God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2093: Crush!

The Three Souls and Six Souls Jue is a truly legendary technique. With the cultivation, Ling Zhi even suspects that this is the sacred technique of the ancestral sacred technique level, and it is still extremely rare, the cultivation technique of the divine soul.

Perhaps, precisely because of the difficulty, only one cloud in the Heavenly Alliance has come out easily and truly realized in countless years.

Yun easily received so much attention. From a humble woman, she cultivated all the way to her current realm and had the same status as before.

And the old woman came from the lower realm, and after learning about Yun's easy cultivation technique, she always took Yun with her easily and stayed with her every step of the way.

Even when her body was destroyed and she merged with other bodies, she still carried Yun easily, and forced Yun to easily surrender the Three Souls and Six Souls, and write all the things she felt.

In the face of Yun Yi who had been violated before, Yun Qingyang and the high-level officials in the Tiandao League chose to acquiesce. They even wanted Yun Qingyang, the real, the Tiandao League who treated him like hope, and went to marry Yun Yi. .

Wasn't it because Yun Yi's own perception of the Three Souls and Six Souls was decided by Yun Yi's powerful soul power?

In the Supreme City, Ling Zhi understood the Three Souls and Six Souls. On the one hand, it was because of his extremely high savvy and talent, and part of the reason, but perhaps it was precisely because of the six exercises he had come into contact with and his own self. The starting point and level of the reincarnation exercises created are extremely high, so it was able to comprehend three souls and six souls.

After thoroughly realizing it, Ling Zhi and Yun easily communicated with each other. With Yun Yi's experience, plus his own understanding, Yun Yi himself has also gained a lot of benefits, let alone Ling Zhi.

Although Ling Zhi stepped into the half-ancestral realm not long ago, he was advancing by leaps and bounds in terms of the amount and quality of the spirit, and few people could compare him.

After that, the nine secluded eighteen hells obtained from Sikongxiu were even more strange, and there were eighteen underground hells in it.

While swimming, Ling Zhi also felt more and more, that the water of Jiuyou, and the water of Jiutianbiluohuangquan, seemed to be one place every day, one positive and the other reversed.

And this is exactly what makes this Jiuyou Eighteen Prison extraordinary.

Among Sikongxiu’s rings, the only ones that are really valuable are those related to the ancestor saint. Except for the two ancestor artifacts, only these things have enough value and importance to allow Sikongxiu to take one The shape of the head quickly returned to the Sleepy Valley to search for the ring.

These days, with the tempering of the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons, and the spirit power of Lexus, it can no longer be simply described as progress. It is a completely earth-shaking change.

When his spirit left his body, Zuo Jun was unwilling to show weakness and used the power of the spirit.

Whether it's Zuo Jun's extraordinary arrogance, or his contempt and contempt for Lexus in his heart, he can't refuse Lexus's soul invitation to fight. The white sword and the crying blood sword are indistinguishable from each other, which has already caused him quite a blow.

His physical fighting skills and maneuvers were once again defeated by Ling Zhi, and he was extremely upset.

I felt that I wasted a lot of time in the sacred liquid pool and stayed for so long that he couldn't keep up with Lexus in his growth. In terms of moves, he didn't even have the ancestral holy method.

Naturally, he couldn't believe that the six reincarnation fists were created by Lexus himself, even if he already had an answer in his heart.

Because with the cultivation base of the half-ancestral realm and the movement of the holy level, it can still be so handy. This obviously shows that this method is very related to Lexus, and it is very likely that Lexus himself can create it in such a way.

The battle of weapons was lost.

The battle of the flesh was lost.

He had to fight this battle of Divine Soul, and he had to fight it beautifully, and if it went smoothly, he had to directly destroy Lexus before he could be ashamed.

Zuo Jun is extraordinary, it is really unacceptable, he was so completely defeated in front of Lexus.

However, he didn't know that in the battle between Lexus and his weapons, he did not use the Heavenly Dao Monument, but for the growth of the sword spirit of the Weeping Blood Sword and the fusion of the sword body, so that the Weeping Blood Sword treated his ancestral weapon long sword.

He also didn't know that when Lexus fought with his physical body, Lexus neither used the rules of force, superimposed the power of fists and feet, nor did he use one energy to transform the three cleansings. This is obviously the same as cheating, the Daozu technique.

However, the one-qi transforming three-cleansing technique that Ling Zhi obtained was not a complete technique. There were many incompleteness. At most, he could only blame about half of the power of this technique.

The real one can transform into three cleansing, and you can even go to other places to fight, or do it independently, to deal with other things.

The one-qi transforming three-cleansing technique used by Lexus obviously has no such power.

Zuo Jun's extraordinary opportunities are too good, and Tian Xing is too unique. This will allow him to escape several times and give him many enviable opportunities, but there are also bad places.

The biggest bad thing is his combat experience. He has been tempered too little.

The real powerhouse came out in **** battles and climbed up, not the flowers in the greenhouse. They did it overnight, as long as they were given sufficient opportunities.

When he encounters some ordinary half-ancestral realm, warriors of the same realm, he can rely on these powerful artifacts to be invincible.

But when he meets Lexus, who is called the first half of the ancestor in history by the Yellow Emperor, when he meets Lexus, who has never been defeated before, in the same realm, all his advantages will be lost. Nothing.

Lexus had a bad chance, but in the **** battle, in the struggle, all the power he gained was no worse than Zuo Jun!

Therefore, from the beginning of this battle, Zuo Jun Bufan still planned to rely on his rich opportunities and powerful artifacts, Zuo Jun Bufan had already lost.

After his soul and spirit collided with Lexus, Zuo Jun extraordinary really realized what it means to be unwilling, aggrieved, and angry.

His soul, who has never experienced hardships and tempers, is completely vulnerable to Ling Zhi, the unswerving soul, and Ling Zhi, who has honed a lot in the nine secluded eighteen prisons.

With just a few dozen breaths, he completely defeated the battle. The artifacts he used against the souls were in front of the strong sacred platform in the Lingzhi dantian, and in front of the chaotic green lotus that had swallowed the essence of the soul of Xingtian. It will have no effect.

Zuo Jun is extraordinary, and he will lose again.

While Ling Zhi dealt with the last dying struggle of solving Zuo Jun Bufan, he suppressed Zuo Jun Bufan with the absolute power of his soul, while on the other side he split a part of his soul power, controlled his body, and acted on his flesh first.

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