God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2063: Refining the source of all evil

Of course, it was impossible for Ling Zhi to let Sikongxiu really get the source of all evil, refine the holy grade pill, and step into the ancestral holy realm.

The purpose of his plan was originally to let Sikongxiu solve the Xingtian Demon, and he would solve Sikongxiu.

After thinking about it, Lexus quickly made up his mind.

He glanced at Gulu, winked at Sikongxiu's hand, and rushed out himself.


While Ling Zhi was meditating in his heart, his whole person was like a tiger, rushing toward the source of all evil in the sky.


At the moment when Lexus appeared, Si Kongxiu still couldn't react.

He knew Jiuding, and he knew the limitations of Jiuding Peak. It was not the blood of the earth. It was very difficult to set foot on the top of Jiuding Peak.

In addition, he believed that Lexus had died, so in his subconscious, he could not react until Lexus appeared. This was a game of Lexus.

Until the breath of Lexus clearly passed into his perception.

"You cheated to death!" Sikongxiu was frightened and looked at Lexus incredulously.

The corners of Lingzhi's mouth raised, and a smile of disdain appeared, "It is weird to hear a little man ask me with such words."

"Get me back." Seeing Lingzhi heading straight to the source of all evil, Sikongxiu shouted, raising his arm, condensing an attack, and he was about to smash at Lingzhi.

"Aren't you tired of pretending like this all day?" Who knows, Lexus didn't pay attention to these things at all, and even the direction and movement of his advancement did not change at all.

Sikongxiu and the Source of All Evil are in a stalemate, and Sikongxiu is still at a disadvantage. Now he rushed out and instead of dealing with Sikongxiu, he would deal with the Source of All Evil. With Sikongxiu's character, how could it be possible to attack him.

The so-called shots were just forcing Ling Zhi to get in touch with the Source of All Evil faster, and to present the importance of the Source of All Evil and Sikongxiu's own importance to the Source of All Evil before his eyes.

Sikongxiu didn't think that Lexus could deal with the source of all evil. What he wanted was the power of Lexus to disperse the source of all evil. In this way, he would have a much greater grasp of the source of all evil.

His thoughts were seen through by Lexus, but Sikongxiu was not angry, but he sneered twice, "I can block the talisman without dying. It seems that you have a lot of secrets. Immortality is just right, your chance , I also took over."

"Oh?" Ling Zhi raised his eyebrows, which was originally black, but turned into a dark red color.

At this moment, the source of all evil, which has always stood proudly in the sky, trembled suddenly.

The same goes for Sikongxiu's eyes, with **** tears dripping from the corners of his eyes.

His eyes, and the eyes of the source of all evil, suddenly reached a resonance, and at the same time produced a kind, a kind of approaching Lingzhi.

And deep in their eyes, a kind of swallowed birth.

This, the same, also appeared in Lexus's eyes.

His eyes were like a hungry Sky-Swallowing Beast, and he couldn't wait to swallow all the heavens and the earth to fill that sense of emptiness.

This feeling has also appeared in the pseudo-world, but it is far less exaggerated than it is now.

However, because Lexus had anticipated it, he was already prepared. At the moment this feeling appeared, he not only forcibly suppressed this feeling for a moment, but also squinted his eyes.

A ring appeared from his hand.

"When you were thinking about taking over my chances, I had already read through all of your rings." Ling Zhi waved the ring in his hand, making Si Kongxiu see it more realistically.

The moment he knew that Lingzhi was not dead, Sikongxiu should have reacted, and his ring fell into Lingzhi's hands.

However, he tossed back and forth twice for this ring, and calculated that he should have been lost in the void.

So when Lexus grabbed his ring and showed off to him, Sikongxiu's breathing still paused, and he felt a little breathless.

And at this moment, a snow-white figure appeared beside him.

A tender little paw gently rested on his hand.

This sudden touch made Sikongxiu's hair horrified, and he raised his hand to blast out.

But immediately afterwards, there was a thunderous sound that shook half of the continent of reincarnation, and his half of his arm was unconscious.

Although it is Xingtian's hand, but the power is so [Didaxs.info] is in short supply, it is not easy to say that it is impossible to perfectly block Gulu's attack.

Taking advantage of this moment, Gulu grabbed the fallen gossip furnace and fled directly into the void.

Sikongxiu's spirit power scanned the surroundings, but he didn't notice anything, his expression became extremely ugly.

"Impossible." He yelled, and his soul power swept out again unwillingly, checking the radius of tens of thousands of miles regardless of consumption.

He didn't believe, he didn't believe that Guru could disappear completely into his perception so easily.

Gulu appeared too fast just now, and his attention was all on Lingzhi's side, so he didn't even see Gulu's appearance clearly.

If he could see clearly, he wouldn't be so reckless.

Yi Sikongxiu's experience and status back then, he must have seen or knew the Guru family.

"You despicable villain!" Searching to no avail, Sikongxiu glared at Lexus, wishing to take Lexus alive.

This holy grade pill, I don't know how much energy it consumes, it is related to whether he can suppress Xingtian's body and step into the ancestral holy realm in one fell swoop.

But now, he was taken away by Lexus.

"Despicable?" Ling Zhi sneered, "On despicable, who can compare to you? Are you really confused about your own identity and status?"

Ling Zhi sneered at Sikongxiu, while deliberately glanced at Sikongxiu's side.

There, the little beast's figure slowly emerged, and then the little beast raised his hand and struck Sikongxiu with several waves of Thunder's power. Thunder shot, it only then mobilized the power of the space and disappeared in place, truly Went far away.

This thunder is the little beast's full shot, feeling the power of thunder, Sikongxiu dare not neglect, but think that the little beast is like the previous Lexus, hiding by his side, but he does not know it, a bit of blood is blocked from his chest, and finally Spit out, full of resentment in his eyes.

"Sound better, say you are a traitor, don't sound ugly, aren't you just a dog in the upper realm?" Ling Zhi sneered, and didn't conceal Sikongxiu's disgust.

While talking, he let go of the suppression of his own eyes and grabbed towards the source of all evil.

Since the source of all evil was refined by Xingtian, why not follow the instinct of the eyes and refine it into it.

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