God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1963: Struggling to cope

Along with blood light, as many as 100 people died under Lexus.

But what can be done?

There are probably no fewer than tens of thousands of martial artists present. What is even more frightening is that there are still a steady stream of people rushing here in the distance.

Mingguo's breath became stronger and stronger, and when this magical medicine appeared here, it was already destined, and Supreme City would directly become the storm center of the pseudo-world.

No one can refuse the temptation of magical medicine, yes, no one can.


When Ling Zhi appeared in a crowd again, when those people were already prepared and didn't even want to collectively pour spiritual power to the place where he appeared, when Ling Zhi backed in embarrassment, he and Bai Qi finally changed It has to be tough.


With a muffled grunt, the people brought out by Bai Qi were hunted and killed as many as ten people within a few breaths.

Fortunately, in the gap where Lexus and the others disturbed everyone, the remaining two tripods finally stabilized again, slowly retreating to the city gate, and contained the city gate.

"Bai Qi, let them quit."

Ling Zhi shouted loudly, said.

The reason why those subordinates from Bai Qi could easily succeed because they were caught off guard.

Now these people have already been well prepared, and they will only die if they stay.

Bai's eyes changed several times. In his opinion, the lives of his subordinates are naturally extremely important, but it is worthwhile to use the lives of these people in exchange for the enemy's inability to organize and attack Tai Shangcheng.

He raised his head and looked at Ling Zhi, looking at Ling Zhi's indisputable eyes, and suddenly sighed in his heart, gave up his persistence, dropped his palm, and shook it gently three times.

This means to gather and retreat.

The remaining soldiers responded quickly.



Accompanied by a sudden scream, many people suddenly realized that the people who were still by their side before and fighting with them suddenly changed their appearance, stabbing the sword into their bodies, carrying their bodies, Their bodies acted as a shield, and they rushed out towards Bai Qi.

After a few breaths, these people returned to Bai Qi's side. They had hidden too deep before, until they returned to Bai Qi's side, no one had time to react and act against them.

But what can be done?

When Bai Qi joined them and quickly retreated toward the rear, this area was not covered by Jiuding.

This means that they have to withstand everyone's attacks, everyone's anger.

Seeing the death of their friends around them, many people have anger in their eyes. The spiritual power in their bodies rushes into the sky, disturbing the sky.

With so many powerful players working together, it is enough to affect the environment within a radius of thousands of miles.

In this gloomy pseudo-world, it caused a majestic rain out of thin air, the rain pattered from the sky and fell down.

But in the face of such an attack, Bai Qi just led his men and quickly retreated in the direction of Supreme City.

He directly exposed his back to all attacks.


At the right moment, the figure of Lexus appeared behind them.

Under this heavy rain, Ling Zhi's body was instantly wetted by the rain, and his long hair was soaked in the rain, draped indiscriminately on his body, and his clothes were moist, which perfectly reflected his figure.

With his cultivation base, if even rain can touch him, there is only one explanation.

That was that Lexus didn't even retain the meager spiritual power of his body guard.

From within Ling Zhi's body, a fire dragon rushed out with a bang.

Welcome to everyone.

The fire dragon was within Lexus's body and was only one meter long, but once it was separated from Lexus's body, all the celestial powers of Lexus that were wrapped in it exploded.

All the celestial spirit powers turned into the fire source of the devouring fire, which caused the fire dragon to skyrocket countless times. It only rushed out several meters, and it was already as large as a hundred meters.

He directly skipped the distance between Ling Zhi and all the enemies and rushed in front of everyone.




Everyone's attacks slammed over, and all fell on the fire dragon.

So much spiritual power suddenly merged into the fire dragon, even if it was the fire of the devouring spirit, it was somewhat unbearable.

It broke apart with a bang.

It was like a real dragon being torn to pieces and falling apart.

Dragon claws, dragon head, dragon body, dragon scales, all flew in all directions.

All of a sudden, it covered up to a thousand meters.

But the fire of the devouring spirit is fire, how can the fire go out because of separation?

As long as there is new energy in the place where the flame is separated, as long as there is new energy in the place where the flame is weak, the single spark can also start a prairie fire.

The spirit power of the sky was swallowed by the fire of devouring spirits, and every part of the dragon body that was separated turned into a new fire dragon again.

In the blink of an eye, as many as several thousand-meter-long fire dragons just straddled the sky.

Towards these people surrounding the Supreme City, culled away.

Although Bai Qi did not look back, his spirit power was always watching the rear. When he saw that Ling Zhi had actually blocked everyone and gave him and his men the time and opportunity to enter the city safely, his heart shook again. .

In Lexus, he saw miracles time and time again.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for these miracles to appear on one person at a time, but the miracles that appeared on Lexus are so traceable and seem to make sense. They should have existed and happened.


It's just that Lexus is not allowed to control the fire dragon to harvest the lives of some enemies. From the city of Supreme, there is a more rapid, magnificent roar.

It was the weird corpse holding the magic medicine of Mingguo.

"Not good." Ling Zhi's heart was shocked. Li Bai had not come out with him before. Even Li Bai and Shui Wuxun joined forces, and Yin Meng and Shu Feiyao were helping each other. They were not able to suppress the weird corpse. It shows that the strength of the other party is beyond their imagination.

A drop of cold sweat instantly appeared on Lexus' forehead. He gritted his teeth and glanced at the front, no longer hesitating anymore, turned and rushed towards the Supreme City with a group of Bai Qi.

After he left, the fire dragon instantly lost control, and rushed towards some places with abundant spiritual power. After killing some people, the enemy was finally separated from the Dao soldiers by formation, one after another. , Quickly dissipated in the air.

Ling Zhi and the others rushed under the two big cauldrons, looking back at the scene, they also felt helpless in their hearts.

Encounters on their stomachs and backs make them tired to cope.

Pushing open the gate, Lexus staggered before stepping into the gate, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood could no longer be suppressed, and it was sprayed on the gate.

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