God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1962: Join hands

It's hard to imagine why they are so crazy, so desperate.

When the old woman was in the lower realm, why were they so cautious, so panicked, so overwhelmed, and so embarrassed.

If they were able to attack the old woman with such an offensive in the first time, even a half-ancestral realm powerhouse like the old woman would be the same as this Jiuding. Under attack after attack, they would directly lose the ability to resist and die.

Perhaps, human nature is inherently humble?

When they launched the fourth wave of attacks, Ling Zhi and Bai Qi finally rushed to the city gate.

Without any hesitation, Ling Zhi pinched a few law decisions in his hand, and thousands of figures rushed out along the city gate in an instant.

It is the method of throwing beans into a soldier.

This is the law of the first emperor.

The figure condensed by throwing beans into a soldier is calculated based on the strength of the operator.

For example, Ling Zhi can now condense tens of thousands of King Realm, as well as thousands of Saint King Realm.

It even condenses hundreds of holy kings in the second-tier realm.

But these figures are different from the condensed method of the One Qi Transformation Three Purity.

The one-qi-transformation-three-cleansing technique condenses a clone, an existence that can fight continuously.

But what is condensed by throwing beans into soldiers, regardless of strength, only has one blow.

And it's very fragile, abandoning all the defensive power, leaving only the offensive power.

At this moment, under the guidance of Ling Zhi's mind, these figures followed Jiuding's defense and quickly left the Supreme City, passed under the Jiuding, and approached the crowd in front.

Some people who reacted quickly made a few dull noises when they landed on Jiuding because of the insufficient number of people.

The battlefield situation changed rapidly.

These thousands of figures rushed out from under Jiuding almost instantly and stood in front of everyone.

Then they didn't care about anything, just to their heart's content, releasing all their strength.

They don't need to keep any power in the body, let alone think about the blow, whether they are alive or dead, and can survive.

So every bit of their strength can be used to the greatest extent.

At this moment, this move that Lexus played was even more powerful than the move that Shi Huang used in the starry sky back then!

The surging power, like a vast ocean, smashed to the opposite side, accompanied by a gale.

Just like their previous blow, now it's rewinding and hitting them.

They don't have a defense like Jiuding, just a contact, a whole row of hundreds of people on the front line were directly harvested, and their bodies were broken and penetrated by spiritual power.

At the same time they were frightened, Ling Zhi and Bai Qi glanced at each other. Ling Zhi's finger touched the gate of Supreme City. As a gap opened and closed, he, Bai Qi, and dozens of soldiers behind Bai Qi, Disappeared.

Once out of the city gate, Lexus immediately disappeared under the blessing of the power of space.

Bai Qi shook his thumb slightly, and the group of people behind him quickly dispersed. The clothes on his body changed in an instant, and even the appearance and so on had subtle changes.

In the blink of an eye, taking advantage of the panic caused by Ling Zhi's blow, he even took the opportunity to flash into the crowd, disappearing one by one, not knowing where they were and what they were going to do.

Bai Qi was the only one who did not hide.

He rushed straight forward at the fastest speed.

Along the way, someone naturally noticed him, and while exclaiming, most of them quickly lost the white figure.

Until Bai Qi stopped his speed again, he had already reached the place where he had been bombarded by the method of throwing beans into an army.

Several consecutive strong men who were able to withstand the blow, but with some injuries, had not had time to react. They saw a spear flashing past him with cold light, clutching his blood-spraying neck. Fell down.

He killed dozens of people in rapid succession and fiercely. It was only at the last moment that Bai Qi twisted his body, and then disappeared into the crowd under the cover of some corpses.

Some warriors who had witnessed all this with their own eyes became panic instantly.

Everyone can see that Bai Qi is powerful, but now most people don't know that he has come in, and whoever knows him, doesn't know where he is.

Reminiscent of the brutality that Bai Qi had done before, this group of people became very frightened.

It seems that in the next moment, he will appear behind them, give them a shot, and take their lives.

And perhaps as they expected.

Bai Qi's plan to assassinate them without a word has indeed been distributed.

It's just that he didn't come by himself, but his subordinates.

Taking advantage of the moment when everyone's attention was attracted by Lexus and Bai Qi, these dozens of soldiers had already sneaked into the crowd.

When Bai Qi escaped into the crowd and disappeared, they just started to do it.

They often use a short knife at their waist to take the enemy's vitals directly.

This specially-made assassination dagger, when it pierces the enemy's body, its power will directly focus on the martial artist's brain, which is the location of the Shenting acupoint.

Unless they are too far apart in strength, being stabbed by them at such a close distance will definitely be the end of the battle.

This group of people would retreat as soon as they touched it. No matter whether they succeeded or not, they only made one cut. After the cut, they drew straight away and disappeared into the crowd again.

Many times, many people just look at the people next to them inexplicably, and suddenly fall down, without knowing what happened.

This panicked mood spread among the crowd, and the attacks that caused many people to regroup, involuntarily dissipated, leaving the spiritual power in the body and using it to protect themselves.

But behind the crowd, where they hadn't noticed, there was already a demon.

Lexus was already stronger than these people, and at this moment, he had to use the power of space to carry out some assassinations, which was extremely easy.

He and Bai Qi thought of going together, this group of people are fighting alone, Ling Zhi is not afraid of anyone, and Bai Qi is not afraid.

But these people are united, and any blow to Jiuding can directly kill Lexus and Baiqi several times.

It is impossible to resist the hard-headedness positively, it is looking for death.

The best way is to prevent this group of people from organizing such an attack, distract them, and let them all risk themselves and protect themselves.

Lexus made his moves very quickly. He often used the power of space to suddenly appear in a place, and then pressed down with both hands, gravity pressed down, and slammed a whole piece of dozens of people directly on the ground.

The Weeping Blood Sword flew up and took the lives of these people in an instant.

When the people around him could see his appearance clearly and wanted to attack him, they could only see a flash of blood passing by, and Ling Zhi had already appeared in another place.

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