God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2154: Four Fathers of the Upper Realm

The ghost fire is still flashing those images, and Lexus stands in place, without saying anything for a long time.

There is no evidence that Wuyaguo will still bloom and bear fruit.

There is not even any evidence that there will be no end fruit.

However, Ling Zhi always felt that this conspiracy had not yet been completely over, and he was sensitively aware that he and Shi Huang had also fallen into this game.

And are they part of this conspiracy, or is it that this conspiracy has come to an end?

He can't say it clearly, nor know it.

But Ling Zhi clearly understood that everything that was true was more complicated and more serious than he and Shi Huang thought.

If that humanoid monster is really behind the scenes, then their situation will be extremely dangerous.

Without endless fruit, Ling Zhi and Shi Huang could not leave here, so from the subconscious, Ling Zhi himself also hoped that this conspiracy was not over yet.

But from a rational point of view, if this conspiracy really is not over, then the celebrity monster is likely to appear here and continue to harvest new fruitless fruits.

Compared with him, even if Lexus is determined and fearless, he clearly understands that he and Shi Huang are not the enemy of each other at all.

The two sides are not at the same level at all, and they can't even compare them.

This sounds very sad, very spineless, but it is true.

To be a human, one must have a fearless spirit, but also self-knowledge.

Ling Zhi got up, stared at Wu Ya Huo for a few times, and then the spirit headed out of Jiuyou Eighteen Prison.

No matter what happens next.

But as long as Wu Ya Huo was here, then he and Shi Huang had already grasped the initiative somewhat.

The spirit returned to the body, standing on the platform, Ling Zhi's mind quickly stabilized.

Shi Huang is right beside him, always guarding his side, protecting his safety.

Thinking of helping this eternal emperor to protect himself for two years, Lexus also has a sense of unreality.

Shi Huang experienced much more than he did, and he began to describe the content of the pictures he saw for Shi Huang.

As long as he noticed everything, he was telling it, calmly without his own emotions, just retelling those images objectively.

"This is a conspiracy. An artificial conspiracy." Before he described the humanoid monster, Shi Huang suddenly said something like this, "The signs of artificial manipulation are too obvious."

Ling Zhi was startled and looked at Shi Huang in surprise, "Yes, in the end I found some pictures, which really proved this, but how quickly you discovered this based on my description?"

Because those pictures did not fully indicate that the celebrity monster was the main messenger behind the scenes, Ling Zhi used such an objective and calm description to verify it with Shi Huang.

"There is really no problem in these pictures. Even if I am in them, I don't notice any problems. But if these things are connected, there is a problem." Shi Huang opened his mouth patiently and explained.

"A lot of things have happened in this. To sum it up, it is actually just a few things. On the one hand, they will inevitably happen, scramble, fight, etc. Therefore, the people who are in it will not notice anything wrong. "

"But in fact, we all understand that there are countless trends and changes in any matter. The direction of this event coincides with the conjectures of you and me, and any one person. Everyone'feel' that something like this will happen, and that something like this will happen."

Shi Huang was silent for a while before he said, "Because it is too coincident, there is a problem. In this case, there is only one possibility, that is, that someone is pushing behind and the manipulator is all happening."

"All of this happened not only as our outsiders’ guesses, but also as what the messenger behind it wanted. Simply put, all of this is proceeding in an orderly manner according to that person’s plan. go."

"For me, such tactics, fighting on the battlefield, deployment of soldiers, state control and management, and the promulgation of the legal system are all frequently used. They are also cultivated in that position. They must have the necessary thinking and height, because I have It’s too familiar, so I’m pretty sure there is a problem with it."

Shi Huang once again used his mind to shock Lexus.

Like the poems of the poem sage Li Bai, the mind and spirit of the emperor, the first emperor of the ages, are equally worthy of admiration for them in the past.

Myths, rumors, and legends are never made out of nothing. They must have a foundation before they can be passed down.

Ling Zhi nodded, expressing that he understood that his face became more solemn, and he began to describe the scenes of the humanoid monster appearing for Shi Huang.

And described for Shi Huang, what he saw in the six reincarnations, the appearance of the humanoid monster.

"It's really them."

Unexpectedly, after the first emperor heard this, he said such words, as if everything had already been expected, which coincided with his conjecture.

"Who is it?" Ling Zhi asked, and many answers appeared in his heart.

This time, facing Lexus's questioning, Shi Huang was silent for a moment, without speaking for a long time.

It wasn't until Ling Zhi looked at him again that Shi Huang said, "One of the four ancestors of the upper realm, the beast ancestor."

"Four ancestors of the upper realm?" Ling Zhi was surprised. "Although I don't know what the territory of the upper realm is, I expect that the ancestors of the upper realm may not count as many hands. What do these four ancestors refer to?"

Shi Huang sighed, "At the beginning, my cultivation level was not high, so I don't know the specific details. It's just that when the Qi refiners in the pre-Qin period, I knew some of these records and obtained a lot of ancient books."

"The four ancestors of the upper realm do not simply refer to the four ancestors of the upper realm, but to these four people alone." Shi Huang explained, "the four ancestors overwhelming all the ancestors of the upper realm, overwhelming the past and present Of the four powerful supreme beings."

"In fact, it should have been thought that the only thing that can be related to this matter is their supreme existence." Shi Huang sighed, "If Wuyaguo really contains the third step of opportunity, how can there be less Their attention."

"According to your description, capable of possessing such strength and status, playing so many ancestors between the palms of one's hands, that humanoid monster is undoubtedly one of the four ancestors of the upper realm."

"The ancestor of the beasts is known as the ancestor of the beasts. The method of palming the beasts integrates the blood of the beasts in one body.

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