God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2084: Stellar quicksand

Whether Zuo Junbufan will meet Lexus unexpectedly on a certain planet, no one knows, no one knows.

Ling Zhi and Zuo Jun are extraordinary, and they don't even know where the other party is now and where they are going.

When Zuo Junbufan walked out of the sacred liquid pool, Ling Zhi walked out of the Shenzhou. He turned over and put the Shenzhou away.

However, he himself rushed straight ahead, slightly offset from the destination, and teleported away.

In the starry sky, there is almost no spiritual power.

Only some scattered stars, or some strange special places, will have the existence of heaven and earth spiritual power.

Therefore, this is why, only when you reach the Saint King Realm, can you travel among the stars, and only when you reach the Half Ancestral Realm, can you want to waste spiritual power among the stars.

Only the perceptual range of soul power is really far-reaching enough to be able to absorb a bit of heaven and earth spiritual power in the starry sky to supplement one's body.

Only this kind of sustainable source of power can support the martial artist and do endless travel in the starry sky.

But this time, Lexus was chasing something.

With the consumption of a lot of spiritual power, Lexus flew quickly while using the space rules, chasing straight ahead.

Occasionally when you get close, you can see clearly that what Lexus is chasing after is a large patch of sand.

These things are really like sand in the desert, lifted up in the starry sky, gathered together again, and floated forward.

When Ling Zhi was still in the Shenzhou retreat, the inquiring furnace in his body suddenly vibrated, and such an idea came out.

These things called [Guchengdushu www.guchengdushu.com] are the quicksands of the stars, but they turned out to be what Wendaolu needed.

The stellar quicksand is actually a product of some stars, which burst after their life span.

There are less than a dozen quicksands produced by a star.

These stellar quicksands drift in the starry sky, and whenever they encounter new stellar quicksands, they will quickly gather together, tightly, and never separate.

The star field quicksand is extremely terrifying in the starry sky, especially in the eyes of warriors who are on interstellar travel.

Because there are not many stars, but for countless thousands of years, the quicksand formed in such a huge lower realm is also terrifying.

The terrible heat energy of several stars, or even dozens of hundreds of stars, is all concentrated in this small sandstone. If the flying instruments are blown over by this sandstone, they will be directly smashed into a sieve.

Even if it is a warrior, if it is directly slapped on the body by this thing, it is either dead or injured.

In addition, there is too little power in the star-domain quicksand in this world, so the star-domain quicksand slowly becomes a major disaster in the starry sky, and everyone is afraid to avoid it.

But as the first pill furnace in the ancient times, the questioning furnace can refine these star-region quicksands.

The stellar power in these quicksands can quickly and effectively replenish its consumption.

So when the questioning furnace opened his mouth, Ling Zhi got up directly out of the Shenzhou and went straight to the quicksand in the star area to chase him.

The Star Territory Quicksand is an unconscious life form after all, so under the intentional pursuit of Lexus, the distance between each other is also rapidly narrowing.

"As many as a hundred, it can be regarded as a medium-sized group of quicksands in the star area." Ling Zhi measured in his heart while listening to Qiao Daolu's description of the quicksand in the star area.

He has never been a blind person, so naturally he will not act recklessly.

"First, simply try to see if it can be blocked." Ling Zhi hesitated for a moment, and the probing hand shot out a spiritual force.

After leaving his body, the spiritual power quickly intertwined and finally turned into a huge pocket shape.

Ling Zhi controlled this pocket and gently wiped it from the edge of the quicksand in the star field.


The pocket shook abruptly, and even the soul power that Lexus had placed on its spiritual power was damaged, but this star-domain quicksand also paused, and its speed instantly slowed down a lot.

Just before Lexus could take it lightly, as the speed of this star area quicksand slowed down, the other nearly a hundred star area quicksands suddenly stopped.

Then instantly he moved towards the star field quicksand that was stopped alone.

Seeing hundreds of star-domain quicksands collided with his own spirit power, Lexus made a decisive decision and instantly released the star-domain quicksand, wrapped in his own spirit power, and retreated madly.

"Huh, it is clearly unconscious, why is there such a strong sense of unity?" Ling Zhi frowned, his body shook slightly, and suffered some minor injuries.

During this period, Wendao Lu was completely silent. It only knew that the Star Region quicksand was useful to it, but how to conquer the Star Region quicksand was not something it needed to care about.

After leaving the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the spirit of Wendao Lu almost fell into a deep sleep state. It can be seen how exaggerated its consumption is, forcing it to use this method in exchange for rest.

"In this case, you can only use other methods."

When he came up, he suffered a small loss, and Ling Zhi became fierce, and suddenly summoned the spirit-devouring fire.

"Tack poison with poison and fire with fire, and see if the fire curtain formed by the devouring fire can suppress them." Ling Zhi yelled, and a large amount of spiritual power poured into the devouring fire without reservation. The fire also turned into a curtain of fire that covered the sky instantly.

The spirit-devouring fire that swept across Xuanzhou thousands of miles at the beginning was only consuming Xuanzhou's heaven and earth spiritual power.

Now Lexus feeds the Spirit Devouring Fire, but his own fairy power.

Regarding the purity of the spiritual power in the body, in the half-ancestor territory, except for some old half-ancestors who have been polished for countless years, who can be compared with him?

As long as he wanted to, he could let the Spirit Devouring Fire sweep through Xuanzhou within an hour, without a day or night of effort, to wrap the entire planet of reincarnation.

Within a very short period of time, the Spirit Devouring Fire had completely wrapped the large tracts of quicksand in the star region.

Two completely different flames, emitting completely different heat, collided together.

It was just a fact, but it was a little bit beyond Lexus's expectations.

These quicksands in the stellar region, each of them, condenses the power of a whole star, which looks only the size of a small stone, but the power contained in it far exceeds that of high-purity spiritual power crystals like Xianyu.

The fire of devouring spirits is strong, but after all, it has not all turned into colorful colors.

With such efforts, only a few star-domain quicksands were cut off, and the Spirit Devouring Fire was defeated and was pierced by a large number of star-domain quicksands.

A few star-domain quicksands were wrapped in the spirit-devouring fire and fell into the interrogation furnace. However, Ling Zhi's spirit power had already spread in all directions, and began to draw the thin heaven and earth spiritual power from the starry sky.

Reincarnation Star Immortal Jade is almost rare, and Ling Zhi has nothing to supplement his spiritual power except for some spirit pills.

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