God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2100: Goodbye Phoenix

"I have no interest in your demons." Ling Zhi sneered and shook his head.

No matter how tyrannical the demons were, Lexus had no interest in controlling them at all.

"Back then, there was an evil, named Noah, who went to attack the planet of reincarnation, do you know?"

A sneer dispelled all the thoughts of the two demons, and Lexus asked impatiently about his ultimate goal.

Originally, he came in, one is to solve the demons, the other is to inquire about Noah's whereabouts, and the third is to find a way to break the suppression of this world.

But now, there is no need.

Because when the magic pattern appeared in his eyes and the spiritual power was flooded, there was something called the demon ancestor magic pattern. How could this world continue to reject him?

Here, he is in water instantly!

The suppressed spiritual power in the body is like a river breaking through a dam, rolling forward, and the strength is unspeakable.

"Noah? Reincarnation Star?" The evil stunned, except for fear, but real doubt in his eyes.

The old demon stiffened and looked at Ling Zhi in horror, "You, are you from Reincarnation?"

This old demon was naturally old even a few years ago, but at that time, his physical condition was much better than it is now.

His real body deteriorated not simply because of time, but because of the discovery of one thing.

At the beginning, the evil demons broke through Xuanzhou and slaughtered Xuanzhou, they established a formation according to the plan, intending to swallow Xuanzhou's heavenly path, and then slowly control the entire reincarnation star.

They also set up formations, which can be transmitted to each other, which can be described as a big deal.

After Ling Zhi came out of the Samsara Pool, he went straight to this formation, where he encountered a group of demons patrolling.

The leader is Noah's parents, Norton.

Norton was killed by Lexus, and the teleportation formation and formation were all destroyed by Lexus. On the side of the Evil Land, it was this old demon who was responsible for guarding the formation.

At that time, his body was still strong, and he was very experienced, and he went smoothly, but after this thing happened, he was punished, and he became like this.

This is also the reason why other demons were so frightened and panicked after Lexus appeared here just now, but he was able to react and came here with Lexus.

How much is seen in the world.

"Oh?" Ling Zhi raised his brows, "You know the reincarnation star?"

Ling Zhi knew why the evil demons invaded and occupied the reincarnation star, why the power was so weak compared to the real strength of the demons.

One is because the Devil Emperor previously suppressed the lower-level strength of the demons. Second, the real reason was that the demons secretly attacked the reincarnation star without hiding the upper realm.

When he asked this time, he was just thinking about trying, and he wanted to know where Noah was going.

This old demon didn't mention Noah, and mentioned the Reincarnation Star, which really surprised him.

"I..." The old demon understood many things in an instant, and the whole person seemed crazy, and rushed towards Ling Zhi, "I know who you are, and I know who you are. You must be the reincarnation. The people of the stars, were you, did you kill Norton, King Nuo’s son, did you ruin the formation? It was all you, and you made me look like this."

He rushed towards Lingzhi, and all the remaining power in his body burst out, and he attacked Lingzhi desperately.

Ling Zhi squinted at him, and after listening to these few questions, he naturally understood everything instantly.

"It turned out to be an accomplice who invaded my Xuanzhou back then." This time, he was real and sneered.

Facing the evil demon rushing towards him, Ling Zhi just quietly stretched out a finger and nodded towards him.

His movements are not fast, but there is absolutely no possibility for this evil demon to avoid this blow.

So he could only watch, the anger in his eyes instantly turned into a deep regret, and he looked at Ling Zhi's finger on the center of his brow.

head shot.

A blood hole, from his forehead to the back of his head, became transparent, but the magic core in his body, echoed by the power of Lexus, actually flew out.

Then it burst open with a bang, and the power of blood in it drifted towards Ling Zhi.


Ling Zhi waved his hand and slapped the power of energy and blood directly, but it was not attracted.

It wasn't that he didn't need it or didn't want to. On the contrary, he had longed for the magic core in the two demons since just now.

It's just that the power of these vitality and blood is too empty, he doesn't need it.

At his point, it is absolutely impossible to be kind to the enemy anymore.

"You, don't kill me, I can tell you about King Nuo." The evil man saw Ling Zhi killing the old evil demon with one finger, and when he saw him turning his gaze to his side, he screamed in panic.

Ling Zhi sat there, watching him kneeling there, silently waiting for him to speak.

"I, I tell you, don't kill me..." Xie just spoke, and just after the beginning of the words, the coercion on Lexus instantly fell in the past, pressing him on the ground, making him speechless. Yes, from the position of this evil head, a thick pee was actually charged.

And the disgusting smell of shit.

He, the dignified evil, the leader of a tribe of hundreds of thousands of evil demons, was actually frightened by Ling Zhi.

After listening to the evil description, Ling Zhi didn't even want to look at the other party. His spirit power lightly strangled him, and without seeing the magic core, he stepped out.

Spiritually transparent, he directly raised his hand and pressed it down. Among these hundreds of thousands of tribes, except for those demon-like demons who were ignorant and animal-like, stood there in a daze. All the other demons were dead. Under his blow.

As a half-ancestor, killing hundreds of thousands of demons in artistic and physical realms is naturally simple.

The waves of blood in the sky dyed the sky red, like a fire burning cloud.

Ling Zhi still couldn't appreciate the power of these low-level qi and blood. When he was about to turn around and leave, a real fire cloud suddenly appeared in this blood-stained fire cloud.

"It's her?" The Huoshaoyun aura was too familiar. Ling Zhi's spirit power swept over in an instant. When he noticed the identity of the other party, he couldn't help but whispered.

The space rules spread, and he teleported directly.

"Why are you here?" His appearance made the other person's eyes glow.

The appearance of the other party also surprised Ling Zhi very much.

Just because the fire cloud is black.

The black flame is the fire of immortality, the flame of the phoenix, and the fire of the Suzaku!

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