woman after all, so why bother to talk to me like that." The man walked to her side, and finally paused and stopped. "Before that day, everything will be nothing more. I thought that with your temperament, you wouldn't be able to make such vain words." "I will figure out a way to enter the tower." The man just said these words. Pei Ningrui's hand trembled. If the opponent towers, and she can't, she knows that she can no longer refuse the opponent. "But before that, I was a little curious about what kind of person can you eat with you. I hope he is something extraordinary, and not just a shield to be pushed forward by your actions. After all, he still started playing. Where is my man." The man continued to step forward, walking towards the mountainside. Ranked third, one! The news of a return spread throughout the Fallen Leaf Sect in an instant, and the direction it went was to completely ignite the Fallen Leaf Sect that had just cooled down! Such a character, the perennial accumulation of prestige, every move will cause countless attention.

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