God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2155: Industry specializing in surgery

There are nine heavens in the upper realm, which are also called the nine realms, the nine realms.

To put it simply, there are about nine huge continents. The nine continents are closely connected, but they are separated from each other. There is an endless starry sky as a barrier.

And each continent is also called a heaven, or a realm.

The size of each heavy day is difficult to estimate with numbers.

All I know is that just the starry sky between each realm requires a half-ancestor to spend decades, constantly rushing to cross.

No one can tell how many ancestors there are in the upper realm, and no one can give a precise number.

Just like how many half-ancestors there are in the Lower Realm, no one can tell.

Those who show up, those who don't show up, those who hide, those who die, and those who don't die, there is no way to calculate.

But in the Nine Heavens of the Upper Realm, there is a co-master in each Heaven. This co-lord, among the Nine Heavens of the Upper Realm, is called the Great Sage.

That is, a stronger person at a stronger level than the ordinary ancestor.

There are nine such existences in the upper realm.

Of these nine existences, any one of them has the strength to easily kill the ancestors of the demon saint.

It is also the control and power of the Nine Heavens of the Upper Realm.

According to Shi Huang's words, in the World War I, he had vaguely learned some news to infer that Huangdi Xuanyuan, Fuxixi Emperor, and Shennong should be barely comparable to these nine.

Among them, Huangdi Xuanyuan was the closest, and Shennong's combat effectiveness was low.

After all, it is difficult to predict how many years the Nine Saints have survived, but the survival time of Huangdi Xuanyuan and others is much thinner compared to them.

Time cannot determine everything, but even if it is the head, living for tens of thousands of years, it cannot be regarded as the same.

What's more, he is a genius who has lived for millions of years, or even longer!

You know, these Nine Saints' subordinates, but one after another Ancestral Saint level powerhouse!

On the other hand, on the earth side, there are probably no more than nine ancestors in total. They are only a handful, uniting the entire lower realm, digging three feet to find all the ancestors, the number is also very small, let alone finding nine. Can resist the strong among the ancestors of the Nine Saints.

Therefore, in that battle, the difference in strength between the two sides was astonishing.

If it weren't for the ancestors of the earth, there were many talents, and desperate resistance, there would be no hope of defeat in the battle that year.

In this case, the ancestors of the earth can still lead the lower realm, and the upper realm is extremely jealous. The name of the hero is well-deserved!

However, it is not the nine co-lords of the Nine Heavens that truly makes people desperate.

Really desperate,

Apart from these nine people, there are still four people above them.

These four people were the Four Patriarchs of the Upper Realm in the words of the First Emperor.

The strength of the four ancestors is one level higher than that of the nine sages, and they are the four strongest people in the upper realm since the history.

For countless years, the status of the four has never been shaken by anyone.

The heroes of the lower realm who died in the hands of these four are countless!

Ling Zhi once saw that there were two ancestors of the lower realm, one was eaten by the ancestor of the beast, and one was torn by hand.

"The four ancestors are Beast ancestor, Spirit ancestor, corpse ancestor, and demon ancestor." Shi Huang said, telling Lexus everything he knew.

Ling Zhi listened seriously, remembering that when he heard this sentence, he couldn't help but raised his head, and couldn't help asking, "Magic Ancestor?"

"Well," Shi Huang nodded, "Since you have arrived in Xuanzhou, I think you should know somehow the demons who invaded Xuanzhou back then."

"I know, they invaded Xuanzhou again later, and it was almost successful. Fortunately, I stopped it. Otherwise, Xuanzhou Heavenly Dao would have been completely swallowed by them." Ling Zhi said bluntly, if he hadn't come out of the reincarnation pool. Later, to destroy the formation established by the demons, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Senior has really been to Xuanzhou? But when you were not on this side of the earth, you were directly knocked down to the boundless sea?" Ling Zhi said, and asked strangely.

Shi Huang glanced at him strangely, and said with a rare smile, "You are also piled up by various things, which affect your thinking, and this has led to such a misunderstanding."

"I ask you, you said that after you went to Xuanzhou, it was after the First Battle of the Upper and Lower Realms, that is, the Fallen Leaf Sect you stayed in was also established afterwards, so why should I not go before the First Battle Where is the reincarnation star?"

Shi Huang smiled and said, "Have you forgotten that before the six reincarnations were sealed, at the peak of the king's realm, you can go to the six reincarnations and try to go to the upper realm. With my character, how can you shrink and evade?"

"This matter is actually not as complicated as you think. In this world, I am the only one, and there is no second emperor."

With a few simple words, Ling Zhi suddenly felt the confusion of Ling Zhi and Li Bai. After learning about Li Bai’s missing memories from the Apocalypse Array, and learning that the Emperor Shi Huang had fallen into the boundless sea, Ling Zhi was always wondering why He started. The emperor fell from the earth to the boundless sea, and at the end of the reincarnation star, there is a clear record of the first emperor.

It now seems that these chaotic time points have misled him and Li Bai.

"So, before the upper and lower realms went to war, the demons tried to attack Xuanzhou and the Reincarnation Star?" Ling Zhi was surprised. The demons seemed to have only one Demon Sage who was infinitely close to the Ancestor Sage. The real strength seemed to be impossible. You can eat the reincarnation star, and even the most important six reincarnations.

While surprised, Ling Zhi quickly recounted his grievances with the demons, including the destruction of the demons and the weakening of the demons.

Seeing Lexus’s doubts, Shi Huang said helplessly, “With their demonstrated strength, naturally they can’t eat the reincarnation star, and cannot occupy the six reincarnations.”

"But if you think about it, if it's really just an ordinary race, they clearly live in the lower realm, but why do they have magical powers that are comparable to fairy spiritual powers and much higher than the heavens and earth spiritual powers of the lower realms?"

"Also, if they are really just pawns in the lower realm, then where is the courage of the demon saint to slaughter the people from the upper realm, and dare to make conditions to lock the Holy Spirit Vermillion bird by his side, and let the ancestor saint of the upper world take action for One of his little half-ancestors set up an array to help him capture the origin of the Holy Spirit?"

I have to admit that, in front of Shi Huang, compared with people with tactics like Shi Huang, Lexus had many shortcomings in thinking about things and looking at things.

This is his shortcoming compared with Shi Huang, but it is not his own weakness.

He doesn't have to have these things, nor does he have to learn them.

There is a sequence of learning about the truth, the specialization in the art industry, and the tricks of strategy, which do not conform to the character of Lexus, and force to learn, but first fall behind.

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