God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2151: Extracted timeline

It's just this kind of association, but it's like a veil. Although it's close in front of you, it lacks the key things, and it's difficult to get the correct result simply by guessing.

Lexus just stood there thinking for a while, simply sorted out his thoughts, and sorted out the relationship between these few people, and didn't think too much.

Lifting his head, Ling Zhi's heart moved slightly, but the ninth floor of the stone tablet suddenly shook, and the inexplicable seawater around it tightly surrounded this layer of hell.

And the size of this layer of **** is also quietly spreading and extending extremely fast.

Besides knowing the origin of Jiuyou Eighteen Prison, what Ling Zhi got, there are some simple manipulation methods of Jiuyou Eighteen Prison.

After he left his mark on the ninth floor of the Nine Nether Eighteen Prison, he finally had some feeling of controlling the Nine Nether Eighteen Prison.

It was as if it wasn't until this step of refining that he finally had the qualification to control the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons.

With Lingzhi's current spirit power, it has almost reached the limit of the half-ancestral realm, and beyond the ninth level, the nine-nether eighteen prison, there are nine remaining levels.

In other words, if you want to completely control the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons, I am afraid that it is not an ancestor.

As for the tenth floor below, Lexus could clearly feel that the level of spirituality he needed was probably several times higher than that of the ninth floor.

If you don't enter the ancestor, you may be difficult to enter.

What he is doing now, more, is just worrying that Wuyahuo will dive again, enter the tenth floor, or even below, so that he wants to see the scene in Wuyahuo, I am afraid it will be indefinitely.

Fortunately, Wu Ya Huo didn't blindly continue on, and stayed quietly on the ninth floor, which was very rare.

Lexus didn't respond much until it got close.

It's just self-care, where the scenes reflected by it flicker, occasionally there will be some shortages and stop, but it is engraving the things in the nine secluded eighteen prisons.

This is very strange, even after knowing its origin, Ling Zhi could not understand what the purpose of Wu Ya Huo did.

Because Wuyahuo itself doesn't seem to be sane, since there is no sane, how could it do this?

Even if it is a biological instinct, that instinct has a reason.

For example, when humans encounter danger, they will instinctively hug and dodge. It is because the previous ancestors suffered such injuries, learned to dodge and protect the vital instincts, left this instinctive reaction, and the times have passed down.

Wuyahuo has never stopped engraving everything, even if it is a warrior, it has to be engraved, and these scenes are all hidden deep in the flame.

There is always a reason for doing this.

It is precisely because of the uncomprehensible reasons at this level that Lexus has always had a deep and deep fear of Wu Ya Huo.

You can not be afraid of the unknown, but you must retain a little awe of the unknown so that you can remain cautious, just in case.

Only in the Nine Serenities and Eighteen Prisons, especially on the ninth floor, even Lexus, it is difficult for Ling Zhi to wrap the Spirit Devouring Fire to enter this ninth floor.

Without the shining of the Spirit Devouring Fire, the appearance of the scenes in the Wuya Fire was entirely because of the Nine Nether Eighteen Hells. When they flashed, they were not only unstructured, but also very slow. Each picture required complete time.

Rather than the kind of fast-forward review under the shining fire of the devouring spirit.

Fortunately, in this endless sea, the least concept is actually time.

A ray of soul power floated out and greeted Shi Huang. Ling Zhi sat down like this, while poking out the soul, slowly accepting the pressure of the ninth layer, tempering the soul, and carefully Slim, watching every picture that flashed out of Wuyahuo.

Lexus needs to sort out a normal timeline based on the details of the screen and the information revealed in the screen.

Then put these pictures separately on this timeline.

Only by connecting in this way can he understand what exactly is being said and what is being explained in these pictures.

It's just that even he and Shi Huang didn't expect that it would take him as much as two years.

No one knows how long Wuyahuo has existed, and how many images it has carved. These messages, simply flashing in front of Lexus, took up to two years of Lexus.

And if it weren’t for the fact that the soul is so powerful as Lexus, Lexus would not be able to digest and absorb these billions of images in his mind, and then sort them into categories, and then sort out a timeline that he needs, and then This timeline is complete.

And what he sorted out was naturally not the scenery of Wuyahai, nor the living conditions of those ancestors on Wuyahai, where they came from, where they went, where they died, how to live, how to fight and fight.

What he needs to sort out, what he needs, is everything about Wuyaguo.

So the beginning of everything is from the ancestor after ancestors came to Wuyahai, from their search for Wuyaguo in order to find the third step.

The pictures of these ancestors flashed by, naturally, they would sort out one, they went from being at a loss to finding the trail of Wuyaguo.

Ling Zhi also gradually understood what the intermittent messages that Shi Huang said were.

After these ancestors came to Wuyahai, the situation was not much better than that of him and the first emperor now. Although the strength of the ancestors was tyrannical, but in this endless sea, there was not much use.

Because except for a few warriors who strayed into the boundless sea, all the ancestors who came here on their own initiative.

And most of them are ancestors who have been in the ancestral sacred realm and have been trapped for a long, long time.

The same ancestors, in the early stage, they did not have too many fights. Even if there is a difference in the strength of everyone, it is difficult to have a limit gap. If both loses, it will only benefit others.

As an ancestor, such a bit of common sense will naturally be clear.

What's more, the spiritual power of the heaven and the earth in the boundless sea is very thin, and the spiritual power needed by the ancestors is even more terrifying. In the horizon, it also appears to be somewhat insufficient.

It is easy to enter the boundless sea, but it is difficult to get out.

They knew very well that in the back, every piece of fairy jade, every pill, could save their lives.

Of course, these things may also kill them!

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