God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2157: Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger

As he approached the one-legged ancestor Baizhang, Ling Zhi slowly stopped his steps and did not continue to move forward.

He stared at the one-legged ancestor, then raised his hand and threw the Weeping Blood Sword.



As soon as the Weeping Blood Sword flew up, it slammed into something and fell staggeringly.

It wasn't until he fell under the sea that Ling Zhifang regained control of the Weeping Blood Sword and controlled the Weeping Blood Sword to fly out of the boundless sea.

"Formation?" Ling Zhi looked before him in surprise.

The one-legged ancestor was very clever, Ling Zhi didn't believe that a man who could leave with a ring surrounded by many ancestors would be so slow that he couldn't find his approach.

And the other party's move that he didn't dare to start because of his weird eyes had already exposed his cautious character and would not be so big.

Combining the two, Ling Zhi did not rush closer, but used the Weeping Blood Sword to test it first.

It's just that what he had never expected, it turned out to be a formation, and it was still a formation aimed at Divine Soul.

With his soul power, the soul power pinned on the Weeping Blood Sword at that moment also lost control.

If he walks over, I am afraid it will not be much better.

As an ancestor sage, or human ancestor sage, whether he can refine alchemy, refining weapons, or arrange formations, this is nothing strange.

Especially after entering the ancestral sage, many people's lifespans hardly have an exact end. In such a long time, the cultivation level has stagnated, naturally many warriors will focus their energy on the elixir, tool, and formation. On the law.

The weird thing is that with the resources of these ancestors, the abilities and insights of these ancestors, and their vision, there are very few top alchemy and formation figures.

However, it is not difficult to be at the forefront and have first-class standards.

But the same, this is not the outside world, but the boundless sea.

In the boundless sea, even the first emperor with Longquan Bi Tin Worm, when using the bean-throwing to become a soldier, he focused more on spiritual power rather than soul power.

Therefore, those 100,000 soldiers and soldiers, and 100,000 terracotta warriors and horses did not use their soul power to attack.

All this is precisely because of the strange power that has a great corrosive effect on soul power in the boundless sea.

This one-legged ancestor has obviously been in the boundless sea for a long, long time, and his mind must have been greatly affected.

And the arrangement of the formation is the most labor-intensive and the most labor-intensive.

So in the boundless sea, the least common is this formation.

In the face of this one-legged ancestor, it is obviously impossible to detect their arrival in advance. In such a place where resources are scarce, the maintenance of this formation is likely to rely on the strength of his own body, rather than something like fairy jade.

Therefore, the formation method cannot exist here for a long time.

So this formation is very likely, it was the one-legged ancestor who laid it out just before, while Ling Zhi and Shi Huang hadn't paid attention.

To be able to secretly lay down the formation under the gaze of the two, one is to be fast, and the other is to have enough insights and thoroughness against the formation.

Quick, it's not difficult to do, because Shi Huang and Ling Zhi didn't know the formation method very well, and the one-legged ancestors mixed the formation of the formation in the action, not difficult.

But if it is the latter, it is difficult.

If the other party still remains absolutely awake and sane enough.

Then all the previous actions of this one-legged ancestor were disguised.

He is not as crazy as he is in the performance.

This is the real thing, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

I probably didn't expect that Lexus would be so cautious. He used the Weeping Blood Sword to test first. When the One-legged Ancestor raised his head first and looked here when the Weeping Blood Sword lased.

The only constant is the action in his hands.

The closer you get, the stronger the soul brand Lexus left on the Naling Ring, but when Ling Zhi's soul was blocked by the formation just now, the soul brand on the Naling Ring seemed to suddenly lose its support. , Was even chiseled off by the one-legged ancestor.

Even if the opponent doesn't have a back player, he only needs to follow the previous rhythm to completely remove the soul imprint on the Naling Ring.

At that time, everything in the Naling Ring will appear in front of him and be acquired by him.

Including the magic drug Kirin and so on.

At this moment, the one-legged ancestor was performing the actions in his hands while staring at Ling Zhi and Shi Huang, and said, "Actually, I think we can cooperate. I will solve the problem of your souls being corroded. , And you exchange equivalent things with me."

"Can you keep our souls from being corroded?" Shi Huang stepped forward and asked, with a questioning look on his face, but also a curious look.

He didn't look for such a way. But even if he had subdued Longquan Bi Tin Chong who had the ability to protect his soul, the speed at which his soul was eroded, only slowed down.

Longquan Bi Tin Worm, there is no second head in the entire lower realm, the only head is in this boundless sea!

Why does the other party say that they can solve the problem of the erosion of their souls?

"Rely on the formation?" Ling Zhi said, but he took a step forward, another step, not because of the spirit formation set by the one-legged ancestor, and he was too careful.

He was not in a hurry before, because he was sure that the one-legged ancestor did not have this ability and opened his spiritual ring.

And he really hadn't felt the very strong fluctuations of being attacked by the Soul Brand.

What's more, he has always had a ray of soul, following the other side.

But now, the opponent is very close to success, and he must stop it.

The things in the Naling Ring, especially the magical medicine, and the holy pill he refined, will inevitably cause riots and looting in the boundless sea.

Ling Zhi never came and thought that with the strength of him and Shi Huang, he could face the entire boundless sea of ​​enemies.

"Of course it depends on the formation method. With the help of the formation method, I can reduce the erosion of your power to the lowest level. How about it, anyway, everyone can’t get out now, I don’t know when we will get through. Good result!" Seeing Ling Zhi coming, the one-legged ancestor did not panic.

When things got to this point, he went to put on more disguise, but he didn't have any meaning and looked guilty.

Ling Zhi snorted, "It turned out to be only weakening, and I thought you could really solve this erosion of power."

He has nine secluded and eighteen prisons, and the first emperor has Longquan Bi Tin insects. If it is only weakened, the temptation to them is really not as great as the other party imagined.

It's just icing on the cake at best.

"You'd better stop the movements in your hands, then maybe I will really save you because of your formation level."

Ling Zhi grabbed the Weeping Blood Sword in his hand again, and said coldly.

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