God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2083: Interstellar drifting

In the reincarnation calendar, Tianwu 323 years, March 17, Luoyezong built a mountain gate, and Wanzong came to the dynasty.

There was a group of half-ancestors headed by Lexus sitting in town. In this flourishing age, all the noise, all the unruly people, all the conspiracies, there was no opportunity to take advantage of it.

What Lexus wants is Liwei.

This time, he was extremely domineering.

Anyone who is half dissatisfied, kill.

Anyone who has a partial opinion, kill.

Anyone who is half-connected with the upper realm and does not know to repent, kill.

Principles and emotions are talked with relatives and friends and with others.

In this world, there is one thing that has not changed since ancient times, and it has never changed in any era or world.

The strong is respected.

Morality and human heart are all constraints, but these can only affect the decisions of the strong, but cannot change the decisions of the strong.

What Lexus wants is respect!

When Wanzong came to the dynasty, the prestige and fame of the Fallen Yezong spread into the universe, spreading ten, ten and hundred, spreading across the major life planets, the vast stars, the Lower Realm, and the Fallen Yezong all became famous for a while.

In the reincarnation calendar, Tianwu 323 years, March 20th, Lexus took the Shenzhou, accompanied by the two beasts, Guru and Tianqi, into the starry sky.

Lexus did not use the interstellar teleportation array. First, it was the interstellar teleportation array on the planet of Reincarnation. It could not reach many places. Secondly, it was also the place where the demons were. There were almost no other life planets nearby. Part of the planet of life had already been slaughtered by the demons and sacrificed to the upper realm.

If the target teleportation array is destroyed, or is maliciously tampered with or entered indiscriminately, it is easy to get lost in the land of nothingness.

The half-ancestral realm can certainly stay and survive for a long time in the void.

But if there is no opportunity, it is very likely that you will be lost in the land of nothingness forever and never go out.

Only the ancestor sage, only at the realm of the ancestor sage, can wander in the land of nothingness, discern the direction, and escape the influence of the land of nothingness.

With the complete star map in his mind as navigation, and the Shenzhou, which surpassed most of the half-ancestors, as a flying object, Ling Zhi pointed out the direction to Stealing Rats and entered the retreat directly.

This is a rare time, a rare time for Lexus to be free and retreat.

Recalling my past, reminiscing and savoring every insight, carefully trying to figure out every battle, thinking about the gains and losses, considering my actions, plans, whether there are problems, and whether I can achieve better results at a smaller price .

Comprehend your own rules of life and death, comprehend the rules of space, think about the fusion of the rules of life and death and the rules of time, think about reincarnation, and sharpen the six reincarnation fists.

In my spare time, I stopped and practiced with Wendao Furnace, the first furnace in ancient times, and tried to refine the holy spirit pill. There were the experience and pill that Wendao Furnace transmitted to him, plus the accidental grant from Wendao Furnace. Guiding, Lexus is rapidly improving in the realm of alchemy.

Interstellar drifting is long and boring. All you can see is a vast expanse of starry sky, and you can't even see any bright darkness.

In some areas, there is no spiritual power.

As for the entire starry sky, except for special environments such as starry sky turbulence, there is no air or wind.

At the speed of Shenzhou, it would take several years to reach the place where the demons were, even if it kept going at full speed.

In Lexus’s plan, he would first rush to a few life planets close to the reincarnation star, and through the ancient teleportation array left behind, rush to the nearest star field first, and then fly over with Shenzhou.

Simply, stealing the sky mouse controls the Shenzhou for Lexus, allowing him to free his hands and plunge into retreat practice with all his heart.

The starry sky was silent, but because of the silence, Ling Zhi's heart was completely silent.

He hasn't made much progress in comprehension and strength, but this quiet heart has given him a lot of tempering and tremendous changes in his temperament and aura.

At this time, Gulu, who was arguing that he must come with him, was already bored tight and fell into a deep sleep.

Occasionally, I woke up in a daze, and after a bit of bullying, he would fall asleep again.

But the power in it is rapidly strengthening.

Of course, it's not so much the power in Guru's body as it is its control over the power of rules.

Because so far, Ling Zhi has never found a trace of spiritual power fluctuations from Gulu.

The Guru race seems to be focused on cultivating the power of rules, and their talent and comprehension ability in the rules of the heavens are unmatched. They are exactly like things carved in their bones. Just give them a little time and they can quickly. growing up.

Ling Zhi even felt that Guru would have a little more insight, and he was afraid that he would be able to gain strength, create a small space, and create a secret world.

That would be another world.

Time goes by day by day, this humble Shenzhou is just among the stars, as if it is going to drift infinitely.

And on one of these days, a figure finally walked out of a pool completely.

In this pool, I don't know how much divine liquid was mixed, and the milk of the earth fell into this pool. I was afraid that it would not even be able to leak a little breath.

And in this, the figure that came out had a body more perfect than Si Kongxiu.

As he put on a black suit, his appearance also appeared.

Like a natural chance, he stepped onto an ancient teleportation formation and disappeared, and when he appeared, all the major events that happened between the stars quickly spread to his heart.

"Luoyezong?" When he heard this sect, the man finally showed some surprised expressions, "Ling Zhi? Unexpectedly, you have come this far."

"Although the Fallen Leaf Sect does not have any meaning to me, you drove it back from the Fallen Leaf Sect at the beginning. Since you built the sect so extraordinary, it is just right. How about I take over for you?"

This person is not Zuo Jun extraordinary, but who is it?

"Well, if you want to come like this, it can be regarded as taking your love?" Zuo Jun smiled, "but before that, I have to go to a few places to get something, you have to wait for me."

With that said, he quickly disappeared on this life planet, the ancient teleportation formation that was difficult for ordinary people to find, for him, it was as simple as finding a stone, and he quickly set foot on a new teleportation formation. .

Coincidentally, the direction he was heading was in the dark, coincidentally with Lexus.

I don't know if it was the collision of the fate of the two of them, or because Zuo Jun wanted to see Lexus, so Tianxin wanted to follow his will, and this scene was unsuccessfully made.

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