God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2158: Sword intent is bright

Facing the threat from Lexus, the one-legged ancestor sneered and shook his head.

On the contrary, a wave of ripples suddenly appeared in front of Lexus stepping forward.

The scene in front of Lexus had some changes.

These changes appeared with the ripples, and in the blink of an eye, in front of and behind Lexus, in all directions, there was nothing but the endless sea.

The figures of the first emperor and the one-legged ancestor all disappeared.

"Is it lost?" Ling Zhi said to himself, but he had absolute certainty in his eyes.

At this moment, he was sure that the one-legged ancestor had retained a sage that far exceeded that of others, but it was definitely not as good as his heyday.

The pure spirit power left by the one-legged ancestor sanctuary is at most about 40-50%.

And the level of soul power equivalent to 40-50% of the ancestor sage is not much stronger than the current Lexus.

In the eyes of the one-legged ancestor, Ling Zhi's spirit power was strange, but it was definitely much weaker than him.

But he didn't know that Ling Zhi's spirit power was not only not much weaker than him, but it was very likely to be equal to him.

This also led to the fact that the soul power Ling Zhi stayed beside the one-legged ancestor was not discovered by the opponent.

With this wisp of his own soul power beside the opponent, the opponent trapped Ling Zhi with a formation, but Ling Zhi did not have the slightest worry.

The front of him was the position of the one-legged ancestor, but now, no matter if he moves or not, the opponent is definitely not in front of him.

Outside of the formation, the voice of Shi Huang, etc., could not be heard.

Only the one-legged ancestor allowed it to come in.

"Only based on the level of your two formations, you dare to rush with me." The voice of the one-legged ancestor sneered, "If it weren't for a piece of fairy jade in the boundless sea, I could easily trap you thousands of people. century!"

"Shi Huang is also in the formation..." Ling Zhi frowned, but the power in his body was mobilized violently.

The idea of ​​wanting to deal with the other party and inquiring about the news has completely disappeared.

Today, there is only a quick fight.

Ling Zhi couldn't feel anything other than the formation, except for his own soul power, which was not the perception of soul power, but the induction of his own soul, regardless of distance, there was nothing to stop him.

But the one-legged ancestor can clearly perceive everything that happened in the formation.

"What?" The one-legged ancestor sneered, the soul brand on the Naling ring in his hand, but a part of it was cracked again. His soul power has already clung to [笔趣阁520www.biquge520.xyz] on the ring. Ready to dive into it at any time, "Every strand of spiritual power in the boundless sea is precious. If you waste your own spiritual power so much, you will only be one step closer to death."

In the eyes of the one-legged ancestor, even though Ling Zhi turned his direction, the direction he was facing was not facing him at all.

The Weeping Blood Sword that rose sharply in his hand also pointed to his other side.

In his opinion, Lexus is doing useless work.

"Even you are so stupid?" Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the one-legged ancestor, and he cast his gaze to the place where the first emperor was.

Just seeing Ling Zhi’s figure disappear, Shi Huang just stepped forward, stepping on a small teleportation formation, and fell into a formation, but unlike Ling Zhi, Shi Huang was caught in it. , But it is a sleepy array.

The more effect is to trap the first emperor, not to confuse the first emperor.

So Shi Huang could actually see everything outside the formation, and what he saw was also true.

But if you want to break out of the formation, unless you can quickly find the formation flag, attack the weakness of the formation, or be more powerful than the one-legged ancestor, directly break the formation in the formation, otherwise you need It will take a certain time to come out.

But now, the first emperor had directly taken a shot, probing his palm directly and swung out in front of him.

In this way, regardless of the loss of spiritual power, the face of the one-legged ancestor became difficult to look.

He could not bear to spend so much spiritual power to bless the defense of the trapped formation and resist the attack of the Emperor Shi Huang.

Even if the spiritual power he needs to pay is less than one-tenth of the Shi Huang, he is very reluctant to give up.

After hesitating for a moment, the one-legged ancestor Sage Tabo came towards the first emperor, and his soul power was intertwined between heaven and earth. The movement of breaking the Naling Ring in his hand was also slightly slowed down. Several spiritual powers flew out from his fingertips towards the emperor. Shi Huang left.

He originally thought that Shi Huang would also save his spiritual power. After he left, the trapped formation would naturally disappear slowly, and Shi Huang could walk out safely.

But now, Shi Huang's behavior has greatly exceeded his expectations.

He had to shoot again, intending to add another layer of maze outside the trapped formation. When Shi Huang broke out, he would directly step into the maze, and his attack would become meaningless. Blindly hit the boundless sea.

Arranging a sleepy formation saves a lot of spiritual power and soul power than arranging a maze. This kind of saving idea is not possessed by Shi Huang and Ling Zhi. It is an instinctive habit honed by the one-legged ancestor over the years.

However, in the face of his actions, Shi Huang still didn't pay much attention. He just didn't understand the formation, just like the original Lexus, then broke the formation with violence.

It's just that this time Lexus is slightly different from before. He is not breaking the battle violently.

And Shi Huang knew this too.

Not knowing the formation does not mean that you don't even understand common sense.

Shi Huang knew very well that Ling Zhi could perceive the exact position of the one-legged ancestor by relying on his spirit power outside.

So in the eyes of the one-legged ancestor, Lexus had accumulated power meaninglessly, but it was not the case.

In the eyes of the one-legged ancestor, Ling Zhi stood in the formation like a headless fly, with his back facing him, pouring strength into the Weeping Blood Sword, wasting spiritual power.

But what he didn't know was that the current Lexus was equivalent to standing in front of him when fighting against him, in front of him, preparing for his strongest blow, and he did not rush.

This kind of preparation is impossible in a real battle, and the enemy cannot give you such an opportunity and time.

Therefore, even for Lexus, it is the first time that he has poured his strength into the Weeping Blood Sword with such full strength.

Until the Weeping Blood Sword trembled like a killing weapon filled with enemy blood, Ling Zhi clearly perceives the sword spirit, and at this moment, it blends perfectly with the sword spirit.

What Ling Zhi thought in his heart was that because of the formation, all the interference from the outside world had already been put aside, and only the sword was out.

And after the sword spirit got enough spiritual power from Lexus, there was only one thing he wanted, and that was to spit out all the power in the sword body.

The mind between the two coincides at this moment.

This is, the sword intent is bright.

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