God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2101: Demon Forbidden Land

"How will you be here?"

"You grew up to this point?"

Ling Zhi asked first, while Phoenix asked later.

"I'm here to do important things." Fenghuang nodded his brows, "but you, why are you not suppressed by this world, and why are your eyes like the demons?"

If he didn't know exactly where Lexus came from, Phoenix would have thought he was a spy of evil spirits.

The two talked, and finally they finally met.

When Phoenix left the planet of reincarnation and entered the void, saying that he had something to do, he went straight to the territory of the demons.

But what made her find here, made her so anxious, made her so desperate, was because she realized that her mother, the Suzaku, one of the four holy spirits, was in trouble.

But after all, she doesn't have a star map, so the time to get here is actually not too long, only a few months.

It’s just that although her strength is tyrannical and as one of the Holy Spirits, she is not much better when she comes here. Her strength is suppressed so much. On this land, let alone save Suzaku, she just wants to protect herself. difficult.

While investigating Phoenix's injuries, Ling Zhi took out the pill he refined.

"Not only have you stepped into the half-ancestral realm, but you can also refine a holy-level spirit pill?" Phoenix took the spirit pill unceremoniously, and now he really opened his eyes in amazement.

Looking at this phoenix, Lexus also sighed for no reason.

When the phoenix was born, he fought with a half-ancestor of the Heavenly Dao League, and after beheading him, he left. At that time, the strength between them, if there is a gap, was like people in two worlds.

How long did he stand in front of Phoenix with such a posture.

The power of vitality and blood of the demons is equally useful to beasts of the Holy Spirit like the Phoenix. Lexus just killed hundreds of thousands of demons. Although he himself didn't appreciate it, he was seriously injured and couldn't show his strength by 20%. , But fell in love with it.

She didn't know who slaughtered these demons, but the power of the demons was notoriously weak, so she took the risk of secretly taking in these powers of energy and blood to repair her injuries.

"Why did you suffer such a severe injury?" Ling Zhi asked, urging the spiritual power in his body to help the Phoenix refine the medicinal power of the Holy Pill.

"It's not that **** evil, who has been chasing after me. A few days ago, I could clearly perceive my mother's breath, but later I couldn't perceive it anymore. I was anxious in my heart and went desperate I broke into the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Race, but I never thought.

The phoenix gritted his teeth, "Among these **** demons, besides the Devil Emperor, there is actually a strong man in the half-ancestral realm. The strength is suppressed, and I can't beat him at all. I managed to escape in his hands, but I was also affected. I was seriously injured and ran away all the way. If I didn’t meet you today, I’m afraid I would die here."

"There is still a strong half-ancestor?" Ling Zhi raised his eyebrows. "The background of the demons is probably much more than that."

Ling Zhi knew that when He Qilu felt his breath, when he came from the lower realm, a drop of blood came out of the forbidden area through the demons.

According to He Qilu, in order to save power and worry about Lexus, she also wanted to communicate with Lexus more, so she didn't take action against those who guarded the formation.

But the opposite meaning of this sentence is that even He Qilu wants to take action against them, and she has to waste some strength.

Who is He Qilu?

A drop of essence and blood fell down and turned into a clone. He raised his hand to destroy the two clones of He An Bai. It was even more domineering that He An Bai, the ancestor, hit a somersault and turned to the ground. Just to warn the other party, not to make Lexus's ideas anymore.

Because of this, Ling Zhi has always been in his heart during this trip, and he has a lot of jealousy about the territory of the demons.

It was also because of his careful preparation before coming here, and the carefulness after coming here.

"The evil demon family is certainly not simple, but it is also strange to say that the half-ancestor who wounded me, if you look at it, is almost the same as your humans, except for some magic patterns on his body, it is almost nothing like evil. local."

Phoenix gritted her teeth and said, Phoenix is ​​an extremely noble race, and she will naturally be very upset after suffering such a loss in the opponent's hands.

"A strong man with a human appearance?" Ling Zhi's eyes lit up. "Is he called Noah?"

He had heard some news about Noah in the mouth of the evil former, but only a few.

Xie was also mentioned by the old demon. After Noah plundered Ouyang Haotian and came back, he went into the deadlock. Later, he appeared several times, but the time was very short. Until more than a year ago, there were other Xie provokes Noah, but Noah is separated from the palace, and is directly shocked to death outside the palace. Noah's reputation and fame are continued again.

This made everyone understand that Noah was standing under the Devil Emperor and above them, but now, Noah is still like this.

Since then, Noah has no longer called him pure evil, but directly called King Nuo, and his reputation gradually spread.

"Yes, what is the name of King Nuo? It should be him." Phoenix nodded.

Ling Zhi looked overjoyed, "I knew this before, so I wasted no effort with them."

"That King Nuo, a demon, took away my brother's body. Let's go to the Demon Clan Forbidden Land to save Suzaku and save him."

"Your brother?" Phoenix squinted at him, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

This fierce light made Ling Zhi shudder, and then he remembered that this Phoenix was very domineering by his side before he broke his shell.

After trying to rescue Ouyang Haotian, how did Ouyang Haotian suffer once...

At the moment, while healed the Phoenix, Ling Zhi followed the guidance of the Phoenix and headed towards the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Race.

With space rules in his body, Lexus's speed has always been extremely fast. Phoenix ran away for more than half a month. Under his full speed, it had not yet taken two days.

"Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a way to protect you from being suppressed by this world." Standing outside the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Race, Ling Zhi frowned, "So, for safety, you wait for me outside and wait for me to come out. I'll take you with you again."

"Impossible." Phoenix shook his head, "You alone, how can I get into this forbidden area of ​​the Demon Race? Even if my strength is suppressed no matter how powerful it is. Apart from King Nanuo and the Demon Emperor, other demons are not my opponents. I will be with you. Go in and help you solve those."

The two were discussing, in the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Race, suddenly there was a phoenix sound!

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