God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1920: Unexpected (four)

The Weeping Blood Sword in Ling Zhi's hand was like a real flying sword. Under the control of his soul power, it directly let go, and went straight up through the air.

It almost turned a perfect 90-degree turn, and then rushed towards He An Bai from top to bottom.

"One move, if he can't survive even one move, even if you waste your soul power to fight with me, it's just wasted." In front of the Shennong clan, and another figure of An Bai looked at the Shennong clan and sneered.

Since Shennong's shot, he was out of anger.

Although he wanted to save his own power, he dared to compete with him against a remnant soul like Shennong, especially after he had confessed to each other, he appeared to despise him even more.

He Anbai naturally doesn't care about the opinions of others, but he has to care about the attitude that others show when they are in front of him.

For him, this is a kind of contempt and offense.

Just like the emperor of the world, he lives high in the palace, and he will not ask for the opinions of people who care about him in remote places.

But when people from these remote places appeared in front of him, he must have these people kneel down to see him.

"Waste or not is my business, and my choice has nothing to do with you." Shennong said lightly, touching lightly between his palms and fingers, but there was a strong force that collided with Anbai, and each other Stalemate.

He An Bai was about to speak, but Shennong suddenly jerked his hand. Just as He An Bai's power was about to hit him, he suddenly reached out and grabbed a distant star field.

It's like picking a flower and taking off an elixir, doing it at your fingertips.

However, the light in my starfield suddenly dimmed for a few minutes, as if the starlight was held in the hands of Shennong, and then swiftly and violently, Shennong was caught in his hands and shot forward.

He An Bai's face appeared astonished for the first time.

"You, you unexpectedly..." He couldn't speak in shock.

"If he can survive a move, it will naturally have an extraordinary meaning." Shennong said peacefully, the starlight flowing from between his palms and fingers, all impacting on He An Bai's body.

He An Bai's body was twisted for a while, and the aura of being impacted by the stars disappeared.

He stood here, talking several times, but he didn't think of it.

That is, he felt that another power could kill Lexus in a second, but he didn't realize that Shennong had such a method and directly killed him in a second.

"But you are just a remnant soul after all, and you don't even have a physical body!" Suddenly, He An Bai yelled unwillingly, and his body retreated madly.

As he receded, his body was still weakening and fading.

On the other hand, on Lexus's side, his timely change of moves made this figure on his side also showed a look of surprise on his face, but it was just a surprise.

He lightly flicked his hand up, and then grabbed the Weeping Blood Sword.

"My life soldier fell into my hand, so I will kill you with your soldier." He An Bai sneered. In the blink of an eye, after Lexus changed his move on the spot, he still accurately grasped the Weeping Blood Sword.

However, Lexus's expression did not change at all, and his momentum did not decrease at all.

Ling Zhi looked at the invincible He An Bai, and suddenly said, "I made a move, and you caught my sword. There is a fundamental difference between me and the sword I deliberately let you grab."

He An Bai's body was startled, before he had time to speak, Lexus's spirit power suddenly spewed out, and the essence of spirit power and the Weeping Blood Sword formed a consistent resonance, and the Weeping Blood Sword was in his mind, and there was water droplets from it. Seep out.

This is the water after nine days of blue sky and yellow spring, and Tianyisheng water.

He An Bai subconsciously urged the strength in his body and slammed towards these drops of water, trying to knock these drops of water away and not let them get close to his body.

However, Tianzheng’s water is the most soft water, there is no way to hurt him, but it has incomparable flexibility, so his blow is like a huge rock into the pool, although it caused a huge The waves, but quickly disappeared without a trace, as if it had no effect.

On the contrary, the water from the blue and yellow spring splashed on him, and he was caught off guard.

A faint white smoke appeared on He An Bai's body, and his movement was blocked, but Lexus was smoking a Weeping Blood Sword and quickly backed away, pulling away.

So far, Lexus has survived a move.

This kind of picture naturally fell into the eyes of Shennong and the others. Shennong's expression was not surprised by the ancient well.

It was this Dao He An Bai's figure, and the mood fluctuated greatly.

"You didn't realize that he and I were originally from the same root!"

He An Bai suddenly laughed grimly, and the figure suddenly exploded out of thin air.

The sky full of stars directly penetrated where he was, but this figure turned into a force again, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

As for the figure standing in front of Ling Zhi, his body shook slightly, as if countless dust rushed out of his body, his aura suddenly doubled.

This is a real accident, an accident that people cannot imagine.

Because of this way of fighting, this kind of two-body unity, in real battles, it won't actually happen.

Therefore, the Shennong clan was also a little dazed, turned his head to look at Lingzhi, and a bit of bitterness appeared in his heart.

Even he couldn't help Lexus in such a situation.

And even if he is twice as powerful as he is, he can't deal with it at will in his current state, let alone Lexus?

Lexus who only has the soul body.

He An Bai just waved his hand gently, and Ling Zhi felt that the starry sky was under the control of the other party, and he was rejected unexpectedly.

Although relying on his own space rules to forcibly stabilize his body, he was still seriously injured.

Any trace of injury suffered by the soul body is a hundred times more serious than the physical injury.

His soul body was damaged, and a lot of soul power was consumed, so that he could no longer control his own soul power floating beside him.

These spirit powers just drifted away towards the void, and disappeared into the stars in the blink of an eye.

"Disintegration?" Shennong finally let out a cry of anger. This is a complete death, even in his cognition, as long as it is completely disintegrated, it is impossible to be saved.

Thinking of a younger generation with unlimited potential who was about to die in front of him, Shennong's body was trembling slightly.

Ling Zhi felt extremely weak, a sense of serious injury and dying, and even opening his eyes became extremely difficult.

However, when he passed the Shennong clan's side, some of the spirit power he radiated out quietly drifted into the abdomen of the Shennong clan, as if through an endless distance, penetrated into the planet where the evil demon clan was located.

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