God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2094: Does this work?

The life-saving things on Zuo Jun Bufan's body are endless.

After fighting each other's souls, Ling Zhi's spirit power clearly suppressed him, but with those life-saving things, he was surprised that he had been supported by Ling Zhi, instead of being subdued by Ling Zhi.

Therefore, Ling Zhi had no choice but to deal with him while shooting against the armor on his body.

With soul power entering the body, Ling Zhi's body brushed open his eyes, and strode straight to Zuo Junbufan's body.

"Lexus, dare you!"

Zuo Jun's extraordinary spirit power let out a horrified cry, with a deep resentment.

However, Ling Zhi didn't care about his painless threat, raised a six rounds of reincarnation punches, and directly coughed up blood from Zuo Jun Bufan.

Zuo Jun's extraordinary soul power is all outside his body, and his current body is a hard shell.

Ling Zhi grabbed the armor suit of the ancestor and pulled it frantically.

Facts have proved that Zuo Jun Bufan did not lie on this matter, because he used his ancestor armor suit to defend against Lexus's attacks in advance, which indeed led to the failure of his refining.

Ling Zhi just pulled and pulled, and this armor completely fell off Zuo Jun Bufan's body, and it didn't even have Zuo Jun Bufan's soul power imprint on it.

Starting with the ancestral armor suit, the smooth and soft feeling is really like touching a woman's skin, as thin as a cicada's wings, but it is in line with Lexus' psychology.

He did reject wearing thick armor and protecting himself tightly, which felt very strange and inconvenient.

It's far less comfortable and easy to wear than this plain gown.

The armor of the ancestor was forcibly pulled off by Ling Zhi, and Zuo Jun's extraordinary spirit trembled, but he was helpless.

He can save his life with the help of his own good fortune, but he has no ability. At this moment, the soul breaks through the control of Lexus and returns to the flesh.

"What a good physical body, what a pity!" Ling Zhi suddenly laughed, then punched out six reincarnation punches again.

Without the protection of the armor of the ancestors, and without mobilizing the spiritual body, Zuo Junbufan's body, no matter how strong it is, can't withstand Lexus's blow.

In the sound of a puff, the whole body broke apart and broke apart, like being divided by five horses, flying in all directions.

Seeing his body that had been soaked and tempered with the sacred liquid for more than a year, it was destroyed by Lexus in this way, Zuo Junbuan almost fainted with a convulsion.


At the same time, a stream of light flew back from a distance, but it flew from the direction Zuo Jun Bufan came.

"Ask the furnace?"

Zuo Jun's extraordinary spirit let out an exclamation, his spirit power suddenly fluctuated violently, "Well, ask Daolu on this planet?"

"There is still a fire, and the weapon is complete?" His spirit power was full of joy.

Just because the questioning furnace flew from the land of the elixir, it also flew from behind him. According to his past experiences and encounters, the questioning furnace must have come straight to him.

Thinking of myself in such a predicament, I suddenly got the first pill furnace of ancient times, and asked Dao furnace, the rich hope of life, vitality appeared in front of him like this, Zuo Jun is extraordinary, how can he not be surprised?

Feeling Zuo Jun's extraordinary mood swings, Ling Zhi also instantly understood what he was thinking. He touched his nose, but he burst into laughter.

A character like Zuo Junbufan, in addition to being cruel and ruthless, like a ruthless king who stepped on the throne of thousands of bones, he is afraid that there is only this Tianxin, which is worth mentioning.

His own will, character, persistence, path to take, and direction he chooses have nothing to do with the strong at all.

"What are you laughing at?" Zuo Jun Bufan keenly noticed the ups and downs of the expression on Ling Zhi's face. He couldn't control his emotions and shouted.

Ling Zhi's inexplicable smile made him feel a little flustered and worried.

"No, I just saw you open your mind to welcome Wendao Lu's arrival, and I was a little happy for a while." Ling Zhi's spirit power instantly reached a joint connection with Wendao Lu. "After all, it can be done earlier and spend less energy. I am also very happy to get rid of you."

The fire of Wendao furnace suddenly became vigorous, turned into streamer, and pounced on Zuo Junbufan.

Even if it's just talking about the furnace body and the furnace fire, asking Dao Lu wants to destroy a half-ancestral spirit, he still has this ability.

Even if I asked about the status and strength of the Dao Furnace, it was far from recovering.

When asked about the spirit power of Lexus rising from the furnace, Zuo Jun Bufan was not a fool, he instantly understood.

But he only had time to let out an exclamation, and he was hit hard by the furnace.

The fire was rolling, and Zuo Jun's extraordinary spirit was instantly ignited.

The Wendao furnace also slid past him directly and came to Ling Zhi's side. Ling Zhi also discovered that there were many elixir stuffed in the Wendao furnace.

Most of these elixir are highly mutated. Even if it was him, there were many elixir in the first place, and he couldn't tell what they were.

But the value of these elixirs, even if they were only ninth-level elixir, would definitely not be lower than the demigod ones.

After all, Wen Daolu personally selected it. I'm afraid it's the whole medicine mine star, except for a part of the elixir taken away by Zuo Junbufan, but all the top elixir is here.


Zuo Jun's extraordinary burning spirit uttered a muffled sound, and suddenly a piece of talisman paper burning with the ancestral breath wrapped his remaining spirit.

"Partition?" Ling Zhi rejected at first glance what kind of death talisman this was, but this talisman played a role as a partition. The flames that were contaminated with Zuo Jun's extraordinary spirit were quickly isolated.

Zuo Jun was very embarrassed and fell to the side, his soul was greatly damaged, and he almost lost his mind.

Ling Zhi and Zuo Jun had an extraordinary battle, and the center of the Yaokuang star was beaten in an unpredictable manner, and the land collapsed.

When Zuo Junbufan fell like this, he fell down the pothole on the side.


The spirit of the furnace asked, and the voice sounded almost at the same time as Lexus's movements.

In the place where Zuo Jun Bufan fell, a large array of formations appeared because of the rolling land.

The light and breath of the formation was initially covered by this large piece of elixir and ores, and it was only now that it gradually revealed its head.

"This Yaokuang star was not discovered by no one, but was kept in captivity here?" This crazy idea appeared in Lexus' mind for the first time.

This formation is too grand, too huge, and the hiding is too clever, it doesn't seem to be natural at all.

The extraordinary spirit of Zuo Jun fell straight on this formation, and the spirit of Ling Zhi rushed over frantically at first, trying to strangle it.

But at the last moment, when he was about to touch the formation, he shrank back.

"It's all OK?"

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