God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2150: Ninth Floor of Jiuyou

For people like Ling Zhi and Shi Huang, who didn't come to this endless sea to pursue the third step after stepping into the ancestor sage, they actually cared more, but left here.

Wuyaguo naturally has tremendous power on them, but it is far less powerful than being able to go out and come.

It is not so simple and easy to be an ancestor.

In Wuyahai, with Wuyahai's scarce heaven and earth spiritual power and almost non-existent various cultivation resources, even Lexus does not think that he can step into the ancestral sage here.

At that time, I am afraid that even the spiritual power of the threshold of the ancestral holy realm will not be able to squeeze out.

If you want to gather enough power from the ancestral holy realm in the boundless sea, without relying on foreign objects, it will be impossible for thousands of years.

Not to mention sufficient spiritual power, it is just the most basic condition for entering the ancestral holy realm.

"Wuyahuo is in my hands, but there is a place that I can't reach. This time I ventured and tried to disperse my souls and put them to death. In addition to wanting to create my own law, I also want to make myself His spirit broke through again so that he could get some useful news from Wuyahuo again."

Ling Zhi simply informed Shi Huang of the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons, with the goal of knowing whether Shi Huang would know this item.

Because the Jiuyou Eighteen Prisons were obtained by Ling Zhi from Sikongxiu, and Sikongxiu was attached to the earth back then. With the preciousness and miraculous effects of the Jiuyou Eighteen Prisons, Ling Zhi thought that Shi Huang would know some news.

In the end, Shi Huang shook his head very directly, knowing nothing about Jiuyou Eighteen Prison.

In the end, Ling Zhi took out a sacred pill to replenish spiritual power, and after handing it over to the first emperor, he sat cross-legged on the sea directly beside him.

His soul instantly escaped from his eyes, and took the Nine Serenities and Eighteen Hells into his dantian together.

A large number of divine souls recondensed into his appearance in a burst of changes, transformed into soul bodies, and landed on the divine platform.

After this tossing, the sacred platform has also become much stronger, and the Chaos Qinglian has pulled out a few leaves, and the whole is filled with a lot of chaos.

These chaotic auras spread out between Lexus's dantian, lingering around the black hole in his dantian, and echoed with the profound yellow aura in it.

From the appearance of this black hole to the present, Lexus's cultivation level has risen all the way to where it is now, but until now, Lexus's spirit has never dared to truly be in this black hole.

Every time Lexus tries to approach, Lexus will have a strong sense of crisis. This sense of crisis is not only very strong, but also very clear.

He knew very clearly that as long as he let his spirits escape into it, he would never want to come out again.

Back then, now, the same.

"What kind of cultivation level do you need to be able to be included?" Ling Zhi gave a bitter smile. This black hole was caused by the impact of the tenth level of the physical state, the tenth level of the artistic conception, and the tenth level of the king state when he first cultivated the spiritual power particles.

After appearing in his body, there hasn't been much movement. The initial role was to help him temper his spiritual power. Except for actively absorbing the spiritual power he absorbed and helping him temper the spiritual power, which caused him to absorb the external spiritual power in a particularly large demand, there was no other movement.

Later, he used the Huntian Furnace to create the Innate Dao Body and self-destructed the Innate Dao Body, but inadvertently led to the Xuan Huang Qi in the black hole. Since then, the Xuan Huang Qi will always come from the black hole. Floating out, and then blending into his body.

Created his Xuanhuang immortal body.

Decades have passed since this matter. In the face of the black hole that appeared in his body, Lexus still knew nothing, and couldn't tell the least.

This is also what makes him very helpless. It is clearly his own body, and it has no small benefits for him. The preciousness of the black and yellow air is no longer needed, but it cannot be found out, which is always unhappy.

Shaking his head, throwing these trivial thoughts out of his mind, Ling Zhi's spirit left directly from the platform and entered the Nine Nether Eighteen Prison in one step.

In the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons of Souls and Souls, Ling Zhi had already been familiar with the place where he had stayed for decades. He just glanced at it and sank sharply.

The first layer, the second layer, and the third layer, time flies quickly.

In addition to the Buddhist records, the first **** is for light dwelling, and the second **** is for dwelling in the void. In addition to Sangjudu and others, the third layer is more popular among the people, but it is a simpler and more straightforward name.

The first level is the tongue-out hell, that is, the people living in the world, instigate discord, slander and slander people, lick their tongues, argue with blunt words, lie and deceive, and are directly thrown into the first level of **** after they die. They have their own little ghosts. Coming forward, the person's mouth, tongue with iron tongs.

And instead of pulling it out at once, it slowly stretches, stretches, drags, and then unplugs.

In turn,

The second floor is the Hell of Scissors, and the third floor is the Hell of Iron Tree...

The ninth floor is called the Hell of Oil Pot, originally called Wujingdu.

If you follow Lexus’ ideas, you will naturally not agree with this view.

For example, the second level of Hell of Scissors actually punishes those who match up for women whose husbands have died.

This is unreasonable, and it is quite ignorant to compare with the education Lexus received.

But the name on the stone tablet on the ninth floor of the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons was indeed Wujingdu.

With Lingzhi's current spirit, he successfully set foot on this level of **** without expending too much energy.

When he imprinted his soul power on the stone tablet on this layer, when Wu Jingdu's name appeared in his heart, the thing that Ling Zhi had been waiting for, with a strong premonition, was finally lifted off the veil, showing In front of him.

Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons, really are the ancestors.

And when Ling Zhi was even more surprised, the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons were born in the nine-day blue and yellow springs. They were born in the nine-day blue and yellow springs, but they were incompatible with the blue and yellow springs.

One is Nine Heavens, One is Nine Nethers, One is Nine Layers of Heaven, and the other is Nine Layers of Abyss, the opposites are extremely obvious.

"Born in the blue and yellow spring... No wonder the Weeping Blood Sword has always been familiar, strange, friendly, and hostile to the Jiuyou Eighteen Prison." Ling Zhi frowned.

"But since it was born in the Nine Heavens Blue Yellow Spring, this endless fire, why would it go into the Nine Nether Eighteen Hells on its own, and still stay on the ninth floor, shining in place."

"Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons, Nine Heavens Blue and Yellow Springs, is there any connection with this endless fire and this endless sea?"

Ling Zhi muttered to himself, with many thoughts in his heart.

Between these few, it is inevitable that people will not think about it.

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