God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2062: Siskin behind

Lexus went out this time for more purpose, to solve the remaining problems in Reincarnation.

And Xing Tian's hidden dangers could definitely threaten the safety of the entire Fallen Leaf Sect. For public and private, he must solve this trouble.

Daozu didn’t kill Xingtian back then. Whether he couldn’t do it, or if he had other considerations, he didn’t know, but after so many years and witnessed the power of Xingtian, Sikongxiu dared to attack Xingtian. Sikongxiu must have his own plan.

Since Jiuding can no longer suppress Xingtian, you might as well let Sikongxiu give it a try.

Ling Zhi's thoughts were conveyed to Jiuding, and Jiuding's posture really gave in, which made Sikongxiu overjoyed, but he was not suspicious.

After all, no matter what he thought, he would not have thought that Lexus would come over and help him accomplish this.

"Well, in fact, I don't need you to do much. The prolonged suppression. I know very well that your own strength has been exhausted, otherwise you won't be so weak." Sikongxiu said.

"I need you, slowly, gradually, one by one to start the suppression, let me take the body of Xingtian bit by bit." Sikongxiu said while preparing.

After reaching a consensus with Jiuding smoothly, time passed quickly.

One of the nine tripods, open first.

Xingtian’s legs fly up into the sky.

That kind of rebellious aura, that kind of domineering posture, that kind of magical intent, even if it's a distance, Lexus felt oppressed.

First beheaded by the Emperor of Heaven, then suppressed by the Dao Ancestor, Jiuding divided the corpses into town. After such a long time, Xing Tian's power has long been wiped out.

Now even a small part of the body has been released, with Jiuding suppressing it, and Xing Tian has already prepared for it, and all kinds of strange things emerge in endlessly.

This time, it was almost smooth sailing without many accidents.

Sikongxiu didn't even make a lot of shots, but went all the way according to his own arrangement.

It has to be said that after the First World War, his understanding of the ancestral sage and the realm of the ancestral sage is unmatched except for the ancestral sage himself.

Following the same method, he started to do it one by one.

It is sigh that the great demon of Xingtian generation ended up like this in the end.

As he stabilized Xing Tian's body bit by bit, although Xing Tian's limbs became more powerful in the future, more and more Jiuding vacated.

Combining the power of Jiuding, Sikongxiu's plan went extremely smoothly, and it made people doubtful and questioned Xing Tian's identity and those rumors.

"This person was able to be in such troubled times, while betraying, while gaining the trust of everyone, and obtaining such a position, really has its own outstanding features, and should not be underestimated." Ling Zhi The alert to Si Kongxiu in his heart also instantly reached the extreme.

Three days later, only the last two tripods remained on the Jiuding Peak on Jiuding Peak, still suppressing Xingtian's things.

In a tripod, it is the weapon of Xingtian.

In a tripod, that eyeball.

Sikongxiu has also adjusted his interest rate adjustment for half a day, but instead of opening the Yiding tripod that suppressed Xingtian's weapon, he moved to the last tripod, in front of the big tripod suppressing the eyeball.

It was also at this time that Ling Zhi was surprised to find that he actually noticed a familiar breath.

A strange tingling sensation filled the depths of his eyes.

There are inexplicable lines that spread along the inside of his eyeballs.

If Ling Zhi could see Sikongxiu's appearance at this moment, he would find that Sikongxiu's current left eye was exactly the same as his previous state of enchantment, which was blood-red.

But it's far less red than Lexus now.

After Zhou Xuanqing's death in the pseudo-world, Lexus's enchanted state discovered a huge change. That change directly caused him to have some inexplicable resonance with this eyeball in Jiuding Peak.

But Sikongxiu's state was Lexus's previous enchanted state.

And, there is only one eye.

Sikongxiu took out a piece of black cloth and covered it in front of his right eye, leaving only the blood-red left eye.

Then he communicated with Jiuding and opened the seal of Dading.

An eyeball that was as red as blood, but similar to that of Mo, burst out of the cauldron, and the **** light instantly enveloped Si Kongxiu.

"It's useless, it's useless." Sikongxiu said, "After knowing that the ancestor suppressed you here, do you know how much time and energy I spent to solve your eyeball? "

Sikongxiu shouted frantically, "If it is not certain that I can deal with you, do you think I will come over and open the seal rashly? Let you out?"

"Do you really think that you accidentally escaped from the Jiuding a few years ago. It is really your ability?" Sikongxiu sneered. "If I didn't make a secret move, how could you escape?"

When Sikongxiu said these words, Jiuding shook instantly and became angry.

Jiuding’s duty is to suppress Xingtian here. How can Jiuding not be angry when he learns that the changes in the past were caused by Sikongxiu's secret action.

And when Jiuding was angry, Ling Zhi followed the mountain road and slowly touched it.

The time has gradually matured. The praying mantis is catching the cicada and the oriole is behind. Sikongxiu, the praying mantis, is about to succeed, and it is time for his oriole to play.

Getting closer, it was clear just now that Xing Tian's body had been pieced together by Sikongxiu, and it was looted directly under his body.

Xing Tian has no head and Si Kongxiu has no body. The combination of the two is just right and perfect.

While facing the eyeballs in the air, Si Kongxiu's words were very domineering, but his expression was solemn, but he couldn't hide it.

It can be seen that his blood-red eyeballs are still somewhat invincible when facing Xing Tian, ​​the eye known as the source of all evil. If Jiuding hadn't helped him suppress it, he was afraid he would have collapsed.

He overestimated his willpower and underestimated the eye refined after Xing Tian was defeated by the Emperor of Heaven.

The eyeballs are like blood, as if to drip blood, floating in the air, and Sikongxiu tit-for-tat, is Sikongxiu winning, refining the opponent, or eyeballs crushing Sikongxiu's mind and awakening the soul of Xingtian.

All in one thought.

In this kind of confrontation, after realizing that Jiuding could not really use it for himself, Sikongxiu also showed some anxiety.

How did he know that Jiuding would help him because of Lexus.

Now Ling Zhi discourages Jiuding, how can Jiuding believe him with such words.

Squinting to see the situation in the field, Lexus's gaze stopped in two places.

One is the source of all evil in the sky.

One is the gossip furnace in Sikongxiu's hands.

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